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    Subconscious became mad at me

    by GmaX on 04-08-2019 at 09:31 AM
    So I started using the Awoken smartphone app to train myself to do Reality Checks in my dream. It works like a charm, for me at least. After responding to the app for only one day, I had 3 lucids last night. The most interesting of them was the one where I realized my goal and tried to gain control over/access to it. Below is my DJ entry.


    I'm in this wacky world where there are all sorts of zany characters running around. It feels like a game mixed with a children's TV show. I have been here before in a previous dream and I become lucid.

    I remember my goal, the reason I'm lucid dreaming in the first place and realize I have no interest in this weird world and dream freedom. I'm here to talk to my subconscious. So I try to focus and clear out the world so I have complete emptiness. It doesn't work, so I treat my dream as a machine that accepts commands and tell it to "clear out everything". And it does, it literally removed everything leaving me in complete darkness.

    Now that I have what I want, I say to my subconscious: "Give me access to my subconscious." I do not get a response, but I can see my subconscious trying to force the world back in which I was standing before, forcefully trying to move it into place, I can even see white, bony hands trying to push the scene back together for me to walk in. I refuse and push it away with my mind and ask loudly: "Why won't you give me access!?"

    Then a feeling of fear developed inside of me and out of nowhere the mad Majora's Mask moon shows up underneath me and a dark, angry voice resonated throughout the world: "WHY DO YOU WANT ACCESS TO SOMETHING YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!?" The voice surprises me and I am shocked my subconscious is this violent towards me. It's not just shock because of the response. The amount of power this entity exerted towards me was of such a degree that I felt like it could kill me instantly if it wished to do so. I froze for a second when it appeared in that fashion.

    The voice keeps on talking on why I have no business trying to meddle in something beyond my control and it has me wake up to a false awakening again, but I am completely conscious of the fact that I am dreaming still. The house is very different. Not in the sense that the layout or location is different, but something else completely. It's dark, not only literally, but it feels like I'm somewhere I have no control. I feel fear inside of me as I see eyes on the walls everywhere, connected to each other like neurons and information travelling between them as electricity, as this voice keeps on rambling like a higher being, explaining that I shouldn't have access to things I will not understand anyway. I walk through the house and the walls are the same everywhere, with eyes looking at me. It feels really uncomfortable as I'm trying to explore the house. When I get to the kitchen, my dream has started taking over again, as my consciousness is fading and the last thing I see is myself walking back to bed. And that is where the memory ends.


    That was quite the experience. I think maybe I came on to strong. Tonight, if I become lucid, I'll try just talking to it first, just a conversation, rather than demanding access immediately. Hopefully it will be more agreeable then XD.

    Dream Control

    by GmaX on 02-22-2015 at 11:38 AM
    Before I jump into the lucid dream(s) I had last night, I would like to first state that I have been visiting Dream Views for a long time looking for different kind of tips and tricks to become and stay lucid. Two days ago I saw an article on Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream where the suggestion was made to choose some object or something else for that matter and whenever you'd see it in waking life, you should do a reality check. So I decided to go really big and chose the color blue. Everytime I saw something blue I did a reality check and really questioned whether or not I was dreaming. Note that I did this for 1 day only. The results were (for me atleast) great.

    "I'm walking in a badly illuminated building with multiple rooms adjacent to each other. All are connected through doors and every room is just as dark as the one before. I notice I'm following a guy, it seems as if he's leading me to someone. As I look around I notice something blue and I become suspicious. I check my hands to see that I own 12 fingers and I realize that I'm dreaming. Immediately after that I'm upright in my bed, as if awakened from a dream. I immediately notice that I don't remember the act of sitting up, so I suspected it to be a false awakening. After checking my right hand my suspicions were confirmed as I had 7 fingers on one hand.

    As of now, I'm lucid, but everything is still very fuzzy, as always in the few times before I had a lucid dream. Instead of trying the regular techniques like rubbing my hands and spinning around to stabilize it, I assumed my subconscious to be a computer in which I could enter commands. I said 'Dream! Increase vividness to 100%!' and everything became crystal clear. Next I said 'Increase awareness to 100%!' and the level of detail and clarity I achieved was amazing. I had no trouble maintaining the dream and could freely walk through my house without feeling the pressure of the dream trying to take over.

    I went into the kitchen and as it was still dark outside I wanted to turn on the light. However, my goal was to see how well I could control my dream, as I heard it's not too easy. So I decided to turn on the light with my mind. I focused on the bulb and hoped it would turn on. Instead, it leaned towards me as if I was trying to move it, but that was not my intention. I stopped for second and told myself that it's not about hoping it will turn on, but knowing that it will turn on since I'm in control and everything I want will happen. So I tried again and the light turned on. Goal achieved, so I went further.

