• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dutchraptor and SnowyCat

    11 Visitor Messages

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    1. Thanks!
    2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a good nap
    3. Hahaha right!?

      I also like to listen to some Adventure Club when I'm in the mood for some heavier stuff. Check them out:
    4. Totally man, I would pay an arm and a leg to go to one of his concerts. Gotta convince him to come to Ireland
    5. What can I say, I do my best to make the word a better place for music It actually means a lot to me that I've been able to make a difference in someone's life. Thanks for that! Just another brotha fighting the good fight, eh?

      He's actually been touring a lot recently. Keep an eye out for locations near you! savantofficial(dot)com/tour-dates/
    6. I can't thank you enough for introducing me to savant....Seriously thanks you so much, I realized a few minutes back that my whole life would be different right now if it wasn't for you!!
    7. Thanks man, welcome back to DV
    8. Hahaha Savant truly is a genius, isn't he?
      And I missed your birthday! Happy birthday!
    9. I believe you are the person who introduced me to savant, and for that I could thank you a million times absolutely amazing
    10. b-b-but cats are cool! hahaha not very original i know =_="
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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