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    by Geves on 04-09-2011 at 03:07 AM
    May 12, 2005 @ 08:24 AM

    This is an old Nightmare I had once, that I recently found again in one of my old notebooks and posted onto a dream interpretation site right after I had it. Because I thought I might want to read it again/share without searching through my old notebooks (or going to that hard to find site) again I thought I'd post it here. It's probably the only dream I've ever had (next to my first lucid ^above^) that has become engraved in my memory and also the worst nightmare I've experienced. Changing the font to red, so I can tell it was a nightmare.

    well I've had this dream once before (at least i think i have, everything felt like i experienced it before. well I'll get to that later). this is a kind of long story, but it was soo weird. i remember it almost perfectly and it's been 6 hours now since i woke up.

    OK first the dream starts out after i die. i wake up in a weird Aztec style temple. on the other end opposite from me. there's a weird symbol (kind of like a tribal design, it was orange.) on the floor there was the same symbols (except these ones were dark purple). covering the entire floor.
    then i got my first sense that I've had this dream once before. and it told me that the orange symbol would lead to heaven and all the other ones would lead to hell.

    so i start at entrance to the temple. and the only way to get to the orange symbol is to jump on these stone slabs (connected to the ceiling from chains). so i almost fall a few times, but eventually get to the orange symbol and I'm transported to some place.

    this place is very very colorful (like an LSD trip). it's looks like a bed room, but it;s huge and full of shelves. on these shelves are all kinds of interesting trinkets (i don't remember why they were interesting, just kind of hypnotic). so this store/house is full of a bunch of people (strangers). and they just seem like they're high or drugged heavily and they're just laying around, doing nothing.

    so i try to talk to one of them, and right when i do out of the corner of my eye, i see this freaking eerie black cloaked figure. it's wearing a mask (i think it was red), it's holding one of those things monks use (with the chain connected to a urn type thing, with smoke pouring out of it. i don't know what they're called, but their used in religious ceremonies.)

    anyways, this cloaked figure starts waving this smoking urn around and purple smoke is going everywhere...now it really gets crazy. everything starts moving in super slow motion, i start hallucinating (the dream felt like i was anyways, but now it's like in high gear), then i get a sense of deja-vu again (like i had this dream once) and then i got the feeling this wasn't heaven it might be hell and i was tricked about the symbols.

    so after this thing goes away through a door. it's gone, awhile later. i return back to a normal state of mind. then this black person next to me, starts talking to me but i can';t understand him except one word "relax". but i try to stand up and wander around some more. and then i notice the entire place is filled with doors. and i turn around to see the cloaked figure again, trying to sneak up on me (this happens a few times), he looks more evil now. and i get a sense of deja-vu, telling me to slap this thing around. so i start chasing him. and this goes on for awhile, i can't catch him.

    then the dream kind of skips to me being chased by him and scared out of my mind. he's still wearing the cloak, and has the urn full of purple gas, but he's not wearing a mask anymore (he looks like a reptile..kind of). for some reason i feel like i knocked his mask off and saw his face, then i got scared and started running from him. like i said this goes on for a while. but then the last time, he starts waving his purple gas stuff around. and i hold my breath to try and not breathe it, and everyone (the strangers) around me start freaking and going completely nuts. then i take a look at the black guy(who tried to talk to me earlier) arm. and his vein are throbbing and i can see frogs coming out of his arm and his arm seems to be mutating (growing tentacles), i get the feeling he was transforming into something like the cloaked thing. so i take of running and right when he';s closing in on me (the cloaked figure) and about to catch me. I wake up.

    I'm scared, I'll never forget that dream for quite some time. i tried to see what it was trying to tell me. and the only thing i can think of is that I'm lazy and in bad health and i need to quit. cuz it seems as long as i didn't try to do anything and i just sat around doing nothing. the cloaked figure wouldn't try to sneak up on me. (but i don't know anything about dreams.)

    EDIT: i don';t know if it's important or not but i could completely control myself. and this dream felt really real.

    plus should i post this in the spiritual section as well. cuz it seemed very epic and i think i'll remember this one for a while.

    but i remembered this and thought it might be important. everytime i saw the cloaked figure trying to sneak up on me the entire colorful house went black.

    and i don't do drugs, i smoke cigarettes and i just quit drinking.

    i don't know if i'm describing this very good. but the only way i can describe the cloaked figure, is he feels looked, moved, and felt like the definition of terror, fear, and death, i don't know. but if anyone ever asks me what death looks like, i'll give that description . the dream doesn't scare me as much as picturing what he looked like.

    It was really a strange dream though. The mask this thing was wearing was kind of like a porcelain mask, with a human face but featureless.
    kind of like this except not as much detail. I think I pooed myself after thinking about that nightmare again.

