• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between fOrceez and Vampireboy

    15 Visitor Messages

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    1. Absolutely Drop into #luciddreaming in chat if you have time!
    2. Just checking you're still alive
    3. Still around, mate?!
    4. Hahahah. Well i'm gonna head off to bed- you should come onto chat when you have time, when i'm not |Asleep, lol! Have a good one!
    5. A steam punk Venice talking to a guy outside a lucid dreaming shop about lucid dreaming aids, thought I would have caught on?
    6. Oops, i meant visualising.
    7. That's good. You should be having lucid dreams in no time. Perhaps tonight's the night, yeah?!
    8. Damn 3 message limit, check my wall -.-
    9. Okay, good luck!
    10. No, i am not sure. You have to adjust it to your own sleeping cycles. My first sleep cycle ends after 2 hours instead of 1.5 and then i have cycles 1.5 hours progressively after that.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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