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    Control, control you must learn control!

    by DreamYoda on 02-20-2012 at 06:32 PM
    Now learned the state of mind he needs to dream with awareness, Dooku have.

    But as unstable as his thoughts, he soon found that the dream is, because his thoughts, they are.

    To learn to be present of the moment in order to take the next step in dreaming, he have. Herh herh herh.

    To understand the crude matter of this world, to understand your own world, you have. Yeesssssss.

    Make the force your ally, only this way you can. Hmmmmm.

    Powerful Dooku became, controled by the dark side inside him, he was.

    But Dooku soon realised that his pracctise wasn't enough to beat the person with the most midi-chlorians.

    He did not know that midi-chlorian can be charged from dreams. For us luckily.

    To start your training now you know enough. But fear your dreams, do not, yourself, your dreams is.
    fear is the path to the dark side. fear leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering.

    But soon will I rest, yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have. Twilight is upon me, soon night must fall.


    To hear the midi-chlorian quiet the mind one has.

    by DreamYoda on 02-16-2012 at 09:30 PM
    Tell you the first thing I tell every new padawan I will.

    Without the midi-chlorians, exist life could not, and we, no knowledge of the force, would have. To us they continually speak, of the force, telling us the will. When to quiet your mind you learn, hear them speaking to you, you will.

    With meditation, be able to listen to them, you will.

    Of the force, make meditation a part of your awareness and listen to the will. Yeesssssss.

    To fully understand the midi-chlorian, to look inside, you have. The port that can take us to their source, the dreams are.


    by DreamYoda on 02-14-2012 at 08:04 AM
    The art of relaxing the mind and the body while remaining aware, meditation is. Yeesssssss.

    Crucial to learn to control the force, to keep the mind free from worries and concerns is.

    This, Dooku learned to do, but his fear and from fear the evil grows he still had. Hmm..

    Important to rember this is, to be feared, nothing in life is. Only to be understood, it is. Yesss.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Yoda told me to be aware and the exercise he gave me was simple. He told me to sit on a rock with closed eyes and just focus on my breath. It sounded easy at first, but when I was sitting there my thoughts started to distract me and I lost focus on my breath. I even fell asleep on the first attempts of trying this...
    Yoda felt my concern and said "Try to do it, do not, do or do not, there is no try. Try another word of doing not it is."
    I thought I understood, but the key was to not judge myself, and to think of myself in thirdperson like I were the one teaching my other self. So if I started to think thoughts like "This is stupid, Yoda is wrong this doesn't help me at all" just be aware of yourself thinking that and neither like it or dislike it, I just regain my focus on the breath. That includes all thoughts even if they are positive like "Yes I am doing it, I am meditating without caring". If I am doing this I am still thinking, but the goal is not to stop thinking that's impossible, the goal is to be aware.

    Figure out what made Dooku afraid later on I can not, but something physical from this would I am sure that it was not.

    Prepared him more, should I have. Hmm..

    Updated 02-14-2012 at 08:09 AM by DreamYoda


    Of concentration the purpose. Yeessss.

    by DreamYoda on 02-13-2012 at 08:06 AM
    Today Yoda said “To control matter, to learn to control yourself you have..”. I did not understand what he meant by that. He told me to stand on my hands while he balanced on my feet. We looked stupid, but I started to understand why I was doing this.
    I thought I had to focus on my balance, but the only thing that I really needed to focus on was my intention and my intention only. If I focused on anything else I would fail and fall over.
    When I understood that all that was needed was my intention, I could believe in myself and do a handstand effortless.
    It's all about balancing the mind and the body.
    I am now ready to look at the flame again.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    Now learned the purpose of concentration, he have.

    The first step of selfawareness, this is. Before I let him look at the flame again,
    to sit and meditate I told him, but to be much harder he found that. Herh herh herh.

    Updated 02-13-2012 at 03:25 PM by DreamYoda


    To learn with caution and reflection, you have. Hmm..

    by DreamYoda on 02-12-2012 at 12:53 PM
    Retracing the steps of Dooku

    One of my best apprentice, he was, but as you may know, good consequences the force only has not.
    Besides from the bitter ending, an educative beginning, there was.
    Begin, it all begin when Dooku was a youngling. To look at I gave him a stereogram picture.
    See anything he said that he could not, and to look past the picture I told him that he needed.
    His first lesson, this was. He sat in days, stubborn he was. A real model student he was.
    When see the image, he one day could, instead to look past the flame from a candle I told him. Yeesssssss.
    Since that day his progress he journaled, which follow and learn from, you can. Hmm..
    With great power, the closer to evil you are. So learning this, keep that in mind while you are.

    Yoda: Powerful you have become Dooku, the dark side I sense in you.
    Count Dooku: I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you.
    [Dooku shoots Sith lighting at me who effortlessly deflects it away]
    Yoda: Much to learn, you still have.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

    I never thought I was going to be able to see the figure that was hiding in the center of the picture. When I finally did I couldn’t believe my eyes. And all of the things that Yoda told me started to make sense. Because who knows what else are out right in front of our eyes that we can’t see?
    Today Yoda told me to use this kind of vision to look past the burning flame on a candle. I did and I could not see anything except the heat of the flame and I made some attempts to make the flame move.
    I tried to look past the flame, but the flame remained completely still.

    I wonder what’s the point with doing this...

    In the coming days, follow Dooku on his journey to selfawareness and control, we are. Yes, hmmm.

    Updated 02-12-2012 at 01:06 PM by DreamYoda
