• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between fOrceez and Vampireboy

    15 Visitor Messages

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    1. I've never had block-o-vision carry into waking life before.. But you know that mod that allows you to phase through objects with the compass tool? Man, that gets to my waking life. Not to mention i teleport alot in dreams, so i'm just like.. "I would teleport through that.."
    2. Hahah, how great is it? I might even play some Minecraft today ^__^
      Are there any games you play on PC online?
    3. Yes, try 4 hours and 15 minutes for a week, if that doesn't work, slightly adjust your WBTB in 10 or 15 minute interals.
      EG next time make your WBTB 4 hours and 30 minutes.
    4. Note - next time you come on Chat, start to type my name fOrceez and then hit tab when you're halfway through it. This will "ping" me, alerting me that someone wants my attention ^__^
    5. Ah- about PMs, your limit is 3 per hour. Just checked with the head man
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 15 of 15
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