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    1. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by DeadAimEXT On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      Very interesting, I've had a whole lot of lucids in my life and most that I've learned about them is utterly personal experience, and 2 days after joining this forum my ability inn my own dreams has...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    Insane dreaming frenzy, and possible shared dream

    by DeadAimEXT on 01-12-2011 at 01:16 AM
    Non-dream dream lucid dream

    Before writing down this dream entry, I should state everything that happened before, because this was truely insane. First day back in colledge so I was exhausted, went to sleep at 9 pm. Woke up at 11:30 Pm and had a lot of stuff to eat, then went back to bed, saw I was having a lot of trouble going to sleep so I said "hell, ill try and do a WILD". If I am good at anything, its naturally having DILDs, for some reason I don't even have to reality check sometimes, but suck at WILDs, you will see why.

    1st WILD attempt of the night

    Im sweating a lot because it is extremely hot in my room, I feel my body start to tingle everywhere, I realize I am shutting down, but I am completely conscious, time to dream, I hope...

    I think its time to open my dream eyes now, I only get one open, and I am in my room ahh crap this isnt a dream, I'm in sleep paralysis, after some effort I force my self awake.

    Rinse and repeat, now I open both eyes, its my same room but its too dark, need to turn on the light. I can't move worth a crap, can't even get up off my bed. (this is why I hate doing WILDS, I have such limited control of my dreams as opposed to DILDS for some reason)

    I wake up semi frustrated, failed miserably.

    2nd WILD Attempt same night

    So after waking up, I decide to change position and try it again. First time I tried face up, which is really uncomfortable for me. Now side ways

    I open my dream eyes, same room, same bed, same everything, but this time, I can move. I get up off my bed and its really dark, so I turn on the light switch, believing it will work and it does. Now for some reason at this point, I start paying attention to my Field of Vision, I notice that the edges of my FoV are dark, noticing this for some reason makes me completely start losing grasp of the dream world, my FoV is reduced to 0 and I wake up -_-

    3rd WILD Attempt same night

    I figure, I got nothing better to do, so I try to fall back into a WILD, and its really easy this time.

    In the same room, same darkness and I can move, but, this time the light switch doesn't work, which uber pisses me off. Anyways I continue to the outside and its all dark. I try to make light but I can't, I try to go somewere else and I can't either, I deside to abandon this dream, determined to go to somewhere I can see.

    4th WILD Attempt same night

    blah blah repeat

    ok so I see pure black, for some reason I consider this an opportunity to form a world, basically I tell myself to go anywhere with color, then I realized this was a flawed thought. My sub-conscious IMMEDIATELY related color to....cartoons. Now for some reason my mind likes to troll me, or I like to troll myself, so my lucid begins as a weird cheesy cartoon entrance, with some strange looking misplaced characters, eventually I become one of these, except the camera view is broken, I am neither in 1st nor 3rd person view, Instead its a faulty mixture, I can see the world, but I can at all times see, my left ear -_-. So as you can imagine it is pretty annoying. I start exploring everywhere and its just a huge world of oversized stuff, huge tables and huge chairs. I decide to get out of here, cause frankly, I don't like cartoons.

    I experience a false-awakening, but never lose lucidity somehow, this is all very confusing. I am in the same dark room again as before, and to get out, I try something crazy. I go for a WILD inside my own dream, BAM, it works.

    I am now inside a huge black room very "matrix-like" complimented even more by the single lone computer in the middle of it all. I go up to it and it has at first what seems to be a weird strand of code, but I understand what it says, they are names of people, and names of dreams. I decide to go to one of my friends dream.

    All of I sudden I find my self in a really pretty furnished house, everything is very clear, I look around and see him with a girl in the main living room, talking and I remember clearly hearing the word "fail". They can't seem to see me. I start looking around and there are certain entries to rooms that are pure black, as if they hadn't build properly built out by the dreamers mind. Also curious is that I cannot control anything, as if it is not my realm. I promptly leave.

    Back in the matrix room, but this time with a lot of people, and they are making a mess and being extremely loud and annoying, I think at this point I am semi-lucid because I make no attempt to control them. After this event, I go to several other dreams, but my recall is a little bit blurry, I remember something about a white "tent"

    The rest of the night I can only remember fragments.

    I am on a huge bed with several people, watching a hologram/movie, I remember knowing that the movie was really outdated and I wasn't amused by it at all, something about dancers. Everyone else was being quite entertained, which annoyed me a bit.

    I am in a school bus with some old friends, there is a massive storm and the bus is now floating around 5 meters above ground level, we then start rushing with the water current and are smacked around quite a bit, until somehow we are on dry land. I start talking to a girl beside me, she was kinda dumb :/, I attributed her dumbness to her addiction towards her blackberry, at which point I realized the whole story was being narrated by her cellphone.

