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    About Gunslingermonk

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    About Gunslingermonk
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    Hello my name is Luke.

    I have recently discovered the skill of Lucid Dreaming from others online, I think I have become lucid before but didn't necessarily understand what was happening and woke myself. I am very much looking forward to trying to reproduce this but being in full control of what can happen.

    I dont really have very good dream recollection and I'm not even sure I dream that often but would like to improve all of these things.

    I am looking for advice and help and would like to invite anyone with any information to feel free and get in contact.
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    Dream #4 Dinner 24.05.2013

    by Gunslingermonk on 05-24-2013 at 02:50 PM
    This is the second dream of last night that I can remember. I decided to do two different posts as its less for people to read if they are interested.

    We are staying at a friends house, I don't recognize the design but a feeling I had suggest that I am in familiar surroundings. My girlfriends family are all there and I must of explained my quest in Lucidity because they all thought it was a silly idea and began laughing at me. I became annoyed/frustrated at this point. We are having dinner at the table but I cant remember what it is that we are eating. They continue to gripe me about recalling my dreams ( I thought it strange that I would dream about this). My GF's WL Granddad then turns to me and apologizes with a massive grin on his face, this suggest to me that it is not sincere. I then became annoyed again as this meant alot to me. I tried explaining myself as to why I wanted to do this, however, no one is listening. This is the last part I remember.

    This maybe a fragment from a third or later in the second, I couldn't differentiate between the two. It is night time, everyone is in bed but I stay up with a girl I used to go camping with, we sit watching a film. Her arms are wrapped around her legs like she is hugging them. Like in a sitting fetal position. She goes up to bed and I follow but I put on really loud music before I go up the stairs, the persons house who we are in says something about the time but I couldnt make out the words. I then look at a watch or clock (should have realised and RC'ed). For some reason I then go up and run a bath but never get in. I can hear the running water and stare at the taps but never test how the water feels. The dream goes hazy after this.

    I wake up in WL and am so happy that I remembered some of my dreams. Regret not spotting some RC moments in the dream but hope this progress continues.

    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Dream #3 The Party 24.05.2013

    by Gunslingermonk on 05-24-2013 at 12:43 PM
    Today I woke up with an almost complete recollection of two dreams and for me this is a massive deal. I have been practicing my techniques for meditation and MILD constantly and I believe this is the first time that I have noticed the difference. So from my experience that anyone struggling with recall to keep up the practice as it does pay off.

    Dream 1
    I remember being at a party, like a wedding reception. I was with my WL girlfriend, a dream character, male, kissed her and I remember getting really angry. I punched then slapped and headbutted him twice. This is strange as I am not violent in waking life and am not easily wound up. She storms off, upset with what I have done and I follow her to the toilet. She is there and he has followed her there as well. I am not sure how this has happened as I never saw him come in with us. The DC girlfriend shows up soon after, another DC, and I explain what happened, I cant remember what words I used and how the sentenced sounded but she left upset and I left the toilets too.

    I am then outside and realize that my car has been stolen (second time my car has shown up in a dream recently, dream sign?) I then see someone driving around in it, there are four people in total in the car. 3 I dont recognize but the driver is the dad from Sons of Anarchy (haven't watched this in ages, not sure why he is in my dream). I remember asking them for it back, he answers me but I cant remember what he says to me and he then drives off, they all laugh. The then come back round and I begin to beg for it back, I remember saying the words 'but it's my pride and joy'. they finally give me the car back and they disappear. My dad then shows up with his best and mate and our family friend in WL, he asks me what has been going on and I tell him, he replies but I cant remember what he said.

    The only other thing I can remember is my dads mate asking to sniff my drink which I specifically remember was a jack daniels and coke. He says something that resembles I approve, in a jokey way as though drinking coke wasn't a manly thing to do. I think is words were 'that makes it much better'.

    This is the first dream and I am over the moon that I remembered all of this and today has been awesome knowing that my hard work is paying off. When I start getting better recall I will then start to practice different mantras.
    memorable , dream fragment

    No Recall

    by Gunslingermonk on 05-23-2013 at 10:22 AM
    Didn't have any recall this morning of anything for the last couple days but have been waking feeling really tired. This has lasted throughout the days but I have been getting 8-9 hours sleep every night.

    Slowly trying to improve my recall by saying mantras before sleep and reading my journal, as I've only just started keeping one I haven't got much to read.

    I may start imagining dreams before bed of what I want to do.

    Hopefully my recall gets better. *sigh*
    side notes

    Dream #2 - Job Loss 20.05.2013

    by Gunslingermonk on 05-22-2013 at 12:03 PM
    I only remember a tiny bit of this dream.
    I'm lying in bed in the morning like i've just woken up and I think to myself, I Dont have a job. I remember thinking in the dream that it was the day before I was sacked. I felt gutted as I had bills to pay and didn't know how to do it. I then instantly thought and actually said to myself 'oh well at least I can wash my car'.

    Could this have been a false awakening? I'm not sure it was, as much as the fact that I didnt actually do anything.

    Thoughts as always.

    Dream #1 - My Girlfriends Sister 18.05.13

    by Gunslingermonk on 05-22-2013 at 11:40 AM
    Me and my Gf's sister are alone together in my living room on the sofa.
    I pull her closer and she doesn't resist. We begin to kiss passionately (thinking back this is probably where I should have used a RC). I remember feeling amazing, the rush of being with her was out of this world. I then feel this pang of disappointment and dread as I realize that I am cheating. She then pulls me closer and we continue to have sex (I think, it gets real hazy after this part).

    This is all I remember as Im normally rubbish at remembering dream and am trying to get better, apologies for the x rated nature but I believe it was this that helped me remember.

    I also think that there were two points that I should have RC'ed and I can see that now, both when we were kissing and about to have sex as I know we would both be against this for obvious reasons.

    Any thoughts would be helpful as I am looking for advice on how to become lucid.
    dream fragment