• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dutchraptor and ThreeCat

    6 Visitor Messages

    1. Likewise! I was pleasantly surprised when you mentioned FW I'm intrigued now--is the Engine Man's DJ something available for purchase? Jung's Red Book has been on my list for a while, but from what I understand you have to read an illustrated version to get the full effect. Those run at least $100 on Amazon in hardcover, and the paperback apparently has none of the drawings! I did manage to see some of the drawings from the Engine Man's book--oddly childlike but interesting in that they remind me of some of Kafka's drawings I have seen around the internet. I wonder if it is locked away in some museum at Harvard somewhere . . . .
    2. I actually haven't, though it's been on my mind for a while. Nice to see someone well cultured around here, always a welcome addition. Something I've been dying to read is a series of dream journals known as "dream journal of the engine man". It's was bought for the dream and consciousness scientist allan J hobson, who has analyzed the journal excellently. I can't find any transcriptions online though and from what I understand the dream journal is written in an astounding clarity for a train worker.
    3. Ha! Nicely done, sir. I have never read the Wake and have really only made it through Portrait of the Artist, which means I'm a Joyce neophyte. I can appreciate a beautiful sentence when I read one though, and I like the idea of regeneration as a kind of reincarnation of sorts! I may try to fit it into my signature . . . . Have you READ Finnegan's Wake?
    4. Are you a fan of Finnegan's wake so?
    5. Dutchraptor! Ya know, it was either ThreeCat or CommodiusVicus. One of them just seemed simpler
    6. Ya know, it's funny how well members with cat avatars fir into this site. Gab, snowycat, littlezoe where all popular members with cat avatars, and now you come along and sort of continue their legacy. It's cool to see as an established member how the others can come and go and amalgamate into a single friendly cat loving entity Or maybe I'm over analyzing this stuff
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6