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    About 0001265

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    Date of Birth
    September 30
    About 0001265
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    I live in United Kingdom\Twickenham I work for an Aerospace industry company as IT Support. I have been experiencing dreaming for 6 years and started the lucid dreaming 4 years ago. I lost count of how many lucid dreams I have had in that time. I enjoy going to sleep every night and try to improve my techniques, I have only one true friend though, but I want to make more friends. I enjoy Music: such as ACDC, Gaming music and Anime music and film soundtracks. I like SCIFI,Thriller and comedy films. I enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge.
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    Films, Music, Tai-chi, Dreaming
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    1. gab
      gab liked post by 0001265 On thread : Hello to the Dreaming Community
      irc chat room cool, thanks for that
      Liked On: 06-11-2015, 07:19 AM
    2. BrutalNightmare
      BrutalNightmare liked post by 0001265 On thread : Hey!! ;D
      Hi Jessica Your right of course, nightmares are scary and sometimes very brutal but they can be dealt with in a number of ways, IM (instant message) me I will help you through them, I have helped...
      Liked On: 06-08-2015, 04:43 PM
    3. gab
      gab liked post by 0001265 On thread : Hello to the Dreaming Community
      Hello DV Members I am new to DV, but not new to Lucid Dreaming, my dreaming adventures began 6 years ago, when I searched for the first time about dreaming on google and found a subject called...
      Liked On: 06-04-2015, 09:39 PM
    View 0001265's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    On Deep Space 9 Looking for answers

    by 0001265 on 07-26-2016 at 10:47 AM
    I remember before I went to bed feeling my chakra energy really flowing and remember setting the intention to find out what really happened in the missing memory gap when I was very young.

    As I went of to sleep, I found myself in control on my dream, but only on a certain setting, I couldn't manipulate the area of the place I was in, nor transport myself to another area, but I could manifest objects and people to a degree. I recognized that I was on Deep space 9 on the promenade. I decided since Ops is the central area to go there for answers, on my way I met with several of the the characters of the show referring to me as Ensign King as they passed me, I said good day to them and moved along I had met along the way to the lift Kira, Dax, and Odo. As I managed to get to the lift to ops I stated "OPS", and lift started to move but it did not go to ops it went to a habitat ring, I again repeated "OPS" but it still would not move, so I decided to take a walk around where it had brought me, Some of the rooms opened as I walked pass them, at first I thought nothing of it, then I felt I needed to see what was in them, I cant remember all of what I saw, but some had memories from my childhood, I remember seeing myself back in school, then brushing it off and moving along the corridor to next room as I got the door again the door opened but I saw a figure appear along the the corridor. A female person with brunette hair, I idmediately ran after her, I got to a door that had closed behind her tried to overwrite it, and thought, I not getting anywhere this way, so I crawled through the access panel tubes trying to go around and wound up in.... I loss the plot from this point on, I remember some more weird things happened from this point, but can't remember exactly what.
    lucid , dream fragment

    Church and Fire and disaster

    by 0001265 on 06-06-2015 at 01:10 PM
    Sat 06/06/2015 2nd dream

    To experience this dream while people read it I will try to go into as much detail as possible about what the church looks like.

    (Those of you who have been to St James church Twickenham Middlesex will know what the church looks like from the inside).

    My Church is Small it has about 18 benches either side two large alcoves at the end of a walkway, one to the right where a choir normally is with an electric organ,

    One to the left where more people can sit and a podium to read the gospels.

    At the Center alcove end down the end there is the altar and on every wall there are glass windows.

    For this dream you will need to know about these locations

    The Dream started of like as if I was going to play the organ like normal for a mass (I was not lucid at this point). There was still 15 minutes before mass started, so I had plenty of time to practice.

    I went up to the organ to sit down and prepare to play, the organs keys were not there, instead was a PC Keyboard and if i touched the keyboard there was organ keys sounds coming out of it.
    I thought to myself "how am I going to play the Portuguese National Anthem now?".

    There were a lot of people who I knew there and some I did not who looked Portuguese. I was starting to get very concerned and left the organ to find the priest and asked what happened to the organ keys, I couldn't find him and ended up going back to the organ, then found the keys had returned and there was a choir and another organist sitting there, so I decided to take another seat and let them do the mass. A few minutes later the mass started and there was a woman 2 meters away from me holding some sort of candle, and another person holding a staff with a frock on the end. The candle set the frock on fire and both of them had to rush out of the church.

    There was a lot of confusion at this point and the mass was stopped.

    Everyone could see the women out of the window where the choir was and hear them shouting at each other.

    It was then I realized this wasn't possible, because the real windows are above the ground, and these ones were close to the ground, so they had shifted position, I was starting to realise things were not as they seemed in life, then the women crashed through the window, I got startled, but then realised, This can not be real, I must be drea....

    and woke up again.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Looking for a sale

    by 0001265 on 06-06-2015 at 10:17 AM
    Before I type this, I just want DV members to know, that normally, this type of dream would stay in a secret dream journal, because I would wan't want people in the world to know about a certain secret/passion of mine. I have come realise though this site I can share this secret, because if I get any emails about it, or replies from people I know, I will find out they are also DV members, also I would want to know if other share the same passion.

    Sat 06 June 2015
    1st Dream

    I had entered this dream around afternoon time (dreamworld time) I had been going around a department store looking for a present for someone (not sure who) The store look kinda familiar and was big (I was still not lucid at this point), I went down an isle objects such as clothes and perfumes at my side, then I went an escalator to the next floor I saw a large square in the middle of the floor covered with various gifts but one in particular caught my eye. The was 2 boxes large long like big oblong with a see through window and my passion in plain sight. The boxes had large uninflated balloons 24 inch (round) in them. At this point I had to hold myself from making any reaction, because there were to many people around, there were even more balloons around other kind of stalls, I knew if I made to much of a reaction my secret would be exposed, I decided to walk away take a breather, the price wasn't bad either £10.94 I thought why not (I can find a way to hide them), then I came back and tried purchase one box. the box was being in a raffle rather than a sale. I was disappointed but thought (it is not meant to be) so I was about to walk away when suddenly I noticed that the box had got smaller, and asked if that was the box that was there a while ago, the sales woman who I spoke to said "yes, it hasn't been changed, why do you ask"

    At this I realised "I must be Dreamin....

    And Woke Up, cursing in my mind that from that point I wasn't able to stay lucid and enjoy a deep desire of mine.
    lucid , non-lucid