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    1. View Conversation
      Hehe..LDs.. Well the real world has its good things too!
      Good luck on tomorrow morning. Let's hope you have a butt kickin' lucid dream!
    2. Both my LDs were WBTBs. In the late morning-like. I can usually go back to sleep on any given day and still have an hour of REM. I use that to my advantage. The only setback is that I lose day-hours. But what's better? LD or real world? Hm. That's a tough question actually. XD

      I must be special. or I just relax easily. Tomorrow I won't have anything in the morning. I'm warning my family to not wake me next morning. I wanna get this!
    3. View Conversation
      Have you ever tried to do a WILD in a WBTB? Tonight's my night, I think.
    4. View Conversation
      Heyy, I know how that feels. Well, actually, my first LD was about 10 minutes long.
    5. View Conversation
      Woww. For me, it takes me a while before I fall asleep. Usually, when I WBTB and WILD, I have to do the method, and it takes me about 8 minutes to the least. I've never reached SP once. Wow, so it only takes you 30 seconds to reach SP? to me, that's amazingg. I think the problem is is that my method makes me too awake..or I am like a really light sleeper. But if you weren't doing anything to stay aware until SP, wouldn't you fall asleep?
    6. View Conversation
      The beach is a great idea. I can't wait either! It's going to be so fun So how long was your longest lucid dream so far? You talked about how you got into SP very quickly in your post. What method did you use for WILDing?
    7. View Conversation
      The beach is a great idea. I can't wait either! It's going to be so fun So how long was your longest lucid dream so far? You talked about how you got into SP very quickly in your post. What method did you use for WILDing?
    8. View Conversation
      Hola! ^_^
      We should totally have a shared dream once I start having successful WILDs.
      Btw, nice planning out your dream goals!
    9. View Conversation
      Ahhh, oh well, sounds like a fun attempt at least
      My arms always go first too! The vibrations/numbness they get is always the most intense in my body when I try to WILD or when I hit SP.

      You know, come to think of it. SP/hypnogogia are pretty fun by themselves haha.

      Anyway, prepare yourself for WBTB tonight!!!
    10. View Conversation
      Best of luck and sweet dreams
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    About AngelOfLife

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    April 25
    About AngelOfLife
    LD Count:
    at least 5
    I am obsessed with the Beatles. I am a hardcore female, but deep down inside I just want to share a dream with my loves...
    Behind the screen.
    Listening to music, singing, dreaming, recalling memories, learning useless facts.
    RandomonitiziniziniziniziniziniWATERMELON victim's rights activist
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    Living is easy with eyes closed.

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    Eat MALFOY CHOCOLATE![] Share a dream[] Kiss someone[XX] Summon Paul McCartney![] Fire a superweapon[]


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    4/29/11 - El Tauro!

    by AngelOfLife on 04-29-2011 at 12:23 PM
    Wow I almost forgot about this forum... well really I never forgot, but i haven't been on in forever. And I just happened to stop by again when I realized I really DID have a dream last night!

    Sooooo... I can't exactly remember most of it, but I think I was having a completely-innocent-sleep-over-super-spectacular, with most of my friends, which were pretty much all the boys, and my girl friend Devin. I was waiting for them to arrive at my meeting place. I was waiting, at a sort of ghetto. There were a lot of bums and hoboes here, most of which had long beards and such.

    The only boys that actually arrived, as I can recall, were Dylan (my "cousin"), David, Ben, and Josh. This was really cool cause they are like the nicest guys around. We started playing a game of.......tennisoccer? when one of the bums got hit with whatever ball we were using. Josh had to go get it, because he had thrown it. Or kicked it. I don't remember.

    Then for a second or two, we were in a classroom together, and all of us were talking like crazy people, just having fun, and David got called on to answer a question. He had to clear his throat so his voice wouldn't be all squeaky and laughing, and it made me giggle because the teacher did not realize.

    Then we bused over to my house, where it was getting late, and we all had gotten into...pj's. Or what those boys + Devin called pj's. Ben had a navy polo shirt on (as usual) and David was still in the same old sweatshirt (which does not surprise me because that is what he had done at Dylan's actual birthday). We all started talking about sports, I think, and what was the difference between a sport and a game.

