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    Day #5- Nothing much- stress- foreseeing the future

    by Jish on 09-13-2011 at 11:36 AM
    I have a bit of stress in my life at the moment so it kind of clouds my mind. I vaguely attempted a Lucid dream but my mind got clouded over.

    I'm going to start meditating because I've experienced the clear mind before and its an amazing feeling. I'm only making assumptions that stress will inhibit your ability to lucid dream and meditation will strengthen it.

    A wierd thing happened but I had a dream that a post on here was answered, when I woke up and checked, the exact post that I had been dreaming about had 2 new replies. cool ey

    Day #4- I am aware that I am dreaming but not lucid

    by Jish on 09-12-2011 at 11:15 AM
    Perhaps I need to do some more work on dream signs or something. I don't understand how I can know I'm dreaming but not be lucid

    So after waking up in the middle of a dream and recalling it I went back to sleep and was consciously aware of the dream, I drift off to sleep after waking up reasonably fast, so while I was drifting I was thinking "this is a dream, this is a dream" and I did end up in the dream and still saying "this is a dream, this is a dream" but there was no conscious 'click' that I was actually dreaming.

    I always end up straight back into dreaming, I never do reality checks or look for dream signs because in a dream its the last thing that i'll ever think of. hmmm

    Day #3- Lucid dreamed twice...kind of

    by Jish on 09-11-2011 at 12:09 PM
    Day #3- Lucid dreamed twice...kind of
    Well it appears that I'm making progress because last night I had a Lucid dream twice. But it is still the variety that only lasts for a few seconds

    The first was extremely vivid, I attained lucidity and looked around (at nothing) and as soon as I realized I was lucid, in an instant I was lying in my bed with my eye wide open

    Now i've read about getting over excited but that isn't my problem, I read to stay calm, which I have done, the dream still ends anyway

    The second dream was shorter, I attained lucidity and straight away lost it and was lying in my bed with my eyes shut, I just rolled over and went back to sleep

    In regards to dreams I had the exact same dream twice, right at the time that I achieved lucidity, I was at an airport and I walk past a Pillar with an old man and a young boy who look at me. something is happening in regards to lucid dreaming although I cant put my finger on it, then I enter lucidity and wake up

    and last of all I had a dream earlier in the night and I remember waking up and saying I have to record this, I think "yeah I'll do it in the morning" now its this morning and I have absolutely 0 recollection of the dream

    Day #2- things look promising but after advice

    by Jish on 09-11-2011 at 12:08 PM
    Day #2- things look promising but after advice
    Obviously I'm new so I'm not expecting to be lucid dreaming within 2 days after joining.

    night #1- I managed to achieve a lucid dream for 2 seconds before I woke up. It was a boring setting, actually it was just a blank space, but hey I was in it and dreaming it!

    Night #2- I ended up having a dream about "trying to lucid dream" it was actually kind of weird, it was a very long dream, (about 2 hours, is that long?) and I ended up in a place I haven't been since I was 4 years old. All throughout the dream I was talking about lucid dreaming and trying to figure out how to do it while exploring the place and meeting family members I haven't seen in years.

    Usually I don't even remember dreams unless they are vivid, It seems that just a conscious recognition to remember them has worked for 2 nights in a row, although I nearly forgot one of my dreams, the only reason I remembered it is that I remembered a vague detail and slowly built on that- and that was the big dream I mentioned above.

    Should I have done something to make me realise I was in a dream?
    Can anyone point me in the best direction to get started, I know there are alot of methods, hopefully what I've written will be an indicator of what path I should take.



    by Jish on 09-11-2011 at 12:05 PM
    Okay so this is my dreamjournal, i'll post my other couple of posts in here so I can record where I am upto