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    I am a pretty dreamy type of person... figuratively [i]and[/i] literally.
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    Gaming, programming, philosophy, Japan
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    1. BahamutZERO
      BahamutZERO liked post by Highlander On thread : "Panic reflex" dreams
      Without experiencing your dream first hand then I cannot say 100 pc. However it sounds a bit like the 'hypnic jerk' which is totally natural. Hypnic jerk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
      Liked On: 08-13-2012, 04:16 PM
    2. BahamutZERO
      BahamutZERO liked post by Azubiu On thread : "Panic reflex" dreams
      It's called a hypnic jerk :P It's perfectly normal and happens to most people.
      Liked On: 08-13-2012, 04:07 PM
    3. BahamutZERO
      BahamutZERO liked post by Jesus of Suburbia On thread : My theory.
      There are not nearly enough ways to say "Cool story, bro" for what this warrants.
      Liked On: 08-11-2012, 02:17 AM
    View BahamutZERO's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Video game Streisand effect

    by BahamutZERO on 07-15-2018 at 07:01 PM
    I dreamed that I was watching the news with my mom and her partner.
    The news was about the coming of a weird EU ban/censorship of a video game which contained content that was found to be insulting to Islam. It was especially strange because it was a very obscure video game on a very obscure old platform called Puma, which I'm sure pretty much nobody would know.

    Nevertheless, after hearing the news, we rushed to find that video game and this Puma itself. We weren't interested in the game at all, it was just 100% curiosity piqued by the Streisand effect. My mom and her partner went to look for the video game at the store. Meanwhile I went to the basement to search around in our old stuff.

    After searching around in the most abandoned places of the basement, I found my mom's old Puma, covered in spider webs. It was a gray device with a screen, a large cartridge slot and a big button on it. The plastic had an engraving of the real-life Puma logo (the running shoes brand).
    I brought it upstairs, and when mom came back with the video game, we blew in its cartridge and in the slot, and inserted it, toggled the big button, and a red LED lit up.
    The device showed large black monochrome pixels, and produced muffled beeping noises from inside.

    The gameplay was extremely poor. The game's background was a single static image of something resembling a desert, and the play area was under it, where there were static sprites of guys with turbans, beards and scimitars. You repeatedly pressed a directional button to advance your guy toward the right while enemies were coming at him toward the left. When an enemy got near you, you had to quickly press the attack button and the enemy disappeared. When you got to the right, you advanced to the next screen, which basically just meant that some score value was incremented and the position of your guy was reset to the left side of the screen.

    We got bored of it after like 2 minutes and wondered what all the fuss was about, and why the heck they would ban this (especially after all those years).

    Updated 07-15-2018 at 07:10 PM by BahamutZERO (spelling error)


    Cardboard video game

    by BahamutZERO on 07-15-2018 at 03:08 AM
    I made a video game! Again!

    This game was the third entry in a shooter game series. The first two weren't made by me, but a third was in development and became vaporware. So I decided to make it from scratch, sort of unofficially.

    It was the first game in the series to be in 3D. Interestingly, everything was made out of cardboard. The maps were outside areas, but they were inside a cardboard box with a skybox painted on it. The floor was painted green and the skybox various shades of blue and white. The weapons and enemies, the houses and the trees, everything was painted cardboard cutouts. And it was like a video game, but at the same time, the player is physically next to the box, as if he controls the character like a puppet.

    I let my friend play the game. The first few maps were simple. He was having fun shooting up enemies in the destructible cardboard terrain.
    But then there was the third map, which was very peculiar. It seemed to be a completely empty area without an exit at all. I giggled as my friend was stumped, looking around and trying to figure this out.

    Eventually he found out the solution to the puzzle. He put his hand inside the play area, poked a hole in the floor, and tore it to shreds. The exit was located under the ground. I laughed my ass off and clapped my hands because he found it.

