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    1. IHadADreamWhere
      IHadADreamWhere liked post by GeneralDaedalus On thread : Can I do drugs and yet still be pretty consistent with my Lucid Dreaming Journey?
      I'm going to test it out. I'll probably be smoking some weed tomorrow, and I'm having a good week right now (I've been successfully recalling very longs dreams, over an hour each time, for the past...
      Liked On: 06-30-2015, 12:35 AM
    2. Thesatellite
      Thesatellite liked post by GeneralDaedalus On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      I posted two days ago, saying that I'd have an LD. Well, I didn't. I took a load of supplements and nothing happened. However... Last night, I decided to take a break from trying to LD. I've heard...
      Liked On: 06-23-2015, 03:37 AM
    3. KingVincent
      KingVincent liked post by GeneralDaedalus On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      I like this thread. This is my first post on the site, so I'll make it count :) I've been trying to LD for around 3 months now, with no success. I've been trying since my first lucid dream, about...
      Liked On: 06-20-2015, 11:00 PM
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    DJ #2- A Personal Guard Of Houseflies

    by GeneralDaedalus on 08-11-2015 at 07:48 AM
    Hey all,

    I had a pretty weird one last night so I thought I'd share. I'm going to be learning to drive next month which is where the dream started off- I was in my mum's car (get out me car!) and she was teaching me how to drive. To cut a long story short, I got out of the car and my personal guard showed up. I didn't actually know I had a personal guard. As it turns out, I do. And they're houseflies. Four of them. They had healthbars in my dream which was pretty weird, but basically, wherever I walked they followed me. They were supposed to protect me from danger, though luckily I never ran into any, because I'm not sure how much damage four flies can do. Not that I'm judging, or anything- maybe they were ninja flies? Who knows?

    Not a very long one, I just wanted to share it with you. I found it pretty darn funny when I woke up.

    My First DJ- A Very Strange Dream

    by GeneralDaedalus on 07-05-2015 at 11:10 AM
    Hi everyone,

    This is my first dream journal entry. I've noticed that most of my REM periods occur in the morning, from around 4-8 o'clock, so I have most of dreams around this time. I often wake up a lot in the morning, but go back to sleep pretty quickly, so I generally have a lot of dreams in the morning. I've just woke up, so I wanted to write down what I remember from my dreams.

    The first one placed me in some city. I don't know which one, but I can tell you that it was huge. Much bigger than London, for example. I was basically exploring it. I spent probably about an hour (IRL time) walking around the city, just going into random shops and looking at random sights. It went on for a very long time in the dream world. One thing which stood out was the biggest building in the city. I have a love of high places such as this, so in my dream I made a beeline for it. I took the lift up to the top floor, where there was this big, circular glass floow inside of a glass building. This was extremely high up, taller than the Burj Khalifa. There was a panel over on one side of the room, with two wheels. One of the wheel rotated the floor around, while the other charged the camera. That's right- the room seemed to be some sort of photography device to take photographs of the city. It was weird, I guess, but the dream was incredibly vivid. It seems that each night, my dreams have been getting more and more vivid, lately. And longer. But I digress, as I was saying, I was on top of the biggest building in the entire World. I walked out through a set of double glass doors to the back of the room, and onto the roof, where a few people were sitting around on assorted chair. I turned around and saw that there was actually another room, very similar to the photography one, on top of it. I disregarded it, having seen enough, and decided to venture back down to the city. This is where it starts to get weird.

    I found some sort of shopping centre. If you live in the UK, you'll probably know of the MetroCentre. It was really similar to that, only the shops were different. I was sauntering around, simply looking for something to do. It was at this point I noticed that I had my pilot's uniform on, so I realised that I was on layover (staying after a flight) in this city. I found a restaurant, called "Vino & Me". It looked very professional, like a chain restaurant. You know when you have one of those dreams and you're just amazed at how real it all feels? This was one of them, for me. I could read all of the text, hear other people's conversations as they walked by me, etc. It was extremely lifelike. Anyway, I went into this restaurant, and for some reason the first thing I did was tell them that I'm the owner's friend. The guy at the door shouted to one of his colleagues, "who's on the list?", and they read out a single name. I told them that was my name. They all smiled, showed me to a table, and gave me a bunch of free food. I remember it being very nice. It was an Italian restaurant (presumably run by alcoholics, judging from the name), so I had pasta and a very nice dessert. The pasta cost £14.95, so I was very happy that I'd pretended to be friends with the manager. One weird thing was the menu itself. Half of it was written in red pen on a napkin, while the other half was a professionally-printed menu. Very strange. There were a bunch of inconsistencies like this in the dream, odd little sights which made me laugh.

    When I was done eating, I turned to a window looking back into the mall. There were glass walls, so I could see everything which was going on perfectly. Two men with purple shirts on walked out and grabbed a man standing by some sort of stall. Everyone around turned and looked on, startled by the appearance of these men. They looked like security guards to me, which was likely to be the case, as two policemen showed up and assisted them in carrying the man off. The man kicked some random guy in the head as they were going, and I specifically remember the victim falling backwards onto some glass ceiling (we were on the second floor), and smashing his head open. Blood everywhere. My dreams always seem to take a dark twist at some point. At least glass ceilings were being shattered. I sat in the restaurant and burst out laughing. I don't normally have emotions in my dreams, as I'm sure most of you can relate to, but I had a fit of uncontrollable laughter upon seeing the guy get kicked in the head. I thanked the restaurant staff, and I headed out.

