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      Hey i know this sounds weird, but does Depersonalization123 sounds familiar to you in any way?
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      hey erkums

      you wanna come to chat? we talk a lot there, dreams, LDs, life, everything

      Hope to see you there. Or let me know when you in DreamTalkers and I'll talk dreams with you there, if you wanna
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    Well of course its all in your head, but why on earth does that mean its not real? - Albus Dumbledor
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    Just a 15 year old dreamer

    Well of course its all in your head, but why on earth should that mean its not real? - Albus Dumbledore


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    1. Erkums
      Erkums liked post by imda1 On thread : Lucid Dreaming is exploring new worlds - proof.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdDjexbxVzM My Theory: According to this, when we are dreaming, we are just floating awareness. So we can go to any place in the multi-verse, and all of our...
      Liked On: 04-16-2014, 05:22 PM
    View Erkums's Dream Journal

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    Movie Theater Gun Attacker

    by Erkums on 06-14-2014 at 10:45 PM
    Dream # 5

    Lucid Dream? - No

    Dream Topic - Movie Attacker?

    Dream Plot - I was in the movie theater seeing a batman movie. It was a full theater. I went to the bathroom and as I was walking back to my seat something didn't feel right. I looked towards the middle of the theater (This actually happened a long time ago in real life, I found out about it on the news I wasn't there) and a guy dressed up as the joker stood up and pulled out a gun. I wasn't back to my seat yet. Everyone was shocked and afraid, most people didn't move, they just looked at him in fear. At first I pondered whether I should run to the exit but figured he would shoot me if I tried. I kneeled down by my seat which a few people were doing to hide, and I decided to crawl under peoples legs towards the middle of the eil would hide me the best. I was able to roll under the seats and stay until the cops got the attacker but it was very scary. As I was leaving the theater, my friends mom called me and asked me if he was ok, I didn't even know he was with me so I had no idea where he was or if he was dead or alive. That's all I remember.
    nightmare , memorable , non-lucid

    [Lucid Dream] Mad Dream Characters?

    by Erkums on 07-30-2013 at 03:19 PM
    Dream # 4

    Lucid Dream? - YES

    Dream Topic - [Lucid Dream] Mad Dream Characters?

    Dream Plot - I don't remember when I became Lucid but when I did I found myself at my beach house, with some people that I knew, and some that I didn't. I could tell that they were mad at me so [I am really happy I was able to fly this time] I flew upstairs to try and avoid them. I went to my porch and remembered that it was just a dream so that maybe I could just make them disappear. When I tried this they just got madder and said "Tell us where it is!". I didn't know what to do so I just flew up and out onto the street. They all ran downstairs and 1 said, I can fly too. That 1 flew and started to chase after me. I tried to teleport myself to the city where I usually live, but it wouldn't work. I just kept flying away from them, now trying to teleport myself to the moon. For some reason I was scared to fly to high so I wouldn't just fly to the moon. Then somehow we were all teleported to the moon. Somehow they stopped being mad at me. We were all teleported to one of my old schools. I was actually apologizing to them because they werent real. They all got sad and started to walk down the stairs. That is when I woke up.
    lucid , nightmare

    My first lucid dream

    by Erkums on 07-26-2013 at 04:29 PM
    Dream # 3

    Lucid Dream? - YES

    Dream Topic - First Lucid

    Dream Plot - I started out at my beach house, (I only remember about 3 seconds before I became Lucid) and I all of a sudden (I don't know what triggered it) I became lucid. I at first became really excited and kept telling myself "oh my god i'm actually having a Lucid Dream". I then realized I was getting to excited and might wake up, so I started to focus on my breathing. after I felt that I wasn't to excited anymore I started to take advantage of the dream. The first thing I did was look around, I realized me and my parents were hosting a dream party in my dream beach house. I immediately went into another room and thought about flying. I looked down at my feet and tried to levitate them myself. I got about 3 or 4 inches above the ground but then I dropped. I knew I would have to practice more before I could really fly. Then I heard my dream mother scream from her bedroom upstairs. I ran up there, saying hi to the dream characters that were at my dream party. when I got upstairs my mom screamed "Look out the window!" I did saw that as far as the eye could see, the ground was made up of pools, connected together so that no ground could be seen, just pool after pool. My dream mother was so upset that our yard was gone. I told here "this is dream, so I can take care of this". I used my and started to bring back the yard (somehow I knew how to do it). I went to far and she started screaming "NO THAT'S NOT RIGHT" so I went back a bit but went to far again. I just said "you know what? this is just a dream i'm done" and I left. I then went upstairs and found 1 of my friends from my camp. I saw some people leaving the house to go to the beach, that's when I woke up. What I find weird about it is that I didn't see the dream start to fade, I just woke up.
    lucid , memorable

    Dream #2 - Floating Fan

    by Erkums on 07-18-2013 at 02:45 PM
    Dream #2

    Lucid Dream? - no

    Dream Topic - It was hot and in an effort to cool down a floating fan helps me out.

    Dream Plot - When I entered the dream I was in my bed. I am one of those people that cant fall asleep without a sheet or blanket. It was desperately hot but I could not fall asleep without the blanket. I turned the air conditioner on but it was still so hot. Then I saw a fan on my desk. I got it and held it up above me, fanning downward to cool me off. After a few minutes my hand got really tired and I just let my hand fall. A few minutes later I realized that air was still being blown down on my. I looked up and saw that the fan was floating there. I thought nothing of it at the time. Then I went and got some water and when I came back the fan was gone. That's when I woke up.

    Dream #1 - Dream Disease?

    by Erkums on 07-17-2013 at 05:08 PM
    Dream #1

    Lucid Dream? - no

    Dream Topic - I get a disease that makes my dreams black

    Dream plot - When I entered the dream I was in my Living Room with my Mother. She asked me if I had any dreams the past night. I said I didn't remember any. A few minutes later I fell asleep on my couch, when I woke up I asked myself, what did I just dream about? But nothing came to mind accept darkness. After a while I realize that I have a disease that makes my dreams black and nothing else, but I still dream. After I realize that I may never see anything in my dreams again I started to cry. My mother says that I can go to the pharmacy to pick up a pill to help me dream again. I woke up as i'm walking to the pharmacy.