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    Complete story dream about asteroid and dream about weird bus trip.

    by faxonboy on 03-16-2018 at 02:08 PM
    I remember the dream starting where I am exploring a new version of the "Nuketown" map from Call of Duty, only this time the houses on the map are even larger, and as I'm exploring them I find one part that leads to what seems to be a seemingly massive Bathroom. I leave and run into a map deaigner who explains that during a game, this part would be sealed off since it's too large and would take too long to find players hiding in it.

    I then leave and go outside and see people getting on a bus, taking an unknown trip and I get in line and get on. No one seems to know where we are going and the guy next to me is acting weird, disturinging other passengers and has to be moved. The girl sitting in front of me tells me that she's only 15, when suddenly a woman in the front of the bus reveals that everyone on this bus is actually 27 (I'm 25.) and guilty of horrible crimes, and then the bus drives into some nearby water.

    I'm then telling this story to myself while looking out the bedroom window of my house as I see all these people outside just hanging out and I ride my bike to a nearby theater to see a movie. During the previews for the movie, there is an ad showing an asteroid labeled "0W-05" and a joke about it come to ruin everything. I look it up on my phone and it was in the news that a massive asteroid is headed right towards Earth and there will likely be no survivors. I talk to the guy sitting in front of me about it, who is someone I know in real life, but I forget the conversation.

    We then watch the movie and it's Avengers Infinity War and I think about how we could use the Infinity Gauntlet to stop the asteroid if it was real.
    We then leave the theater and I'm waiting in line for various fast food places, then go to a somewhat full Panda Express that doesn't really have a line despite only one person working behind the counter. I think about how everyone is now just eating whatever they want.

    I then am at a psychiatrists office, and he says that he's going to have the session end at a random time and we are then watching a short cartoon about a kid like Jimmy Neutron trying to rescue another kid who is stuck on top of a movie bus. I remember the cartoon being awkward to watch, but then an ad for the next episode showed that it would be a lot more mature and be about the kid's relationship with his younger brother.

    I then talk to the psychiatrist about what it's like knowing the world is going to end and he asks me what I want to do on my last days, and I think about all the things I want to get done. I'm then reading through a bunch of Justice League comics that I wanted to read, but then put the comic down and start actually making a list of other things I want to do.

    I'm then at a church talking to people about how weird the asteroid ending the world is since apparently it means the world isn't ending the way the book of Revelations said it would, and even if right before the asteroid hit us it occurred, it wouldn't make sense because we aren't supposed to know when it's going to happen. One of the guys mentions that it's possible that some people might survive, then dismisses this possibility. He then asks me if I'm familiar with something in the Catholic Church called the "Devil and the Lamb on your shoulder." I tell him no and he's confused that I never heard about this common thing.

    I forget how exactly the dream ends, but I remember I'm with my father and aware it's all a dream, but am thinking about what I would do if the world really was going to end.

    Psychiatrist, Panda Express, revelations, comics

    Updated 03-16-2018 at 02:15 PM by faxonboy


    Friend at my house, getting ready to move.

    by faxonboy on 07-22-2017 at 10:32 PM
    So in real life I'll be moving to Idaho for college. The second dream was about what I've been doing; clearing out my house and getting ready to move.

    First dream I had was a really weird one where I was living in a gated community and there was some weird mystery going on with my female neighbor, a D.C. not someone I actually know, and it was something about her going missing but still being there and me skipping around time. I remember feeling like I was uncovering a scheme against me, it was really complicated. I then woke up and went back to sleep, this time having a more straightforward dream.

    In the dream two of my friends are hanging out with me at my house. It somewhat felt like it was connected to the previous dream because I remember thinking about the previous dream as if it had actually happened. I then leave my house with one of my friends and realize that I can't leave my other friend in my house because he can't lock the door when he leaves and I don't have a spare key to give him. I then go back to the house and find him in my room playing a computer game, maybe Overwatch, while listening to "Danger Zone" and watching an episode of Doctor Who. We talk briefly about all the packing I had to do and I look out my window and see my dad is home and selling things from the garage. I go outside and see he isn't giving away bikes with electric motors and a pick axe, and I'm wondering why he's giving it away. The dream ends with me riding one of the bikes uphill.

    Updated 07-22-2017 at 10:34 PM by faxonboy


    Came close to viewing my own birth, was very lucid.

    by faxonboy on 07-19-2017 at 11:58 AM
    Dark room lucid dream where I had a false awakening and was able to do the nose pinch reality check. Most of the dream was me in my own house and trying to turn on a light switch. None seemed to work. Eventually I go outside and look up to see "Star man" who is a reoccurring character in my dreams who is the outline of a man in the sky formed from stars. I go back inside and decide I want to try the jump into a painting challenge, but when I jump into a painting in my living room, I wake up instead.

    I go back to sleep and manage to have another lucid dream. This is another false awakening and already know it's a dream. In my room I see a "Goosebumps" book that doesn't actually exist called Escape from Werewolf Camp" with a picture of a wolf standing in front of a cabin. The rest of my room is being packed up. I find my dad watching an episode of the simpsons where the kids are giving reports on various generals. I see a painting nearby and look at it, trying to imagine what jumping inside it will be like. It's a grassy hill with a few houses on it, and in the background are these skyscrapers. The dad dream character says it looks like a metropolis. I jump into the painting and find myself on the grassy hill for about a second before I wake up.

