• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Hukif and zebrah

    7 Visitor Messages

    1. thanks dude
    2. Man, congratulations on the promotion!
    3. Oops meant to post this somewhere else XD
    4. Walms is a name I took from a dream son of my past dream self, there were some rules, so that if I were to die, my dream self would have a death alike to a real one, lose of ties to family, to home, powers and that kind of thing, so when I died in a dream, technically, the name "Walms" did the same, and now I'm using a new name. So technically Walms DID die.
      That's the story.
    5. Hey it's the member formerly known as Walms. What made you want to change your name?
    6. Of course! For the time being, at least.
    7. Walms is your dream journal only going to be on moral mist now?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7