• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between GestaltAlteration and ♥Mark

    25 Visitor Messages

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    1. Help, good sir, for I have misplaced the jewel that is Tales of Vesperia and upon a cursory glance it is not under my bed or near the spider's cage. I have already contacted local psychics on the matter and they gave me an incorrect local, namely by the toilet, which is preposterous (naturally they charged me a substantial fee for this nest of fibs - well, since it is but one fib I suppose "nest of fibs" is not the best analogy to use). Mayhaps you will be so kind as to tell me where I have misplaced the game so I can clock 200 hours instead of the meager 105 that I am at now, and if you cannot I may forgive you given that you have set the example by always forgiving those who have wronged you in egregious ways.

    2. Don't talk to my wife like that.
    3. I'll spam your profile page some more. LOL!! Can't take the heat can ya kid???
    4. I fight for my friends!
    Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 25 of 25
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