    I then go back to sleep and have a gambling dream where I am playing a sort of memory game but the cards keep getting mixed around. I then realize that it's a dream because I'm not on the internet playing a game, that I'm playing this game on the street somehow. I decide to just start walking down the street while talking about how I knew I was lucid since I'm talking to people online but without a mic or even wifi.

    I go from running to me rolling down the street on a skateboard and I was still lucid and decided that instead of continuing the painting challenge for literally the fifth time I would instead watch my own birth, and that in the playground I was headed for would be a time machine. When I reach the playground I see this piece of a jungle gym that's shaped like a car rolling around and I declare that's my time machine and I need to catch it. I chase it around before finally catching it and find the environment around me slowly changing into the front of a hospital. I approach the hospital and see that it is called the "Ethnically Hopeful" hospital, meaning racial harmony. I don't know the name of the hospital I was born at so I figure this might as well be it. I go inside, down a hall to a waiting room and tell the woman at the front that I'm here to watch a birth and she asks "Oh you're (my full name) here for the birth of (my full name)? I realize that my future self must have done this for me, and that it will be fun to go full circle and do that in a dream. I take the ID she gives me and take an elevator up to the twelfth floor. Unfortunelty I woke up when I actually reached the floor, but not before sharing the elevator with a Dream character who I had to keep from messing with the stop button on the elevator. I asked her what her name was because I remembered that was a challenge but instead of replying she turned to me and I recognized her as a character from a short story I read about a large woman in an elevator who scared a boy who had a broken leg and had to use the elevator. That's how I knew she would press the stop button.

    Updated 07-20-2017 at 01:19 AM by faxonboy

    lucid , false awakening , task of the month

    Listened to the audio from an episode of X Files while Lucid.

    by faxonboy on 09-24-2016 at 09:39 AM
    So, outside of the dream, I should clarify that I was taking a nap while my dad watched X-Files on Netflix in the other room, and I could hear the audio in my room.

    Anyhow, the dream started with me as Ant- Man and I was breaking into a building by sneaking in through a sink, and then a doctor was trying to grab me in the sink, and I'm moving around in the sink, the inside of which looks like a smaller model of the bathroom. I then exit through a side drain and enter another room, which looks like a small office, and then the dream shifts to me being outside and I am talking about the job I just did.

    I then find myself in my house, and I can hear the audio of the episode of Xfiles my dad is watching, for reference it's the episode "Elegy," the audio from which I could clearly hear and make out in the dream while I was walking around my house in the dream. I had never seen the episode before so that proves that I really was hearing the audio from the episode in the dream since I was able to recall lines from the episode. Anyhow, hearing the audio I realize that I am dreaming and I go to the back room of my house where there is a large window with a view, it's become a habbit for me to look out this window when I go lucid because I usually see these amazing landscapes. As I approached the window, I could see green and I realized that the landscape was really neat this time. I look out and I see the city, but it's surrounded by a massive forest of redwood trees. I look around and the city is filled with these giant trees. I'm really impressed with how detailed it really is, and I leave the room to go to my dad's bedroom where I see him laying down watching a screen floating in midair, but I can still hear the episode of Xfiles playing and in the dream he's watching a completely different show. I concentrate at this point and can clearly hear the audio from the episode, which makes me want to listen to podcasts and whatnot more often when I sleep.

    I then leave my house, and see a vacuum cleaner outside. I grab on to the handle, and find that I can ride it like a scooter as it propels me forward. I decide to explore more of my dream on this extremely fast vacuum cleaner, and I visit my middle school. It's around this point I wake up from my nap.

    Chased by ghosts; rather long story-driven dream

    by faxonboy on 03-07-2016 at 12:34 AM
    This post got refreshed by mistake, here's the cliff notes version.

    The dream starts with me in a parking garage surrounded by people on their laptops. I somehow know that I'm supposed to steal a flash drive. Sneak over to guys laptop, look through his computer when he goes to the bathroom.

    Dream fragment about a beach boardwalk that looks like a video game.

    I'm in an SUV with a woman driving and three other people outside my house. My neighbor yells at her for stealing pizza. We then go to a museum, inside dinosaur statues are moving by themselves and behind us a mob of zombies starts chasing us. We run into a bathroom and manage to find an exit. This chase actually went on for a while, at one point we were cut off by two mobs of zombies and I had to dash past them. We manage to find the exit to the building and get back to the SUV and drive off.

    I'm now back at my house, but it's still part of the same dream. I then have a false awakening and I'm sleeping on the living room couch. Dad asks me if it's because our dog is sick and I'm depressed, I say that I am scared to go into my room because these snakelike creatures with hooked heads are in there, and they are haunting our dog and not separate creatures but all part of one creature. He then leaves and I get off the couch and see that my dad's truck is parked right in front of the front door. This is weird enough for me to do an RC
    I do three reality checks and they all fail. One where I try to blow through my closed, one where I overlap my fingers and count the spaces formed, and one where I look for my palm lines.

    The living room looks very realistic too so I accept that I'm not dreaming. Shortly later I wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable