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      Hiya I'm in the shared dreaming class too. Glad to have you as my classmate.
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    About JessieTea

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    June 5
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    I am a fifteen year old girl who is currently a sophomore in high school. I love science and I would love to be an astrophysicist or some other type of scientist. I love reading, drawing, updating my tumblr (you should check it out), writing, dreaming, playing mmo's, playing the ukulele, and singing.
    Los Angeles
    High School Student
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    View JessieTea's Dream Journal

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    a break from junior year.

    by JessieTea on 12-24-2011 at 10:28 AM
    As is my custom, here is a long digest of dreams from the past few days.

    December 19th, 2011

    1. There were some creepy guys following me down the street in front of the church near my school. I told them I only spoke Spanish and Japanese. My friend Anna fought them off. Dylan did something online in which his username was "Dylan ____DDDDDDDD" (and the blank was actually something I don't remember). Then there was some kind of river race. Then a guy was doing a photoshoot in Parish Hall, like when they take school photos. He was acting like the creepy guys (and might have been one of them with a different look. This guy was in a black pinstripe suit and had shoulder length black hair, a mustache, and cream colored hat). Somehow I went on his deviantARt and he had a shoutout to jessietea (me, except on dA where I'm jessie-tea, but for all intents and purposes is was me). He wanted to date me in some capacity.

    2. This one is crazy and confusing. I hooked up with Dylan. Then at some point later we were at his apartment (irl he lives with his parents) which looked like they were near the modulars (these trailer classrooms at my school) either in place of them, or they were the apartments right next to them. I ended up telling him that I "was the one who was pregnant with his brother's baby" the year before (NONE OF THIS IS TRUE, the guy exists, and another person who I later mention, Haley exist). He flipped out. Apparently, when we found out, the two of us pretended to kill ourselves (by pretending to cut our throats and hang ourselves upside down in a lake....). Somehow I was still here, but Dylan thought his brother was actually dead. At this point I still keep it a secret. I gave the baby up. This makes the sister develop eating disorders (bulimia), Dylan is angry at me, I'm traumatized by the whole thing. Then it seemed like a montage where time passed and we were a trio and hung out. At some point Dylan starts dating Haley (oh wait, this and the hooking up are real) and we're all still friends. At some point I remember the image of a cream colored laundry room. Finally, we all go to get Guardasil shots together (this dream was the night before I had to go get one of those, so that's why I dreamt it) and we ended up getting it done in the Parish Hall bathrooms.....

    Actually, I'll finish these up in another post soon. I have to sleep.

    Now that summer is over....

    by JessieTea on 09-09-2011 at 08:21 AM
    I spent most of this summer away from home, largely in Barcelona, Spain. After such a wonderful summer, I can only hope to revisit it in my dreams! Anyways, now that I have more time (haha, yeah right, it's junior year), or at least consistent internet access, I'm going to try to keep this up this time. Again, I don't know that I'll be typing stuff up every day, but I will be writing it down every day, and either leaving out some days or just posting longer digests.

    For now, I'm posting a few day's worth of dreams. For future reference, the date I'm writing is the day I woke up and wrote it down on, not the date I fell asleep on.

    September 6th
    I was driving with my mom back to her work from... somewhere. Maybe school. We keep passing the turn and going around the block. Until this point, it had looked rather accurate, but all of a sudden there was a giant triangular parking lot across the street. We pulled in to turn around. I look down the street further and it looks a little bit similar to the street with the sushi restaurant on it in a dream a couple of months back with the birthday party (for some reason that was a very memorable dream). In the dream, the experience of driving around in circles reminded me of a time when my friend Cora was driving me to a Chinese restaurant (this is all part of the dream, not the dream actually reminding me of something). We were rushing so we wouldn't be late. We see a girl Chloe who has always disliked me but used to be friends with Cora (not anymore). Chloe tries to cut us. The food looks like a gross version of thai food literally sitting in grease (like, it's grease soup with thai food in it). While we're waiting in line I realize that Cora was illegally driving me (we're 16 and in California you have to have your license for a year, and therefore be at least 17 to drive other minors without an adult), which most kids our age do, but Cora is highly against (and so are her parents). In the dream I then remember some other time when she drove me illegally too without me noticing. Then all of a sudden I left my "memory" and I was back in the car with my mom talking about this Japanese restaurant we ate at once that we both really liked and she actually loves to bring up in the car often. It has the same color scheme as the "Chinese" (this is not an insult to Chinese food, I just remember knowing that it was Chinese) restaurant in the dream (bright colors).