    Wow what a strange dream...

    by Geves on 04-09-2011 at 02:57 AM
    April 9th, 2007

    Last night I had a fairly strange dream. Took me awhile to get online to write it down so the details may not be as good as they should be. The dreams location took place in Wisconsin, on a snowy day in a small town similar to where my Mother lives, her house was just as old as her current house is, however it was a completely different house. I was moving up there and apparently going to school there as well. I had what I assume to be my cousin (who does not exist in real life) meet me and help me get used to the area, unpack, ect... She was a platinum blond woman, attractive, and of the same age as me (23), she had a very outgoing personality and was quite courageous.

    Details of the dream seem sketchy at best, but for one reason or another we were running through the neighborhood. The neighborhood was weird in design and appeared to be slanted (as in running downhill at a very sharp rate) the houses on one block were completely covered by hills, so it's kind of like you would be running down a hill and next thing you know..you were running on top of someones roof and it just continued in that manner. To make this run felt as if it took an insane amount of balance, to not fall off an injure yourself.

    But me and my cousin (i assume) were running full speed down this gauntlet of balance. After making it fairly far down the hill, suddenly the hill stopped on someones roof and became a HUGE drop off. I was ahead of my pretend cousin and I noticed it first and tried my hardest to stop, but I was running too fast. In a split second decision I decided to drop off and grab the edge of the roof (gutters). My cousin quickly came to my aid and helped pull me up, afterward I thanked her and we both decided it would be much safer to simply walk on the road the rest of the way (yes apparently there was a road the whole time, though I don't recall seeing it).

    We reached my mothers house and my cousin decided she had to get something out of the car. When she opened the car door, she suddenly collapsed. I was freaking out because she seemed motionless. I looked in the car door and there was what appeared to be a red electronic box (in retrospect I assume the box was a dialysis machine, which I guess that's what it was), I called for my mom to come help, my mom came out and hooked her up to it and almost immediately she regained consciousness, but was too weak to stand up. So I picked her up and carried her inside the house and laid her down on my bed. She seemed much better after only a few seconds of laying there and she thanked me for the help.

    Then I woke up and felt completely unrested.

    Looking back on the dream the relationship with my cousin (?) seemed to be a very deep one. It felt as if we were the best of friends, looking out for one another despite whatever the obstacle. It felt like a relationship of true love (not in that way you dirty minded weirdo), but one of complete understanding and care. I get the vague feeling that she was a representation of myself. To give a representation of our relationship, it felt as if she would've died...so would I.

    Seems so strange that my mind would be able to create such a believable relationship to someone whom does not even exist in real life. It kind of makes me realize the power of the unconscious mind.

    My first lucid dream

    by Geves on 04-09-2011 at 02:52 AM
    March 5th, 2007

    This is my first lucid dream, so I'll be adding it into a different color font. because it's an important step in what i wish to accomplish.
    November 13th, 2006

    It started when I was trying to go back to sleep. I had a hangover & was basically trying to relax my eyes. I started to become half-asleep and half-awake, yet i was able to use my imagination and I could tell anytime my mom was moving around the house or coming anywhere near me (i was on the couch).

    But at some point between laying there and trying to simply rest. I was dreaming and i could somehow tell instantly. I started screaming at my self to realize that i was dreaming, reaching desperately for lucidity. In the dream i was riding in a car and once my screaming reached me, i remembered to try the clock-test. It was incredibly hard to read the clock. But i read it and noted the time. I had to try REALLY hard in order to make myself read it again. But sure enough when i finally did it, the clock read a completely different time.

    I could recall all of the stuff that was possible in the dream world. I screamed (mentally) that I wanted to be at a tropical beach. Easily enough the setting of my dream changed to that of a beach. Unfortunately the beach was more like Panama-city beach than a real tropical setting. (Murky water, dirty sand,ect..) So I screamed again (The screaming is kind of like a yelling/thinking command, than a vocal scream) for it to be a "tropical beach". Instantly (with a flash of pure white, like my mind blanking out) it changed into a Caribbean style beach, the most clear ocean i have ever seen in my life.

    Now the entire setting of my dream was that of a tropical beach. Complete with ocean, sand, buildings, and beach goers (dream characters I've never seen any of them before), filled the otherwise empty environment.
    every single one of the dream characters in this dream was a bikini clad woman.
    Still there was one problem with the setting. The beach was so small. If i could describe it I'd use a video game reference (best way i can), beyond the ocean there was an edge and everything beyond that point was just a white void, as if it was the edge of the universe.

    I "screamed" once more and with it. the beach and world stretched as far as the eye could see in all directions. It was a mesmerizing place. Like something straight out of a travel brochure. Beautiful women, peaceful environment, and me being there, made it something of which i could only describe as nirvana.

    After talking with a few of the dream characters (dialog i didn't remember) and basically wasting the time. I sat down and admired everything that I had created. Unfortunately this was my downfall, for after awhile I started to lose lucidity and I returned to an uncontrollable dream-state and even changed settings to some weird hybrid of a mall/fun-house.

