• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Howlgram and MissLucy

    22 Visitor Messages

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    1. I'm doing great, thanks
      Remembered no less than SIX dreams this morning!!
      No lucids though
      What's really annoying is, this morning I woke up 2 minutes before my alarm, so I was nice and relaxed and.. ..went into SP. Hallucinations had begun to kick in, and I'd finally worked up the courage to just let it happen. ..and then of course my alarm does go off. ARRRGGGHH!
    2. okay, thanks! ^^
      though i havent played halo like in years XD
      Well, i just had some 4 second DILD lol
      finally i realized fighting some cartoonish minions made no sense and wasnt real XD
      Then nothingness happened, because i wasnt thinking on anything, and then i started to hear noises, you know, because i sleep in daytime and i was listening to the tv, eventually i had a FA, i thought it was real, lol, and seconds later i woke up
      sleeping at day time isnt that good if there is so many ppl in the house =_=
      oh well, im also getting eternally punished because my mom found out i was awake at 4am using the pc
      Anyways, how have you been ?
    3. ..maybe get a bit more sleep? O.o go to bed a bit earlier instead of playing Halo? ^^;;

      I go to bed between 9 pm and 10 pm. ..unless I'm so tired I can't actually sleep, like yesterday, and get frustrated because I can't sleep and my upstairs neighbour's tap keeps leaking, and iTunes wouldn't work and aarodhfskjljfkla;jfdkls!

      Then I don't sleep a lot. But normally I get at least 8, preferably 9 hours of sleep. It helps with dreams, the more time you have, the more time you have to dream. Also, with my sleep pattern, I find 1.30 am the perfect time to WILD.
    4. I dont know
      Well, usually I sleep that late, like between 2-4am, and when i wake up there is a lot of light, not to mention my whole family woken up and NOISE, i think that could be really distracting and not letting me fall asleep focused on staying lucid, i dont know, i just guess.
      And well, this other time i actually woke up in the night and tried to WILD, i fell asleep =_=
      I mean, i had this dream where i was in this spaceship fighting against an army, all was like halo themed, and i didnt freaking realize it was not real ((
    5. Awww that's a shame.. maybe you were too excited? Or trying to hard to get sleep?
    6. that's nice, usually when i am trying to sleep i cant until i take my socks off
      well, tonight i feel asleep around 1am, woke up around 4:30am, for no apparent reason (really, wtf xD), so i said "hey, gonna try WILD", tried for an hour -.- after that i just said "screw this shit, im gonna go use the pc", and here i am. I dont even remember dreaming anything while i was asleep -.-
    7. Aww, I just naturally wake up in the middle of the night after one or two dreams.. What I also discovered, is that wearing socks to bed will wake you up when your feet get too warm
    8. kind of, though you can lie for a reason ^^
      i think that the problem with WILD, is that i must do the WBTB thing, just trying to WILD when im going to sleep seems to be useless for everypony ...
      what sucks, is that with so many early mornings of incredible tiredness throughout my life, i have became inmune to alarms, lol.
      I guess i am just gonna need to use my bladder as an alarm xD
    9. Oh ok But still, saying something is affirming a thought about something, you might want to avoid negative speech altogether
    10. haha, well yeah, what i think is separated from what i say
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