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      you blocked PMing? T^T anyway, nice to meet you. I'm your partner for IOSDP! finally I've found someone who lives in GMT -5
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    1. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by DeepThort On thread : Success and Mirrors
      I want to try and create a mirror maze in my dream. I think this will be a good way to confront any fear of mirrors.
      Liked On: 09-06-2011, 02:27 PM
    2. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Tranquil Toad On thread : Lucid Dreaming as Shamanic Consciousness
      Interesting article addressing the deeper potentials of lucid dreaming. Basically suggesting that when one stops their obsession with controlling every aspect of the dream, it allows for contact...
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 04:17 PM
    3. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Ikkalebob On thread : Success and Mirrors
      It most certainly is. Same goes for WILDs, SP and just about any other lucid dreaming experience that can be linked with fear. I used to panick about hypnagogia but when it happens you get annoyed at...
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 04:05 PM
    4. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : Smiles & waves
      Welcome to Dream Views, Ahsaka. Enjoy your stay, and good luck in your endeavors! :>
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 02:16 PM
    5. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Darkmatters On thread : Smiles & waves
      :okbyenow: You have indeed come to the right place. OBE's (out of body experiences) and astral projection are common effects of the WILD technique, so practice that with an eye toward it.
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 02:16 PM
    6. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Rhyan420 On thread : Smiles & waves
      Hey, and welcome to DV! In case you didn't already know If you want to learn a little bit about shared dreaming ->http://www.dreamviews.com/f144/ is a good place to start. And Beyond Dreaming...
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 02:16 PM
    7. Ahsaka
      Ahsaka liked post by Erii On thread : Smiles & waves
      You will love this site ^_^ Have fun~
      Liked On: 09-01-2011, 02:16 PM
    View Ahsaka's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dex, School, Disobedient Dog

    by Ahsaka on 09-16-2011 at 05:29 AM
    1. I had to fix an older style tv to watch Dexter. I was very disappointed to see the show start off with Dexter in a pink ballet outfit. I watched the show despite my displeasure with this episode.

    2. Typical school dream in which I wandered around trying to find my home room class. I knew where all my other classrooms were but could not find home room. I went into the bathroom where I looked into a mirror to find that I had switched genders! I retreated to a bathroom stall to investigate my newly formed body parts.

    3. Dogs were everywhere. My dog was in the midst of them and would not come back to me no matter how much I called and order her to heel.

    Graves, CatPelts, Closet Void, Blizzard

    by Ahsaka on 09-13-2011 at 12:41 PM
    1. I was cleaning up a grave yard. Someone had tipped over all the tombstones and I took it upon myself to right them. At some point I also fell into a grave that was half dug open.

    2. I was at a house helping someone with repairs. We came into a room to discover hundreds of cat pelts laying all over the floor. Some still had the heads attached. I had to find out who would do such a terrible thing.

    3. Lucid: Woke at 3:13am, drank, back to bed
    Dream started off OBE like. I floated out of my body and into a vertical position before landing on the floor. I began looking through drawers and cupboards with the feeling that something important was waiting to be discovered. A hallway closet was empty, a void. I picked up a shoe and tossed it into the void. It disappeared into the darkness. I don't hear it land anywhere. I decide to just do it and jump in. But I didn't fall down. I fell forward and horizontally into the blackness. I keep falling and I do not recall if I fell into a new dream or if I might have awakened.

    4. I was outside when a vicious blizzard decides to strike. I can't even see a foot ahead of myself. When the blizzard finally dies down I am surrounded by giant snow drifts. Shapes adorn the drifts. Some are just hand prints. Others are names. One is a large heart that is a message to me. I can't remember the message but I stomped through the snow to write a message back that said, "I know. See you soon." I then tried to find my way to shelter.
    lucid , non-lucid

    31st Shared Dreaming Attempt - Ahsaka's Dreams

    by Ahsaka on 09-12-2011 at 01:10 PM
    1. I was trying to gain access to a celebrity event. After much rejection I became frustrated and wished I looked more like a celebrity. I suddenly changed into Selena Gomez (lol) and finally was accepted into the event. Once inside I was incredibly bored and left. People followed me thinking I was Selena even though I told them I was not.

    2. I visited a friend of mine who knows Aztec dancers. I wanted to find out their next presentation. I deduced that I could use them as a means to dream myself to Mexico. I also asked my friend how to correctly pronounce 'Chicken' Itza. Perhaps I wasn't thinking the name properly and this was what was holding me back from accomplishing the dream sharing goal.

    3. Class was monstrously boring.

    -and a couple more I can't properly recall at the moment-

    30th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Ahsaka

    by Ahsaka on 09-12-2011 at 12:57 PM
    Ahsaka's Dreams

    1. While walking along a frozen river I noticed a light shining up from under the ice. A car was submerged, it's headlights still illuminated. I called for help and we tried to break through the ice to the vehicle.

    2. At my mothers some men rudely barged in and began taking her possessions, claiming that if she can't pay back the money she owes then they will take her belongings to cover the debt. I am surprisingly calm during this and talked with one of the men about his line of work.

    3. My laptop gets a virus and someone named Leo or Leon X takes control of it. Instead of getting upset I simply watched as he accessed all kinds of interesting information via my laptop. Most of the websites he visited are paranormal in nature.

    4. I suddenly decided to strip off my pants and underpants and take a walk around the neighbor hood. As I walked I was not bothered at all by the fact that everything down below was exposed. Instead I felt liberated and wondered why I hadn't done this before.

    5. I was reading a book about brain chemistry and the effects of different substances on it. There was a part on dreaming that was interesting. It basically stated that dreaming makes one more intelligent because dreams make it easier for neurotransmitters to bridge the synaptic cleft.

    6. I was very exhausted. I looked into a mirror. My reflection appeared corpse like. I wondered what was wrong with me. I looked perfectly fine yesterday. I think it is time I see a doctor. It's been a long time since I've been to one.

    De-Housed, Falls UFO

    by Ahsaka on 09-10-2011 at 06:28 AM
    1. An old man with a white hair and beard moved in and took over my house, which in this dream, was a gothic-esque mansion. I moved into a trailer alone in the outskirts of the back yard. I was happy there. Life was uncomplicated. Life at the mansion, however, appeared to be busy and chaotic.

    2. I was on vacation in a warm place that reminded me of Mexico. I admired a set of cascading waterfalls that roared, with a near conscious ferocity, over rust colored cliffs and down into a jungle carpeted valley. A silver UFO zipped into view and stole our attention away from the water falls. Some people ran away, terrified. I stood there quite stupidly gawking at the reflective UFO until it zipped away again.