I do believe I had my first lucid dream in several months. Not that I was even trying for one, but hey, they're free to come to me.

The weird thing about this dream was I only remembered it when I was going to sleep roughly a day after - it's really hard, but I know it happened, but I'm not sure when. Perhaps up to three nights ago. Anyway, I decided to post it as I suppose it's a nice little milestone. There I was sitting in bed when suddenly the dream flooded back to me like a ton of bricks, it was quite odd and it felt like an concentrated feeling of nostalgia had hit me in the stomach. Yeah.

It's night on another world, one which I somehow know in the dream is like another "parallel universe" (for lack of a better term) where Earth and such dosen't exist. Basically, it means I am free to roam about this new world without having to worry about money, work, or any of those evils. So I'm feeling quite happy and content.

The landscape is odd. When I think of it now, it was several things at once. My dreams always have an very, very low amount of coherency to them and never ever are anything like reality, but I still neglect to notice this in my dreams and they appear to make sense to me until I wake up and reflect upon them. It was both an beautiful, dark expansive landscape with grass, a long fence nearby and an sort of hobbit house, although not exactly, a little way down on my left making an nice homely sort of light come out of the window and shine on the floor. Really pretty.

I remember I was thinking about wizards when suddenly I thought "I'm Lucid". Then I thought "This is great, how nice. But hang on a minute - wait. I know what this is. This is one of those dreams where I say I'm lucid then think I'm lucid but actually I'm not. We can't have that. Okay, I'm lucid for real. I well and truly am." I rubbed my hands or something and felt that sort of rush of excitement you get when actually lucid. Then I woke up.

And in hindsight, I know I wasn't lucid. At least not completely there, just on the point of becoming lucid. It was like one of those "let's pretend" dreams where I "pretend" I'm lucid in a dream without actually knowing I am lucid, except this time in my dream I displayed a bit more logic and I noticed that it was going to end up like one of those "let's pretend I'm lucid" dreams, so I took steps to stop that. I defintely wasn't "all there" and wasn't quite conscious of myself and it being a dream, but I expect if I hadn't woke up at that point, I might of actually managed it.

Ah well.

I should also note that at that point where I thought it was going to end up being one of the "lets pretend dreams", I became more lucid, and at that point it was if this sort of glass that surrounded me and stopped the dream from being completely lifelike and a bit more "cardboardy" had shattered. There were a couple of seconds where everything seemed very real and great, but then it all went again. Thing is this never usually happens. My dreams aren't good in clarity and I never seem fully there, just a sort of detached observer with an clouded vision of things. In that slither of time, though, I felt *there*. I felt myself standing and it felt utterly real. In summary, it felt great.

the end.