    This is the part of the dream that made me realize "Oh yeah!I did have a dream!". Ben mentioned Bull-Fighting. And he decided to pretend to be a bull, and charge at me. I put a pretend red-flag in front of me, and he ran up to it and missed. So I caught him in my arms and told him "try again". He went away and tried again, and each time, just to annoy him, I would grab him and tell him to "try again!" I'm sure the real Ben would try again and again anyway. The fourth time, I just donk'd him with my elbow, and by that point everyone else was looking at me like I was insane.

    So we all switched the subject to Portal 2, and after that i totally blank! GOSH darnit. lol, see you guys when I come back from another hiatus.

    10/29/10 (I'm revisiting this because I missed it.....)

    by AngelOfLife on 11-02-2010 at 12:16 AM
    I know It's already November 1st but I want to revisit this dream because it was weird and cool.

    It was a short dream, and I had a few dreams before it that were similar, but not as eerie. It was eerie, yes, but it was eerily meaningful. And I liked it. :3

    I was in the cafeteria lunch line getting some Chex Mix. And I think some lemonade. And I was paying for my stuff when I noticed one of my friends was....hovering around me. He was.... standing near me. Eerily. Maybe not so like a creeper, but it was strange for him. And in this dream he was even TALLER than usual, so he was towering over me. I let him do that because I was not unfazed, but soon I had enough, and I looked up. I had to literally lean back and look up to catch a glimpse of his eyes.
    "What?" I asked innocently. He smiled at me wickedly, as if he knew something.

    It might be a good idea to mention that it was tacitly known that I was in a coma before getting to the cafeteria. Like, for a week. I don't know how I knew or anyone else did, but that is crucial. There was also some sort of "play" that was performed when I was knocked out. Everyone had went instead of me.

    Anyway, I asked him what. He smiled this satisfied little smile and replied, "Come with me. I want to tell you something."
    So I followed him to the end of the room where there were less people. And I grew excited because I thought he was going to tell me something important. He turned around and I stared up.

    "Do you remember that play you missed? The one that went on when you were asleep?"
    "Yeh, Everyone went except for me." I frowned. He smiled.
    He half-stepped closer. "Not Everybody." He smiled even wider, and his eyes sparkled.
    "What are you getting at?" I asked, incredulously.
    His face receded back into genuine goodness. "I didn't go. Because I never left your bedside when you were asleep. While they watched the play, I was waiting for you to wake up."

    My heart lifted, and I was happy. I remembered a scene from futurama when Fry was consoling Leela in a coma. I imagined this guy in his place, and I hugged him.
    "That is the sweetest thing ever!" I cried from nestled into his chest. Then the dream ended. sadness.

    Third LD! 7/13/10! -the first REAL one-

    by AngelOfLife on 07-13-2010 at 01:59 PM
    I say this is the first REAL LD because it was the first of its kind. And also the first one where I wasn't just in my bedroom freaking out. I actually made a scene and went there. You'll see. If anyone knows what kind of LD this is (i'm thinking a long drawn-out DILD) please comment and put it there.

    I'll start out with a briefing of my night. I could not get ANY sleep. I woke up at 2:00 and tried normally going to sleep multiple times, with no avail. So I got my phone and listened to a playlist, and drew a picture.
    After this, I read a sort-of wiki site about movie tropes. It's my kind of place to be. I did this until 5:45.

    So then, I decided to try WILDing. Sorta like a WBTB WILD. I was very successful getting an amazing SP, and I even felt a dream body, but then my mom decided to wake up and make noise. Second try, And the dog decides to come upstairs and jump on me. I curse at her and try one more time, this time I just let myself slip asleep.

    In my dreams that I'm not writing, I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I was asleep. But not until I saw a family of suitcase-head people did I decide to yell out to the world, "I'm dreaming! These suitcase people are impossible!" They disappeared, and I ended up in my dreamscape.

    (Lucid=blue, semi=red)
    I found myself in a mini-mall type place. There were people I knew and recognized there. One was my old reading teacher. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a straw hat. I looked at him and said loudly, "You aren't real! This is a dream!" Everybody looked at me like I was crazy.

    I tried saying "Accio wand" so I could perform magic, but I realized I needed a WAND to perform Accio so that failed miserably.

    I heard my phone beep, as in an incoming text message. I turned to the sound and saw David and Dylan on this random couch. I went around to join them and assumed David was the one with my phone. So I took it from him, and saw he was playing this mind-reader-cryptic-random app. I tried typing "you're in a dream" into the funky keyboard, but it was turned into "cutey-boy sky" so I grunted and gave it back to him.

    He leaned over next to me so I could watch.
    I must've only been semi-lucid, because I wasn't making him do that. (it seemed like something he might do anyway) Anywhat, He asked if it bothered me. I said no and let him stay there. He felt like a cozy dog next to me. I like dogs. I just sat for about 4 seconds, taking in the vividness of the dream. (maybe my dog was laying next to my body in real! That would be cool and plausible.)

    At some point, David asked Dylan to hand him my phone. But I thought HE had my phone, so I asked "wait.... thats NOT my phone you were using?" He handed it to me and said "Yeh, I knew it was yours because it was my favourite."

    "What?" I was sort-of confused. He came up with this WEIRD analogy. "I keep track of where my favourite is. Like a drug dealer. they may test a pack and say 'ooh! I like that' and put that one aside and test another and say 'ew, that one was bad'". I stood up, crazed by his analogy. He is in no way a user of drugs in real life.

    I turned and say Jorge Garcia and exclaimed, "It's Hurley from LOST!" and pointed. Dylan and David turned and David said (which was supposedly a Kate Austen reference) "Then why don't you go swim in papa's pond?"

    He and I got into a heated argument about LOST. He kept saying "the plane is going to CRASH and you're going to DIE!" And I was trying to prove that it was a DREAM! and I wasnt about to die. At the end of the argument, He was standing behind the couch near the railing, and I leaned over the couch and pointed in his face and said (and I remember this word for word):
    "You know WHY I'm not going to die? Cause this is a DREAM! A DREAM!"
    He just looked at me defeatedly, and Dylan finally spoke up:

    "prove it."

    By this time I was super Lucid. I took his challenge and stood on the couch. Then I jumped off and flew around the mall. I was scared; it was my first time flying. But it felt AWESOME! And Dylan and David's faces were open and dumbfounded by the time I woke up.

    Updated 07-13-2010 at 02:22 PM by AngelOfLife


    7 dreams in one night!! 7/11/10

    by AngelOfLife on 07-11-2010 at 02:36 PM
    I had 7 dreams last night! SEVEN!!! I remembered them all, too! I'm pleased. This is not my first DJ entry ever; I have about 35 on my phone and 15 on my real DJ. I'll put these in chronological order. (all were non-Lucid)

    LOST: the experience! (dream 1)
    This was the first dream of the night; but not the haziest. I was on this camp where some people were reenacting the TV show LOST. I saw mock-Kate, mock-Sayid, mock-Jin (who was in a lot of "pain"), and mock-Sun there. I ambled through and found this treehouse. I went inside and helped people work on it. There were annoying nails that I had to work on, and I kept complaining to no avail.

    Then I went to the front of the camp and met a new boy. I forget what he looked like at all. My mom started making fun of him:
    "Oh he's so cute! He's totally gonna fall in love with you, and by the end of the first day he's gonna be following you around and stumbling over everything!"

    To test to see if she was right, We had to choose stalls. Much like the ones in golf. I took a spot diagonally from him, so he moved up to be with me. I smirk at this. and dream ends.

    Dylan is Gay?!?! (dream 2)
    My friend Dylan is a short guy. He's my best guyfriend. He makes an appearance in this dream (as you can see), which was the longest. This was my favourite dream of them all.

    I was at a party in a very big house. Dylan came and met me there. He randomly said out of the blue (but not so loud) "Shawn. I think I'm gay."

    "WHAT?!?!?!" I interjected, knowing quite well that he WASNT gay. He's liked three girls before. one of which was me. He replied with a long story of how he thought he was attracted to himself or something, and how he couldn't tell, but if he was gay that he'd completely accept it as it is and with dignity...