    Fishing in Japan

    by BahamutZERO on 01-24-2018 at 05:21 PM
    I dreamed that I partook in a contest of some sort, and I won the first prize, which was a journey to Japan, and so I went. I stayed in a traditionalistic inn with a friendly female host. I talked to her every morning and evening. Every day I went out and explored Tokyo.

    Other than exploring I also had to do little puzzles and riddles every day to score some sort of credits. They were distracting me from freely exploring Tokyo, so I mostly ignored them. Unfortunately however, I found out that these credits are the only way to purchase food, and as such, I didn't manage to buy a lot of food. I was starting to get concerned that I was going to be malnourished. So at some point I started focusing entirely on these dumb little quests.

    Suddenly, to my surprise, I met my Belgian friend, who also just happened to be in Tokyo with her parents, so I asked if I could stick around with them and, again to my surprise, they were like "sure!". I told them about my lack of credits and if they could help me with the quests. And so we went everywhere, seeking out like hidden "?" blocks in locations based on answers to riddles, which contained credits. However, after an entire day, we didn't have nearly enough credits to buy a sufficient amount of food.

    Then my friend had an idea. She said "Why don't we just fish? The Japanese sea is full of sea food. No need to buy all that expensive food from the market!". Her parents said "But, you hate sea food!" and responded "well, we have to eat something!".

    And so we started fishing at the sea, and in no time, we caught a ton of fish. I laughed in amazement, and said to my friend "wow, jesus, fishing is SO overpowered!". We ate the food, and I freakin' loved it, and my friend less so, but she ate most of it anyway, though she left all the squids for me.

    We ate, and the dream continued on to another scene, which was far darker. I was in a sort of dark metal complex with my friend, which was full of monorails and trains. The complex was a sort of physical representation of my project at work. The platforms were full of administrators and secretaries that read and wrote premium amounts on sheets of paper and loaded them to and from the trains, in assorted slots, so that they could communicate the premiums with each other, in order to get to some final result.

    We were in the "underworld" of this place, with the platforms and trains far above us. The place was full of thugs, and I was afraid that my friend was about to get kidnapped. Unfortunately, the dream got a bit fuzzy from here on in, and I can't really remember much else. I know that we visited some sort of a bar and a theatre in the complex, and she DID get kidnapped at some point. Also, I met my colleagues there, who begged me to continue working on the project, even while I'm ill. They promised to pay me extra much, because they needed me. I don't remember what my reaction was (maybe there was none, because I woke up soon after this).

    Dinner with colleagues during childhood

    by BahamutZERO on 01-07-2018 at 08:00 PM
    In this dream, I'm my early childhood self, and might be set during my childhood as well, but there were some moments where it seamlessly transitioned to my adult self today and then back.

    The dream starts off during childhood. I'm at my grandmother (dad's mom). I'm upstairs playing with legos. I make a very complex construction, a sort of house, but then I run out of lego blocks since it's so large and I get bored. I go downstairs and talk to my grandmother. She says "why don't you play outside? the weather is nice", and I go outside.

    I run around the neighborhood. The neighborhood has a sidewalk and a few bushes and grass patches, but as a child, I perceived it as being much larger and complex than it actually is, and that's the way I perceived it in the dream. Instead of just a linear sidewalk, it's a sort of square maze filled with sidewalks, bushes and grass, and with no street in sight. The weather is warm and it's all around a very serene experience.

    At some point during that, the dream seems to suddenly transition to the adult era, and I get a phone call on my android. It's an invitation from my colleagues to go dine somewhere in the evening at the expense of the company, and I agree to join. During dusk in the maze, I look for the exit to go to the restaurant. By the time the sun is down, I'm in the city and I find my colleagues sitting at a terrace table, waving at me to catch my attention. I join the table, and opposite of me sits my old colleague, who I worked closely together with, but left the company years ago.

    While we were waiting for the food, two colleagues were having an argument about something. At some point I get sick of it and I logically analyze their arguments bit by bit, trying to find the core essence of their disagreement. I point out a contradiction. One of them says, in a comically formal yet non-sarcastic tone, "thank you. I'm glad we were able to resolve that."

