• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Aeolar and Zelkova

    6 Visitor Messages

    1. Happy Birthday! I could not forget to celebrate your birthday! I know every day is.
    2. Of course you would like me as a friend.

      For victory and glory!

      As a sword currently stuck in a stone, I to also have trained myself to have lucid dreams. You may wish to read my dream journal. Should I remind you task number 452? You must attend my daily 5 hour recitation session, this will help you on that task.

      I will of course will be reading your dream journal meister during my morning cup of coffee and cream.
    3. Fool! You seem to have forgotten task number 058. When I'm humming a tune to myself, you must not speak!
    4. Fool! I was testing you! That was task number 274 out of 1000.
    5. Fool! I do not know this "guy" you speak of.

      My legend began in the 12th century...
    6. OMFG!!! That guy is amazing. I <3 you.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6