• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dutchraptor and littlezoe

    8 Visitor Messages

    1. Indeed ^^
    2. We seem to agree on alot of things
    3. He has a point though, i like being sarcastic

      But i think he overreacted it
    4. This is the worst I could find
      " Now that's more like it agree with your post otherwise, i was just stuck on that line "
      Hahaha very critisizing XD
    5. Hah, well it's all the matter of a viewpoint ^^

      He might think of it that way if i post something that is not entirely esoteric and accepting towards his beliefs, then it's an useless answer for him, probably
    6. In reply to that guy that said you never have anything usefull to say in the beyond dreaming section lol
    7. What do you mean?
    8. Lets see what makes you such a critisizing and sarcastic person.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8