    Next up, I went to visit Jesse Pinkman. I have no idea where that came from. He was living in a tent somewhere, it was a campsite, though, and it was very Sunny. I knocked on the door (not sure why, it was a fabric tent), and he opened it up. He was annoyed at me for some reason. I think I was supposed to be Walter White at this point, but he soon made up with me and we had an interesting discussion. Nothing important, I just enjoyed it. I said goodbye to him, then I went to visit an old friend (haven't seen him in a couple of years now), who was also living on the same campsite for whatever reason. I located his tent, and started talking to him. At one point in the conversation, I divulged to him that I was growing 4 marijuana plants, at which point he dragged me outside. What I didn't notice was that his ad was sitting out the back of the tent, and my friend was sure that he'd heard me. We walked off at this point. I'm not even anywhere near done yet, either. It gets really weird from hereon in.

    Next up, we met some African girl. It's a little bit fuzzy around here, so I don't remember the details all that well, but I'll do my best. This girl was with two friends, I believe, and we basically just hung out with them for a while. We were still in the big city, just in a less central district. After a while, they drove off, when one of the kids saw their mother. The other kid said to the African girl; "forget it, she's no coming back", presumably in reference to her mother. I don't really understand the significance of this, or what it means, but it did go on for quite some time. I just don't remember this part of the dream particularly well.

    After that, I was in school. I was walking out with some of my friends, when we said bye to each other. I jumped into my car, which was parked outside. Apparently I drive a Ferrari 458 Italia now. All of my friends were very impressed, and when I left them I went on a drive for a while. I remember sitting in the car, and just really enjoying the feeling of driving it. It was a very realistic part of the dream. Next, I ended up with two of my friends, sitting on a riverbank. It was more of an overhang, actually. We were about 50 feet above this lake. The water was crystal clear, and was surrounded on all sides by high banks, almost like it was a flooded canyon. We were fishing into it, but didn't have much luck, and decided that there were only a few small fish in there. That prompted my friend to jump from the cliff, and into the river. It looked really warm, so I decided to follow. It was a cartoonish moment, and I proceeded to jump, and then realised that I still had my phone in my pocket and all of my clothes on. I took my clothes off, threw my phone and bus pass out of my pocket, and I did all of this while balancing off the edge of the cliff at about a 30 degree angle. Impossible in real life, but I didn't even notice it in the dream. I plummeted down into the water, and it felt amazing. It was lovely and warm, and perfectly safe. We swam around for a while, while our other friend stayed sat atop the canyon walls. This was the last time anything in my dream was "perfectly safe".

    Next up, the dodgy fish. I was walking along this sand path, surrounded on each side by water. My parents were with me, but they'd walked off ahead, looking at the sights. The water was extremely shallow, but the seabed was covered with deep-sea entities. I saw these bioluminescent (glowing) jellyfish, and when I touched them they changed colour. It looked more lifelike than ever. I saw a hole in the ground, with this miniature shark coming out of it. It had an anglerfish in it's mouth. The weird part were that both of them were tiny. The shark was probably only about 10cm long, the anglerfish obviously a lot smaller. They weren't moving at all. They just sat there. I walked around, and took a look at all of the other fish. For some reason, I was convinced that there were stonefish hiding on the floor (venomous fish, which are often fatal to humans, if you stand on them), so I was very cautious. But I waded through the shallows full of dodgy fish, just enjoying the sights. I saw my parents again, and showed them the little shark.

    Now for the final part of the dream. I know that I've skipped through a lot, but most of it was repetitive. I was looking around the city for what seemed like hours, and I spent a lot of time fishing and swimming, and looking at the fish, as well. So I'm just generalising here. Anyhow, the last part is probably the weirdest. I was sitting in my room, with the door shut, on my PC. I got up to go to the toilet, opened my bedroom door, and saw two Bengal tigers sitting on the landing. One was orange, and the other was white. They were both huge. I shut the door very fast. I think my mum was at work, but my dad was downstairs, in the kitchen. I knew that I had to get down and warn him. I barricaded my door with an amplifier (I found two handguns in there- the one which I actually own, and an exact copy of it but covered in swastikas, really random), and a bunch of other stuff that I happened to have lying around my room. I jumped out of my bedroom window, onto the lower roof, and then down into the front garden. I went around the back, found my dad cooking in the kitchen, and warned him about the tigers. He didn't believe me, so I got him to look up the stairs. We have a mirror on the stairs, and we saw the tail of the white Bengal in the mirror. We shut the doors at the bottom of the stairs, and the kitchen door. I suddenly burst out with, "I know what to do!", and he looked at me. I remembered The Hangover, and decided that we needed to put a bunch of drugs into a steak. He said that I was being stupid (he has a tendency to do that- he disagrees with my ideas which are risky or a bit out there), but I decided to do it anyway. I went into the freezer, got out a big steak, and filled it with Valium. I threw it upstairs, and went back around the front, and climbed up into my bedroom. After a while, I felt the door move. I was genuinely worried; the dream felt that real. One of the tigers pushed on the doors, and I held it back. After a couple of minutes, I realised that I couldn't possibly content with a fully-grown death machine, so I released the door, sprinted for my window, and jumped out just in time. As I cleared the window, I woke up, my heart racing. I started laughing at the really long, and messed up dream. And now I'm here, writing all about it.

    What I found annoying was that none of this was lucid. I still didn't notice that I was dreaming when I saw a bitesize shark, or when I had two tigers in my house, for absolutely no reason. I did enjoy it, though, and I hope you did too.
    non-lucid , memorable