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      Happy birthday

      [lol last message was a bday greeting from last year]
    2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
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      Thanks Dear!
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    About Isadore

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    Date of Birth
    November 15, 1991 (32)
    About Isadore
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    My passion is Philosophy.

    I'm into politics. I consider myself an advocate for feminism, gay rights, atheism/secularism, and legalisation of Cannabis.

    Happy to talk to whoever :)
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    Music, reading, cycling, dreaming, etc
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    No testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish - David Hume


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    11-15-2012 03:41 PM
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    1. StephL
      StephL liked post by Isadore On thread : The short argument against free will
      People go on and on about how our thoughts, biology, experience, memories, upbringing, etc determine our actions. The problem is that these people are treating the 'self' as some entity separate from...
      Liked On: 06-01-2015, 01:16 PM
    2. mooseantlers
      mooseantlers liked post by Isadore On thread : I saw something weird yesterday morning.
      A duck reaching light-speed? Or maybe a duck that was on fire. ... I like to think ducks are behind everything unknown..
      Liked On: 09-15-2011, 11:53 PM
    3. Geodae
      Geodae liked post by Isadore On thread : I saw something weird yesterday morning.
      A duck reaching light-speed? Or maybe a duck that was on fire. ... I like to think ducks are behind everything unknown..
      Liked On: 09-15-2011, 10:20 PM
    4. Stubert
      Stubert liked post by Isadore On thread : Satisfaction
      Haha! I'm the same. I didn't sleep too deeply last night and my phone was right next to me. I was still in that sleep/wake state when I was writing notes. Took me a while to work out what I dreamed...
      Liked On: 09-14-2011, 09:36 PM
    5. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by Isadore On thread : Night Owls More Likely to Suffer from Nightmares: Scientific American
      I stay up late more often than not. Usually I'll sleep at around 2am even if I have to get up early for work. When I was studying for my A-levels, I used to stay up until around 5am before...
      Liked On: 09-12-2011, 12:36 AM
    6. Geodae
      Geodae liked post by Isadore On thread : Night Owls More Likely to Suffer from Nightmares: Scientific American
      I stay up late more often than not. Usually I'll sleep at around 2am even if I have to get up early for work. When I was studying for my A-levels, I used to stay up until around 5am before...
      Liked On: 09-11-2011, 03:03 AM
    7. Geodae
      Geodae liked post by Isadore On thread : Tell me about your love life
      I'm in a relationship right now with an great girl! Had a few downs for a while but it's back to all ups! I'm a happy guy right now :P I don't mean to sound like a love-sick sad-act, so apologies...
      Liked On: 09-10-2011, 12:45 AM
    8. Jenny5
      Jenny5 liked post by Isadore On thread : The short argument against free will
      People go on and on about how our thoughts, biology, experience, memories, upbringing, etc determine our actions. The problem is that these people are treating the 'self' as some entity separate from...
      Liked On: 09-04-2011, 08:21 PM
    9. Xei
      Xei liked post by Isadore On thread : The short argument against free will
      People go on and on about how our thoughts, biology, experience, memories, upbringing, etc determine our actions. The problem is that these people are treating the 'self' as some entity separate from...
      Liked On: 09-03-2011, 04:24 PM
    View Isadore's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Drunk Dream

    by Isadore on 10-05-2011 at 12:39 PM
    I was in a a party which was taking place in a large room which resembled the kitchen of my friend's house where we party in real life. The dream was fairly dark and dimly lit. In this dream I was also very drunk.

    There was a small cupboard with two compartments in the corner of the room where I was sat. For some reason I sat in the cupboard for a while. There was a bottle of alcohol in there which I drank. There were also some snakes and some toad-like creatures. They looked like Toads but they had sharp little beaks - almost like a turtle. The snakes and Toads were hunting one another. My friend, Fred, who was there, found them extremely interesting.

    When I was back in the main room I noticed that an old friend, Aiden, was sat just along from the cupboard. As I walked past, he threw something at me and I threatened him as a response. I sat down near him and noticed there were stacks of playing cards. I was shuffling through some. There were Legend of Zelda themed one's in there also. Aiden picked up some and threw them, one at a time, against the wall. They stuck in a sort of colarge way.

    I got up and walked around a bit. At this point I could feel myself sobering up. Someone who I thought was my partner came into the room and I asked her if there was any more alcohol. But it turned out to be someone I didn't know. My partner came in for real after that.

    Back in the main room, there was a guy asking where his alcohol, that he had hidden in the cupboard, had gone. I sat down and kept quiet. Then another friend, Eddie, asked the guy if he wanted some of his Toffee-Cider instead. I turned to Eddie and asked if I could have some.
    non-lucid , memorable


    by Isadore on 10-04-2011 at 08:09 PM
    My partner and I were watching some movie (which must have been a Ring movie). There was a kid. Suddenly his eyes turned shrunken and dead and then Samara appeared behind him.


    by Isadore on 09-26-2011 at 10:51 AM
    Keep in mind that I had just finished watching the film Predator before I went to sleep. Probably explains this one

    Me and a bunch of others were on the run from the Predator alien thing. We were in some kind of town, which was running just like usual. By day the thing wouldn't kill anyone but by night it at least tried to kill someone in the group I was with.

    We kept finding places to hide out at night. The thing always knew where we were - which building for example. So we had to find hiding places within the buildings we were hiding in - like hide and seek.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Twin Castles

    by Isadore on 09-20-2011 at 10:39 AM
    In a field there was a huge castle structure. Behind it was a row of buses which hid another field with a similar structure from sight. By the second structure was a play park for children.

    I was with someone I don't recognise - in the dream they were apparently a friend. He had a GameBoy Advance which seemed to be customised because the screen had the displays of a mobile phone. The screen saver was custom and at the top of the screen it said 'Tash'. Later, I found that he left this behind and I was able to recognise it from these details.

    On the way across the field, I was singing my favourite song. Then I ran into two old philosophy rivals and they looked at me strangely.

    Will Smith

    by Isadore on 09-20-2011 at 10:33 AM
    Will Smith was having dinner with a family. They also had other guests. One of which said something that Will Smith strongly disagreed wih. They argued for a while and Will Smith was getting annoyed.
    non-lucid , dream fragment