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    1. Working on my dream recall.
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    Semi-lucid dreams: 2


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    03-16-2011 06:19 AM
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    11-05-2012 03:35 PM
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    1. Birdydreams
      Birdydreams liked post by Matte87 On thread : Birdy is the new guy on the block.
      Hi and welcome! Most people wouldn't want to experience SP ever again after their first time, but you've realised that it's an amazing phenomenon, good for you! This will help you with any fears and...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    2. Birdydreams
      Birdydreams liked post by Matte87 On thread : Birdy is the new guy on the block.
      I get them every time. I'm not sure if they're normal exactly, but it's quite scary since spasms are actually possible compared to a demon sitting on your chest.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    3. Birdydreams
      Birdydreams liked post by Matte87 On thread : Birdy is the new guy on the block.
      Yeah. All of a sudden you will be in a dream, just try to ignore the feelings. Even though you know it's all in your head, they are still very uncomfortable.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    View Birdydreams's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Meeting kids from my old school.

    by Birdydreams on 04-18-2012 at 05:35 AM
    I was in a waterpark with some kids my age. I wanted to impress them on the lake and get into a certain girl's pants so I bought an inner-tube with a floor to it. It was expensive. I got the second smallest size and one of the adults was incredulous. He didn't believe I had dropped that much money on one.

    Then I was in a bookstore with a girl who was older than me. We were walking until we found a chair by what looked to be a bathroom. I wanted her, still horny from my last fantasies.

    She said something so I jokingly sat on her lap. She shoved me off and Said something that offended me a first but I then realized was not so bad.

    I went to the Manga section. A taller boy was there. It was dark so I couldn't recognize him. "Hey there!," he said. "Could you help me find some Berserk?" I beamed at someone requesting I find them one lf my favorite mangas. I saw a couple of books together that looked like Berserk and said something to the effect of, "Ah, here it is!" to which be said something to the effect of "yes, that's it!"

    Upon closer inspection it wasn't it so I let him search some more while I turned to look at him. It was Brian from my old school. "Oh hey Brian." I was happy to meet someone I used to know. He seemed a lot friendlier than I remembered him and he even rubbed my back in a friendly manner at one point.

    He introduced me to some people from my old school near the front of the store. They were black and I dodn't recognize them. They must have moved after I had left. One about my age I talked to and had a nice conversation with. Then we talked to his little brother? by the window. The kid was young. I teased him and asked him, "So do you like A-----?" He smiled and giggled.

    The older brother? said something to the effect of "Yes, he does. He's having such a great time he landed in the emergency room again recently."

    Everyone seemed so friendly and interesting to talk to. I looked forward to seeing them again next year.

    Her (WBTB)

    by Birdydreams on 04-15-2012 at 07:07 PM
    I don't remember her name. Or much about her.

    I remember she was going into Marketing, me Software Engineering I told her. I held her against me, my right side with my arm holdin ber ever so close.

    But it didn't work out. She broke up with me. I don't remember why but she hated me for the reason of the breakup.

    It was a weird dream but full of very intense feelings.

    Trapped.(pieces only)

    by Birdydreams on 09-04-2011 at 06:32 PM
    First time I've dreamt in a while.

    I could only resurrect pieces of my dream.

    Me and my friends are trapped by someone in a place where we can't leave and live structured lives. Kind of like living in an orphanage. We weren't the only kids there also.

    I decide to escape or die trying. The evil person has a lot of defenses to keep us there, including 4 (5?)dragons. I find out how to escape in a book. Later on I discover a fairy on a bookshelf that tells me I'm destined to escape and live.

    At this point, my friend Michael and I are inseparable. He knows I'm his ticket out of there and he wants to stay close so he's sure he's with me when I leave. He asks me once how it's going to go down.

    At some point there was a videogame like scene that showed her four (five?) dragons. Apparently they could be controlled somehow by feeding them different things. One liked herbs, another berries.

    I don't remember if there was more to the dream.

    Fuark that was hard to remember. 1st legit DJ entry ftw!
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Day 2 with no dreaming captain

    by Birdydreams on 08-25-2011 at 01:24 PM
    Damn it.

    As soon as I start trying to improve my dream memory I get a dreamless streak.

    Idk lol

    by Birdydreams on 08-24-2011 at 01:55 PM
    First 4 hour sleep I think I dreamt.

    Second, nope.