• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dakotahnok and Puffin

    69 Visitor Messages

    Page 7 of 7 FirstFirst ... 5 6 7
    1. Just added you. Accept me
    2. I'm glad you like it!
      I am working on a TRON: Legacy one now, then I'll be doing an Iron Man one (hopefully... the movie files are acting up on me).
    3. All I don't know much about editing and design or any of that. But it looks so professional. It's art.
    4. Thanks!

      It took so long to make... Over 14 hours of my life; first time using the somewhat intimidating Final Cut as an editing program.
    5. I love your music video.
    6. Is there any way to make the webs a brighter white? I've run out of PM's.

      If that wouldn't be easy than don't bother.
    7. The picture below made me sad :,(
    8. No problem! : D
    9. Thanks for the Friend Request!!
    Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 69 of 69
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