• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between fOrceez and SarcasticIndeed

    14 Visitor Messages

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    1. Yep. I'm fine, but my recall has gotten pretty awful in the last months, and very rarely did I go lucid (when I did, I woke up in seconds). Guess I should devote more time to getting them Lucids.

      How have you been?
    2. Hey there! It sure has been a long time How are you doing?
    3. Hey man... Just wondering if you still remember me... It's been an awful lot of time I haven't been on this site... :/
    4. Hello, dude. Haven't seen you in a long time Wassup? Oh, and, I've started watching Code Geass. Seen 20 episodes or so. Absolutely amazing anime.
    5. Well, I have good news. After a long time, I actually felt some signs of SP, but my eyes started opening uncontrollably and I lost the chance! I'm still super happy.

      http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/closer-124512/#post1777660 For a more dtailed overview...
    6. I will. See you then
    7. Oh noez. That means twice the work!
    8. At both of those times xD
    9. I have willpower now. When I wake up all sleepy in the night, it's not the case though
    10. Don't you 'zero-willpower' me! Gotta work for them lucids
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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