    The waiter comes to our table and asks us individually what sauce we want with our steak. I had pepper sauce in mind, but my colleague sitting opposite of me says "I'll take the azuré sauce". I never heard of that before. The waiter was now awaiting my response, and in a snap decision, I also went for the "azuré sauce". A bit later we were served our meal. On the plate was a steak lying in a pool of this mysterious azuré sauce. It didn't look very delicious. It was thick and looked like something brown with small pieces of carrot in it, whatever it was. Anyway, visually it was quite reminding of fecal matter. I smelled it, and it smelled very bad, like vinegar. I wasn't gonna like this, but I picked that sauce, so it'd be awkward to pretend that I don't want it now. Fortunately, there was only a thin layer of it on the steak, the bulk of it was beside it. I took the steak with my fork and moved it out of the sauce. This left a hole into the sauce because it was so thick. I ate the steak, trying to stomach the little bit of sauce that was on top of it. When we were done eating, I felt a little nauseated. I said to the colleague "well, that sauce was certainly interesting... what is it made of?". He laughed, and he said "well, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'll just say this: ever since you took that steak off of it, it's been trying to slowly crawl off your plate!". I looked at the sauce again and saw 2 fisheyes in it with 2 small tentacles between them. I lifted this sauce up with my fork and saw that underneath, there was the foot of a seaslug! Then obviously I felt even more nauseated. (I'm on antibiotics for my illness right now, and that's actually giving me a bit of nausea in real life, that probably explains that part of the dream)

    Anyway, after that highly unpleasant experience, we were drinking. I was drinking vodka. The location of the terrace seems to have changed a bit at this point, and we were now sitting by an alleyway. I was telling my colleagues about the warzone in Ukraine. I pointed out to them that actually, we sitting right near the border of Ukraine right now, and if you look carefully into the alleyway, you'll see some broken floor tiles, and that's because of all the bombing going on.

    I drink some more vodka and get a little drunk. Because I'm drunk, I accidentally push the bottle off the table as I tried to grab it. The bottle fell and shattered, and I saw a cop coming for me out of the alleyway. I said "oh shit" and ran away into the streets of the city. On the street was a random low brick pedestal. I stood on the pedestal and I pretended to be a street light. The cop was deceived, was guarding around for a little while, and then left. I got off the pedestal and thought "haha, what a dumbass!".

    I continued further down the city and I reached the pedestrian bridge. The world seems to have transitioned back to childhood mode at this point. When I was a child, I loved that pedestrian bridge, because much like the neighborhood sidewalk, it seemed much more mazelike to me than it really is. So again, I'm strolling around on a bridge-themed maze hanging over the Schelde river, trying to find the way to the other side.

    When I reached the other side, I was near my old school, and I saw a bulky guy there. He looked like a bully, but he was strangely friendly as I talked to him. I had a double feeling about him, though. At some point, he sighed "well, time to go back into my bunny suit, I guess... one more hint: try to get inside!" I didn't know what he meant by any of that. He walked away into a small garage. The gate closed, and opened again shortly after. Out came a monster, and he was like the bully, but he was a large evil cyborg rabbit. He bottom half was a mechanical contraption, like a robot or tank. But top half and the head was a very bulky bunny's. A boss theme from Metal Gear Solid 2 started to play. He went toward a place that contained 4 tablet pc's on pedestals. He took out a flamethrower and started to melt them down. I realized that I needed to protect these tablet pc's, so I took out an AK47 and shot him, but he was invulnerable. The tablets all broke and I saw a game over screen.

    I was frustrated and looked up a walkthrough on the internet. The walkthrough says that he's actually a puzzle boss and there's a secret way to beat him. Before he gets into the gate, you can throw your cap at him and he will be mind controlled. So that's what he meant with that hint! He was trying to help me in stopping him from destroying the tablets by proxy. So I tried that, threw my cap, garage gate closed and opened again. This time, I was in the bunny's first person view which had a terminator-like hud. I was now controlling his mind. However, I wasn't sure what to do to kill him. I couldn't use the flamethrower on myself. I looked around in a bunch of closets and found my mom's perfume closet. I saw a bottle of perfume in there, and I thought "if he drinks this, he's probably going to get very ill and die". I had him drink the perfume, became a bit nauseated again, but I realized that that wasn't enough to kill him. So I grabbed another bottle of vodka and chugged it down all at once. Then he became very drunk, and fell off into the depths. I beat the boss battle, and that's where the dream ended.

    A bunch of slightly feverish fragments

    by BahamutZERO on 12-30-2017 at 07:06 PM
    I've got the flu atm, and I dreamt a whole bunch of short, disconnected dream fragments over a cycle of falling asleep and waking again. I remembered 4 of them. I remembered a 5th at some point, but alas I forgot it after falling asleep again.

    In the first, I was heading towards an airport because I had to catch a plane. There was an apparently short route on the left and an apparently long route on the right. I took the short route, but that led to the back side of the airport. I talked to some people to ask for directions, and they sent me on some way which I discovered I would've ended up on much quicker if I just took the "long" route. I'm not sure what made me think the right route was the long one. I did catch my plane just in time! Inside of plane it looked more like the interior of a submarine, however.

    In the second, I was working on my software project with my colleague. He turned around to talk to me, and pointed to the sky. In the sky I saw the structure of my project, and he pointed to a problematic part in it. He asked if our project was supposed to support smart contracts or not (even though in real life it has nothing to do with cryptocurrency or smart contracts). I told him that my original designs of the system was supposed to support smart contracts, but it's not terrible if we ended up going for a simpler and more limited solution. He said "good, let's go for the simple solution then. we're running short on time, and if we don't finish the project, we'll fail the exam". (Somehow, the whole thing switched from working on a project for my job to working on a project for a college exam.) I suddenly started to feel stressed because I remembered that I had exams to do, and I hadn't studied anything, I only focused on the project, and I'm barely even managing to finish that. I tried to enumerate all the subjects I had to study for in my head. For each subject I remembered, I got stressier, because I wasn't prepared for any exams at all. Luckily the dream was over before the exams started.

    In the third dream, I was sitting in the living room of another family as a guest. They had 2 tvs. One tv was on the "MTV" channel, where the highest bidder can promote their music to popularize it. Next to that tv was another channel, called "Payback TV". This channel took all the music and programs that were cancelled from MTV, and rebroadcasted them there. I was interested in neither channel, so I went to check out the garage. In the garage there was a bunch of trash, and in the pile was a 3rd functional tv that was on another channel called "Trash TV". It turns out that if a program stayed on Payback TV for more than 6 months, it got cancelled from Payback TV too, and continued on to looping on Trash TV forever. The Trash TV screen was black-and-white. It was playing music videos from a very obscure band that I'm a fan of. I was more interested in that, so I watched Trash TV in the garage instead. At some point I felt like I needed to pee and took a piss in the trash pile. Then I awoke, feeling that I need to pee in real life, glad that I didn't accidentally wet my bed!

    After the toilet break I fell asleep one more time. In this dream I was looking for a solution to a caching problem in my project for work. A solution had been proposed to archive every page as a static html, rather than rendering it anew every time it's visited. However, there was a problem that the application I'm making is a very context-sensitive - the system behind the user permissions is very complex. So each user basically gets to see a different view of the page. I imagined every possible variable in the context as a dimension in a multidimensional grid. I imaged a process running constantly in the background, trying to fill all the cells in the grid with caches, evaluating a priority function to decide the next cell to cache. I imagined cache invalidation as the clearing of a whole row in either dimension. The background process tried to catch up with the cache invalidation as fast as it could. As I imagined this visually, it turned from an idea into a video game. The player is the cache and tries to fill all the cells, while the difficulty lies in the computer frequently clearing rows of the grid. Since it was simply a grid of coloured squares, the game looked like an Atari 2600 game. It was a very annoying game to play.
    non-lucid , dream fragment