    Post Dream Notes

    I woke up extremely tired and exhausted in the morning, I remembered to ask my friend about the house I had visited, apparently, he had dreamed he was there, the house is one that he had gone to the same day to hang out with his friends, the girl I saw was also a friend of his that was in his dream, I described her perfectly according to him, shared dream possibly? I am a skeptic when it comes to the existence of these type of dreams. Also its weird cause me and my friend live in different countries, and it could have been a coincidence. I had much more dreams than I recall, around 10-12~.

    jan 09/01/11 mini dream

    by DeadAimEXT on 01-10-2011 at 07:36 AM
    Its early in the morning and i keep waking up from dreams, determined to do an RC in my next dreams to lucid.

    I am infront of my pc, i remember to do an RC. Quickly i count my fingers

    I immediately notice a missing finger, i then proceed to stabalize the dream. The area is an exact copy of my house. I start my search for the DC in my last dream. I head downstairs and no one is to be found, i try and summon her and fail miserably, instead summoning a boy in a wheel chair. At this point i hear my phone vibrating irl, and i wake up

    First DC with personality encounter

    by DeadAimEXT on 01-08-2011 at 10:42 PM
    lucid non lucid non-dream

    It all started off I was in my room, regardless of the dream I usually start out in somekind of room, and this time it was in mine, I had to get up off my bed.

    Now its weird because I am not sure if it was a DILD or a WILD, mainly because as soon as I got up off my bed in the dream world, I knew I was lucid dreaming, I never have the need to do reality checks.

    My lucids usually start off very blurry/dark, "unstable" and the first thing I need to do, is build a picture, "stabilize" them so to speak, I used several of the tips on the website to do so, started rubbing my hands, smelling, feeling anything around me and eventually everything was almost as real as real life itself. First thing I noticed, was quite a problem for me. Since I usually start off in rooms, the first thing I do is walk out the door and start exploring, looking around for people, things etc. and the problem this time, is that the only door leading outside of the room, was blocked by HUGE objects that by simply using my physical strength I could not move, and the thing is up till now i've been bound to real life restrictions in my dreams. I kinda interpreted these rocks in the way of the door to be a sort of "challenge" ,

    I had read around that some people can fly, and others can teleport and what not, I tried both but for some reason just couldn't get around to any of them. As a last resort I tried to move the objects again.

    but this time instead of using physical strength, I used telekinesis, I knew it was a longshot, but all I had to do is (cheesy quote incoming) believe. After a few tries I managed to make them drop on the ground, clear and out of my way so I could start walking around the world.

    I stepped out of the door I was no longer in my house, I stepped into another house with a prevalent Asian architecture style, the first thing that amazed me is how I was able to produce such detail (cause really the room was really good looking) I was careful to look at each little detail carefully, in order to help maintain lucidity and clear perception of things in the dream, I wondered around for a bit until I saw a person, she told me to get into her room with her and then she started to take her clothes off, and after a while she just put them back on (lolwut).

    The point of this is that this girl, is no real life person, and while i have dreamed with people that dont exist before, she in particular was different, she has personality, she would talk, voice her own opinions and even sometimes tell me what to do. In particular I remember she was redheaded (funny cause I don't know any natural redhead girls), pretty looking chick as well and around my height. She went to introduce me to her father, who apparently was a Chinese war general, dressed in some kind of heavy armor, and was heavy in weight and pretty tall
    (again strange because i'm not into anime or that type of stuff),

    After this I can recall only random parts of the dream, I remember in one part specifically,

    I was in a room with a lot of people and someone was giving a speech, the redhead girl would get really close to me, as if she was scared, and she would sweetly grab my hand without saying a word

    after that, a big memory gap (I think at this point I was starting to wake up, so I closed my eyes in dream and starting spinning, a technique I discovered that helps me get back in the dream in emergency situations.)
    And appeared in another place, apparently outside of the building, where some weird looking kid came up to me and I fended him off using newly discovered telekinesis powers , he wasnt threatening I just wanted to see if I could mind control xD. I went back inside the building into what seemed a huge hallway full of artistic creations, none of which I had seen before,

    I was amazed again at the capacity of my brain to create such things, and I don't really consider myself an artistically creative person, even though music is a pasion to me, but I cant draw worth a crap.

    I hardly ever wake up from a lucid dream, instead what happens is that I seem to lose the lucid dream and go straight to a normal dream, in which everything is quite real, but my mind finds a way to trick me into believing that I am already awake.

    I woke up and the only bit of this that I can remember is that I was discussing to my best friend (a lucid dreamer who discovered them on his own as well) about my latest lucid dream.

    Thats the only bit of the post-lucid I remember, and the end of the night.