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i was texting casey talking about our all nighter and discussing random shit when i told him something about being able to come through aim at which point he attempted to crawl through our IM's and did so succesfully he came through and laid next to me on the floor [i think i was already kindof lying down somehow] it was crazy i looked into his eyes and i was so excited that he was there i couldnt believe my eyes...he was so handsome and right there and i just wanted to kiss him so bad and then i leaned over and started talking to him the next thing i know is the dream flashes over to a different time and we were again talking i think this time he came through aim already all dressed up [i believe i was having a party or something of the sort or somebody was anyway..] i saw him walking along buttoning up his shirt [white, collared] i think he ended up finding his way over to me and we chatted before the dream again switched over to a different time this time i remember talking to him on something smililar to aim [our IMs] and we were talking about how amazing it was when he had come over to lay down and while we were at the party and just in general and i think it went to the conversation of how cute we used to be back in the day at this point i think we had a video up and then i leaned up and i guess it was this weird app but i leaned toward his name on the im screen and kissed him...and then there came the fireworks in me belly and then i hahd to 'send' the kiss and then i could nt believe i had kissed him but i wanted to again sooo bad but he was all the way in jersey and i remember my friend being there and i looked up at here then suddenly i was outside standing on some mailbox type thing and these guys came up thinking that they were so fuckin cool and trying to do shit and i said somdthing to them but i dont really remember the rest because i woke up pretty soon after that. also i think there was another part in theere with that house but, he was only vaugly in it via my thoughts in the dream.
So, I'd like to point out that I had a particularly stressful night last night, and I think it played as a factor in me not remembering the details of my dreams last night.
I was at this fair type thing, except there was only this fat lady standing by a game an a ginormous box of unicorn cotton candy and some weird machine type thing. I remember people with luggage trying to get onto this lift/gondola/cabriolet type thing, and I remember it looking different throughout the dream. I tried to grab some cotton candy while on the lift thing once, and I remember people lining up for miles it seemed trying to get on this lift. I wish I remember more because it was quite the dream...
- Okay so I remember getting a job at this really sick looking salon, the people were really chill and everything. i was on my way to work for the first day, and found this jacket (exactly the one I used of max's when we were dating) and picked it up, noted to my friend that this was a small for some reason, and decided to keep the abandoned jacket and continued on my way to work. When I got there I sat for a long while and eventually decided to leave with some people cause they weren't having me do anything at all. A few days later i was going back to work but it was now this salon restaurant type thing and i don't know but i walked around the place and worked the day.
- I remember talking and hanging out with a couple of my friends, but I don't remember much else besides hanging around with them at a mall or something.
So I remember that I had a kid. A baby boy. My mom was pretty much taking care of it for me and I remember in my dream thinking many thoughts in my head about the kid and who it would think would be its mom and how it would grow up, and how I really didn't want a kid or for it to know that it was mine. I remember going on lifts (almost like ski lifts) going around an industrial area like a big mall or something, but im not completely sure. I remember suddenly opening my eyes when I awoke and calming myself, realizing that I did not in fact have a kid. I never wake up in such a manner..
I had a few vivid dreams last night but I don't completely remember them.
I remember being in a neighborhood/house and I kept seeing/making eye contact with Justen.
I remember being in a grocery store, picking up a bag of twinkies (yes, a bag..) and some spanish little girl kept asking me something and i couldn't understand what the fuck she was talking about so I walked away from her and found Greg and some other people and hugged everybody bu Greg, we just made eye contact.
I know I had a few others but I can't seem to recall them now...