    The same night I had another dream. I wrote down less stuff and I don't really remember that much, but I"ll write what I have because I'm sure I'll lose it.
    split sushi with jacob r., anna
    at work, on break outside
    go inside, guy trying to get in by banging on window (probably connection to the Maze Runner and griever hitting against glass)
    Maxx, Siena + Adam + Gabe + Max + Mo from degrassi's list

    September 7th
    Same deal as last time, this one was foggy
    host family or something trying to get permission for party
    hang out in park (more like an empty field)
    one group in trouble
    our host mother buys us alcohol
    (sounds a lot like barcelona but our host mother didn't buy us anything and we didn't throw parties we just hung out in parks and on the beach and stuff)

    September 8th
    Even foggier
    honors vs reg english
    changing clothes


    by JessieTea on 05-24-2011 at 02:39 AM
    I was talking with people in my grade about driving to school (our brand new privilege). I went to sign out on the sign out sheet (which was in some type of garden, sitting in bright green dewy grass). Then I was in the hallway of the church my school rents rooms from for english and history classes, but the hallway looked like one of the classrooms. Gabe and Max R. (I don't want to put the full name, but since there are two Max R.'s, so I know in the future, NOT CURLY HAIRED YOYO MAX) and other boys were talking about some gross driver's ed movie (the kind they use to make you scared of accidents) called "Concrete" (which is funny because the real one we watch in California is called Red Asphalt). Gabe insists that it is actually called "Santa".

    Tiny bit of precog (it's a little bit of a stretch) but we talked about asphalt in history class today.

    three dreams.

    by JessieTea on 05-23-2011 at 02:57 AM
    No dreams from friday night on account of the fact that I don't even remember what I did while I was awake friday night.

    Last night I remember three not-so-detailed dreams
    1: I was adopting a neopet from someone, but the pet was two socks that had been made out of seaweed. When I was adopting the pet the water conditions were not right (read: pH and temperature) so the pet didn't evolve correctly, but I happened to like the messed up one better.

    2: I was going to some event in downtown LA and so I was staying in a hotel there. I was really excited because then I could go to Little Tokyo and get yummy japanese food. There were a bunch of details about my excursions that I remembered, but then I fell back asleep and couldn't remember them.

    3: I was talking to this girl on a facebook inbox. We usually recommend indie music to each other. She sent me a message saying "You should check out Taylor Swift and Eminem". It was weird because that is the opposite of the music we usually send, + obviously, being a teenager, I know who they are already.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by JessieTea on 05-20-2011 at 04:15 AM
    Dream 1
    I was at my friend Jacob's house and we were talking about some TV show and he said he hadn't seen the new episode yet because his TV was stolen. I looked over and there was a stand for a flat screen TV but no TV. He told me that he left his window a crack open and they got in that way. Then I freaked out and went home because sometimes I do that. I got home and closed the window, and then looked out the window for a moment. (I live in an apartment building and my bedroom window looks out onto the balconies of another apartment building) I looked at one balcony that had the actors that play Serena and Eric on gossip girl and waved at them (Or it could have been the characters, I'm not sure because I only waved at them) and then I looked at the other balcony and just stood there staring at the people on it for a while.

    Dream 2
    Kind of a fragment, I made some kind of study guide for my english final with my friend Maxx. There was some kind of panic over it either going missing, messing up the information, or just the test itself. I don't remember.
    non-lucid , dream fragment