    I blew up in his face. He WASn't and ISn't gay. I brought him to the basement, and told him how kids our age can get confused about our sexuality, and that it's totally normal to not be completely attracted to girls until a few years from now. I left him to figure out his sexuality in the basement.

    Upstairs, I found my good friend Zac. He decided to show a movie he made. We all sat in front of the TV in a circle. I sat next to him, and then someone made me scootch away from him. But I had no idea what for, so I scootched back. Zac kicked me playfully, and I gave him a narrow-eyed "what?" look.

    The movie started, on a TV that was actually not the one right in front of me. I didn't watch the movie, I just looked into the reflection of the TV at Zac. I then had an epiphany. I thought, or maybe I whispered, "Zac looks just like David only taller!" (this is not true. They look similar, but not that similar in real life.) The reflection of Zac turned into the reflection of David. He winked at me! And I couldn't stop myself from giggling. Zac, or David, laughed back at me. After the credits of the movie, me and Zac and some random DC's went out with us to a candy store.

    He went in, saying "I want to use the scale!" for some reason. I walked in after him and when I did he turned and said "a foot!" and held up his hand in an L shape. This makes no sense.

    I was going to leave with him, but I saw a candy that caught my eye. There was a selection called "Malfoy candy"! I wanted to buy some but didn't have money. I told my dad, who was buying stuff, "Look! Malfoy Chocolate!" The dream ended there. I woke at 5:00 and failed at WILDing. Next.

    David Skipping (dream 3)
    This dream started with me and my old friend Kate. She had transferred from my school (in real) to a new one because she didn't like our cafeteria. (true story) In this dream, she was back. and complaining about the Lunchroom. We were walking to lunch.

    "I hate how theres so many flourescent squares everywhere and it's loud and smelly and... PUBLIC!"
    "So? Aren't all cafeterias like that?"
    "Not My school's!"
    I rolled my eyes and sat at a lone table with her. Id sit with my friends but the table was full.

    After lunch, I left Katie and ran out of the Lunchroom quickly, as to beat the crowd. David had the same idea. He was just in front of me and we walked. He didn't think anyone was around to see him, so he started skipping- no- FROLICKING down the hall. I skipped behind him and he turned around and stopped dead in his tracks like (oh crap! she saw that?!)

    He narrowed his eyes at me and smirked, and I smirked right back at him. Just then, Victoria came running past. I yelled for her, but she didn't stop. David and I exchanged a glance, and I ran after her.
    "VICTORIA!!" I screamed, a second and third time.

    "Bwahahaha!" She looked back and kept running with her long legs. I was going to turn back to David and get to whatever class, but that dream ended.

    Dogtower (dream 4)
    This dream wasn't the shortest, but is SO hard to explain in words. I'll just leave it at that.

    Amusement (dream 5)
    In this, I was at an amusement park with my family. It was indoor and outdoor and had a big enclosure for things like go-karts. My dad bought an Icee that was 3/4 rootbeer, and 1/4 mountain dew. I tasted it. It was queer. and cold. This dream sort of fused with the next, but instead, the next was a waterpark.

    Water (dream 6)
    This was on the edge of a water park. Me and some guy, who looked sortof like daniel radcliffe but who sounded like David, were looking through a yearbook that had magical moving pictures. I was smart enough to ask this:
    "Why are they moving?"
    You'd think this would get me lucid, but it didn't. Instead, some lady said, "They have water in them" which was apparently good enough for me. The David-voice pointed out my friend Justine in the picture. She was sitting in a folding chair. Blinking. I ended the dream.

    Train (dream 7)
    This dream had me and another "some guy" at a train. We were about to board, when he handed me a sweet-tart heart. It was orange (my favourite) and said "kiss me" on it. He said "This one must be yours." I didn't know if he was being caring, knowing that I liked orange, or if he was being romantic and wanted me to kiss him. I looked at him puzzledly, and asked:

    "Do you want me to?" He blushed.
    I put my arms around his neck (he was taller than me) and went on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. **GOAL in my sig!** His cheek felt stubbley. He was obviously too old for me. I think it might've been my dad, actually. XD END OF THE LAST DREAM! PHEW!
    non-lucid , memorable