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    My Journal This Is, yes. Hrmm..


    by , 02-14-2012 at 08:04 AM (308 Views)
    The art of relaxing the mind and the body while remaining aware, meditation is. Yeesssssss.

    Crucial to learn to control the force, to keep the mind free from worries and concerns is.

    This, Dooku learned to do, but his fear and from fear the evil grows he still had. Hmm..

    Important to rember this is, to be feared, nothing in life is. Only to be understood, it is. Yesss.

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    Yoda told me to be aware and the exercise he gave me was simple. He told me to sit on a rock with closed eyes and just focus on my breath. It sounded easy at first, but when I was sitting there my thoughts started to distract me and I lost focus on my breath. I even fell asleep on the first attempts of trying this...
    Yoda felt my concern and said "Try to do it, do not, do or do not, there is no try. Try another word of doing not it is."
    I thought I understood, but the key was to not judge myself, and to think of myself in thirdperson like I were the one teaching my other self. So if I started to think thoughts like "This is stupid, Yoda is wrong this doesn't help me at all" just be aware of yourself thinking that and neither like it or dislike it, I just regain my focus on the breath. That includes all thoughts even if they are positive like "Yes I am doing it, I am meditating without caring". If I am doing this I am still thinking, but the goal is not to stop thinking that's impossible, the goal is to be aware.

    Figure out what made Dooku afraid later on I can not, but something physical from this would I am sure that it was not.

    Prepared him more, should I have. Hmm..

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    Updated 02-14-2012 at 08:09 AM by 53136