    At this point it's already light outside and I notice people wanting to come into the kitchen. This is when I decided to test another facet of control and I wanted to put in a door to keep everyone outside. I swiped from right to left and a door swiped in place. I was happy, but not for long. I realised that I put in a DOOR, so everyone opened the door and came in XD. So I went one step further and swiped again, this time swiping in a brick wall. Unfortunately someone got caught in the middle and entered the kitchen anyway, so I thought never mind.

    Next I wanted to see if I could fly, still testing the extent of control. I focused hard and managed to get of the ground. The feeling is amazing! But onwards with the story. I flew throughout the house and got to my room where there is a balcony. I wanted to go outside and see where I could fly to, but it was quite a way down, so I had some doubt. I figured that if I would have something to fly on, perhaps that would be safer. At that moment my dad came in with a broom saying that I could use that. Well why not, witches use it, so I took it and sat on it. I'm still lucid at this point, so it was a sane decision :p. I floated up and towards the edge of the balcony. Eventually I turned around and went back into my room, not because I thaught I was going to fall, but because I sensed some doubt and assumed that if I were to fall, I would lose lucidity. That was too great a risk for me to take.

    So now I'm in my room, thinking what I should do next to test my control. Then I remembered reading here that teleporting was also something, so I decided to try that. I closed the door and expected to open it and walk into the world of 'Murdoch Mysteries', a TV show I'm watching. So I opened the door and there was the morgue, exactly like in the show. I walked around to look at it and the resemblance was uncanny. Nothing much happened that was of significance and I believe the dream took over from there on out.

    Next thing I remember is waking up. I was only a little bit disappointed but mostly really happy that I attained that level of lucidity. Today I will keep checking reality everytime I see blue and hopefully tonight I will feast again. This time I will be looking for the embodiment of my subconcious mind, I have some questions for him. Whoever is reading this, I strongly recommend trying what I did to become lucid. Maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't, but one can always try, right? Well, that's it for today, hopefully I will have a new experience to share tomorrow.

    Updated 02-23-2015 at 01:36 PM by GmaX

    memorable , lucid , false awakening

    Strawhat Enemy

    by GmaX on 06-16-2014 at 08:46 PM
    I'm writing this a relatively long time after I woke up.

    This dream revolved around all the One Piece characters. There was some enemy the Strawhat Pirates had to beat, but the enemy proved extremely strong. Luckily, Goku(I was Goku in the dream) was on his way. I was flying high in Super Saiyan mode. Super Saiyan, because the enemy was really strong. I flew over a well and felt I had to go in the well, because apparently the enemy was in there.

    This is most of what I remember. If there as a fight, I did not experience it and most likely forgot.

    The Truck House

    by GmaX on 10-28-2013 at 03:57 PM
    I'm viewing this dream partially from outside. I don't have a role in the dream, it is as if I'm a ghost looking into someone else's life.

    The dream revolves around this one special truck, that has a compartment inside of it so big, the owner had turned it into a bedroom.

    Anyway, later on a fat guy with tattoos and brown curly hair comes by and wants to just take the truck after he had taken a look at it. Now, the truck was parked outside of a house in what appeared to be the middle of some desert. The owner of the house was apparently also the owner of the truck and he wouldn't allow for.the truck to just be taken away.

    Mr. tattoo still wanted it and agreed to fight the owner for it. After this a lot of stuff happened which I can't remember so well.

    At some point I'm myself and I'm standing on I think the second floor of cinema with my sister, about to witness the fight between the two guys. On one floor lower the family and friends of the house owner have assembled and as some sort of ritual he throws shotglasses at them before fighting.

    My memory of the dream stops here.
    non-lucid , memorable

    The Super Market

    by GmaX on 10-28-2013 at 03:55 PM
    There is not much I remember from this dream. I do recall that I'm at the supermarket with my mom and sister and we're standing in between the checkout station and the exit.

    A man, appearing to be a homeless guy judging by his outfit at overall appearance, almost walks out with a shopping cart. I walk up to him and explain that he can put the cart back and reclaim the money he put in it to get the cart. He says he would like to get all of his money out, but that it's jammed and you need a 50 cents coin to remove it, which he doesn't have.

    I do have one and help him get his 50 cents back. As I remove the coin, I notice there is also a 50 euro bill in there and also remove that for him.

    My memory of the dream stops here.
    non-lucid , dream fragment