    But WOW! Everything in that beach setting was SO lifelike. I could feel the oceans current hitting my waist in knee-high water, i could feel the sun against my back, I even recall having coherent conversations with the dream characters (though as above, what they said was not recalled). It was one of the best experiences I've ever felt in my life. I hope I can someday reach lucidity again and experience it all over again.

    not much to see here

    by Geves on 04-09-2011 at 02:48 AM
    September 21, 2006

    After going along while without remembering any dreams. Last night i smoked some Dream Herb before passing out. it worked, not to a great effect, but after the rut i was in anything is better than nothing.

    Well this dream (from what i can remember) seems to have a theme of addiction. Taking place in two places of my past, when i used to smoke alot of weed, drink, ect.. But my brother was also there, drinking (as he does alot lately). He seems to be the focal point of what i can remember, probably because he was so much like he is in real life. All i can really remember about the dream is my brother drinking ALOT. Eventually ending the dream with him pissing himself and his bed and myself having to watch over him to kind of take care of him. One thing about this dream that really stood out was that the book "1984" made numerous appearances throughout my dream, which is strange cuz I've never read it before. It's kind of creeping me out that "1984" kept showing up in my dream.


    Well it wasn't much of a dream. but it's better than nothing. hopefully now I'll be able to recall more dreams but i suppose everyone has their moments of not being able to remember them. Yesterday i didn't really have a chance cuz i only slept for 3 hours. So now that i can get a full nights rest. I'm sure more dreams are coming.

    I remember everything about this dream still.

    by Geves on 04-09-2011 at 02:45 AM
    Well last night i decided to try the dream herb again. This time i smoked two cigarettes of it (instead of one). Let me just add that as smooth as the smoke of this substance is, by the end of two of them. your throat feels on fire, mouth dry, and you feel like strep throat is right around the corner. It's recommended that you drink some tea of then smoke a cigarette of the dream herb. I'd have to agree. smoking two in row not only doesn't make you all that drowsy. but the downsides of a burnt throat is just not worth it.

    Well was two better than one? my opinion... yes I dreamt all night last night. I still seem to only recall a small portion of it. but that's only because i was swamped with dreams. seems like i was dreaming forever.

    I seemed to have been in a poor southern village (like so poor it was as if i was stepping back in time). I had no money and only had a dog to accompany me (i don't have a dog). An older woman decided to put me up in her spare house/hut, in exchange for work. somehow i ended up all of a sudden having a motorcycle (which didn't fit the settings at all). but it must have been a few weeks or so that went by.

    So after working for the old woman for a while, it seems that the village had warmed up to me. Because i seem to have known them well enough for passing comments. (which was strange because I've never seen any of these people in my waking life)

    this is where i think i should call this a new dream, despite people from the old one being in this one

    a man i was working for one day invited me to his home for dinner and i agreed. i arrived and was introduced to their daughter (whom i can honestly not remember at all what she looked like, which is weird for what happened later). So i eat and his daughter offers me to go hang out with some of her friends. OK.

    (i don't remember what happened in-between)

    suddenly I'm joking around with the mans daughter in a restaurant and i ask her to marry me. suddenly her dad jumps in and is being super violent. so i manage to get away with his daughter.

    (different dream i guess? but it involved the same people? weird..never happened to me before)

    so now me and the mans daughter are being chased around the country side by the entire town, they had trucks & cars. i was on my motorcycle, but sometimes i would be in a car too (weird stuff). they must have chased us around for a what seems to be about an hour. before the town brought the cops. so now the cops are chasing us and eventually they catch us. i believe outside a supermarket.

    so the girls dad gets out of the police car, with two sheathed swords. he seems to be wearing an old timey diving suit (the type where they fed oxygen through a hose to the diver), but without the helmet. The father then starts talking something about dishonoring him (i can't really recall the convo).
    but he tosses me one of the swords and he unsheathes his. i unsheathe mine in a very heroic type manner, that startles him (because he knows he's outclassed ). he takes one swing at me, that i dodge. i strike back but his diver suit seems to be uncut-able. i noticed that around his neck there's a groove on each side of his neck. so i stand back and strike those two grooves. he drops his sword and suddenly his diver suit starts overflowing with blood. and he just walks away.. pretty funny actually how he didn't die, just walked away.

    overall this dream/s was probably the most stable long dream I've ever had. it was almost like a movie. an insane movie, but a movie none the less. I'm not sure weather i should contribute this dream to the herb or not. but it was an overall enjoyable experience. so I'll probably try again tonight. this time i think i'll use the tea.

    as for the overflowing blood and sword fight at the end, they came out of nowhere. but i guess don't watch over violent movies before you go to bed. Rikki-oh, ichi the killer, etc...