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    1. Draenthor
      Draenthor liked blog comment by DawnEye11 On : Dream 2 ( July 29, 2013)
      I enjoyed reading the part with the beaver. Lol I laughed even more at the mocking part. It just seems like a cute/innocent scene mixed with comedy in it. : D
      Liked On: 09-25-2014, 10:33 PM
    View Draenthor's Dream Journal

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    Dream 3 (April 13, 2014)

    by Draenthor on 08-30-2014 at 02:55 PM
    I was in a classroom, and there was a student that was being the substitute teacher. I was focusing on these five cards, each with a different word on them. They felt like index cards, and they seemed very important. They were in with a large stack of cards, like "Magic the Gathering" cards, and there were two different sizes of cards. I then put the cards away and noted how cool it was that I had every major type of word a sentence could have in those five cards. Then I realized that I didn't have any adjectives and I felt kind of disappointed. Then I realized that one of the words < I believe it started with 'B' and ended with 'M'>, which reminded me of the cold of winter and frozen things, could be used as an adjective <As hard as I tried I could not remember the word when I awoke>. I then got out my cards to be sure, and as I looked for the five I needed I separated the other cards into three different piles, only to realize as I finished with the superfluous cards that the ones I wanted were right on top the whole time. I scanned the five cards, though I didn't actually read them or even really look at them, and then I put them back on the deck and put the three decks back together and I put the cards away, the matter apparently resolved. I then moved on to my next period class. This time the regular teacher was there, only there was a student that was missing . I went on from there to lunch, where my brother was using a taco replicator to make himself some tacos, he ended up with 5 or 6 tacos. I realized that I didn't have breakfast yet, so I made some large waffles in the shape of a square with lot's of maple syrup. When I went back to the taco replicator my brother had not eaten as much as he should have and there were seven or eight packages of original flavor skittles <real original, with Lime not green apple> and my brother was only half finished with one. I grabbed myself a package of skittles and replicated myself a taco and I sat down to eat. The taco was really good, like a Mighty taco, so I went to replicate another taco. There were two rectangular things, one on top one on the bottom, that provided information in green digitalized numbers. The top one said that there was only one taco left to be replicated. I knew there was a way to fix this but I didn't know how. I called my brother in and he pointed out that there were really four rectangular areas that you needed to pay attention to. Not only did 2 more rectangular areas appear to the right of the original, but the replicator itself appeared to go from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, even though I was still standing in the same spot relative to the replicator. The top right area set the number of tacos that would be replicated by a dial and displayed how many were about to be replicated in a rectangular box with green digitalized numbers. The bottom right was different from the rest in that unlike the others it was a button instead of an area that displayed information. The rectangular button was used to reset the number of replications back to zero, which saved time from using the dial. The top left area was actually for displaying the number of models that could be chosen from, and it still displayed its one. I have no idea what the bottom left area was for. I turned the dial to set the number of replications I wanted and it immediately jumped to sixty. I slowly turned the dial down to nine. In the meantime I was watching the output area, which had a large bag the tacos would be replicated in, and also there were empty kraft mac and cheese boxes. As I turned the dial not only were there less tacos appearing in the bag, but the amount of mac and cheese boxes decreased as well. I decided that nine would be a good number and I left for a little bit, then I came back, replicated the tacos, and ate them. <Then I woke up>

    Dream 2 ( July 29, 2013)

    by Draenthor on 08-30-2014 at 02:54 PM
    The dream started with my classmates playing some game that involved a swing over a merry-go-round. I got on the swing and for some reason the game ended, though no one got off the merry-go-round. The people on the merry-go-round kept on apologizing and I would say it's okay. I swung over the merry-go-round 3 or 4 times and then started to swing in a large circle in a clockwise direction facing the merry-go-round. As I was swinging there was a group of three trees which would block my view slightly as I swung around. As I was swinging I was going faster and faster. I swung around four times and it occurred to me how dizzy I would get and I got off. My gym teacher was there telling me about stocks which somehow worked by kids playing on the playground. He then told me to get some money to make my own stocks. I went down into the woods. After a while, it became 11:00 am the next day somehow, even though I had no watch <It was this feeling, I got the impression of a time card being held up, like in some shows and movies just before a scene>. My way was blocked by a deep gorge, so I looked for a way across. I came across a wooden structure. It had a log high above the ground that was hard to get over. Then there was a lower log that was easier to get over. Then the railing along the sides blocked the way. I could see that there were eight steps further on that didn't come close to going across the gorge. I continued to look for a way across. I came upon another wooden structure, but it was the same one as before. Suddenly a beaver came out from under a log railing. I was scared that it would bite my leg. I saw its large canine teeth <it had teeth like a dog or wolf's>. I jumped on top of a log. I could see the beaver jump at me, trying to bite my leg. I kicked it and went back up the hill I came from. The beaver followed and blocked my way. I went down the hill and around an old wooden house that was suddenly there and began walking up the hill. There was a small pile of stones with a hole or small cave in the middle. It looked like a much better place to live than the log railing, and I was sure the beaver would like it. I looked down and the beaver was there and began to explore its new home. I figured that should keep the beaver busy for a while and proceeded up the hill. "wait" the beaver called, it was a male voice, " Why do you keep running?". I kicked the beaver in the face. "Sorry" I said, "You could bite my leg,and chew it right off". "relax" he said, "I will not bite your leg, I promise". It was night now, the beaver said he could see the "Great Fish". "where?" I said, the beaver replied " do you see that red star?" I looked up and I could see the stars, but I could not make out what colours they were. I saw the red light of an airplane. "Is that it?" I said " first of all..."said the beaver "... that's not a star, that's a plane." I finished. I looked again, a female voice said something about stars and I commented. The beaver seemed to be mocking me that I could not see the red star. "At the beginning of the Universe..." I began. Suddenly I could see everything as though I was there. There was a great cloud of dust. The cloud separated into four dust clouds. The dust clouds spun and some of the dust flew off in bands. " Each one developed bands around its center" a voice said. One had one band of dust around it, another had two, another three and the last had four. The cloud with four dust bands seemed very special, and looked very beautiful. Suddenly I was in a room, probably part of a government building or hospital. Research was being done about people who remembered things they couldn't possibly have had any recollection of. "this one remembers things from the dinosaurs" a doctor said. I thought that it might be cool to know all of what I remember but shouldn't be able to. But I imagined the hypnotist would say "sleep!" and I would say "no!"and the hypnotist would say "Why not?" and I would say "If I went to sleep now my dreams wouldn't be lucid". <then I woke up>

    Dream 1 (about two weeks before dream 2)

    by Draenthor on 08-30-2014 at 02:53 PM
    I had a dream about a large battle. The armies looked like they do in The Rise of Rome game <small and faraway looking down from an angle>. I was chased by a large dinosaur and went into thick woods to get away. Then I was chased by a small raptor.I escaped the raptor by going into a tree with small ape-like creatures. The far Army won the battle and chased the other army. When the army arrived at the edge of the battlefield, they began to disappear. I woke up and wrote something into my dream journal <still part of my dream>. I was anxious about getting it all written down on time. <Then I woke up>