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    by jmanjohn on 06-22-2015 at 07:26 AM
    Lucidity - 9
    Vividness - 9.5
    Control - 4

    I just woke up from the longest dream I've ever had. In its entirety it was around a half hour. At one point I legitimately didin't think I was going to wake up because it just seemed to last forever. Even though I just woke up from it, it's hard to remember all the details since it seems like I dreamt it so long ago. I'm just going to post what little I can remember and hopefully its close to being in the right order. However I wanted to preface that these parts actually linked up in the dream, I just can't quite remember how. Also, I'm not going to write down a lot of the events of said dream cause it's difficult to remember unfortunately.

    I'm in a hotel room. It looks to be an expensive hotel and I go to the window. The view isn't all that great but I still look around for a minute and enjoy the view. I close the curtains for it and watch tv.

    I'm outside a gas station. I believe I get here by walking outside the hotel and this gas station is nearby. I realize I'm lucid and try jumping in front of a car and stopping it. The car passes right through me though. My brother is around and picks me up in his car. We ride for a while and end up near my moms house. Here my brother says that these people know I'm dreaming and are watching me. I look around and see them and try to pretend like I'm not lucid. This whole time I've been practicing creating a ball of energy in my hands and shooting it. I wasn't able to earlier on, but over time I had actually manage to make a decent attack out of it. At this point one of the people watching me attacks a kid nearby with telekinesis and slings the kid at someone else. I grab the kid midflight and slow him down before he hits the person he was flying at.

    I'm in a small room with a tv and a girl. I put in a dvd. The girl says she picked this out earlier and that I had already seen it. I say i must not have been paying attention and subconsciously picked it out. She explains she is actually from the dvd, and her and her group are the people that attacked me earlier. Somehow they were using the dvd to timetravel. I feel the dream is starting to fade. I kiss the girl and the dream ends. I wake up ecstatic that I had that long of a dream.

    This is just a rough outline of the dream. Soooo much more happened, but it's just kind of fuzzy in my head.

    Recording this dream way too late

    by jmanjohn on 11-24-2014 at 05:04 AM
    Lucidity - 7
    Vividness - 7
    Control - 8

    I had a previous dream where I realized in the end I was dreaming. I feel the dream begin to slip. I wake up and remain entirely still. I can feel my feet slightly hanging off the end of the bed. I relax for a minute and fall into a dream.

    On the right side of my vision is a loading bar. It looks as if as the bar on the side loads, the background of my dream is loading. Very strange, but kind of cool.

    I realize I'm flying. The land is is very similar to minecraft in terms of blockiness, but that fades over a few seconds into a realisitic landscape. In my head I understand I'm an airbender and I'm flying with another advanced airbender. As we fly we come across a large futureistic looking city. I fly around close to the ground just enjoying flying. The person I was flying with notices some illegal activity and we come by to help out. We land, then begin chasing down some old woman through a back alley. We come out the end of the alley against 5-6 firebenders. A trap. The woman runs off as one of the firebenders hurls some fire at me. I use my airbending to stop and trap the fire in a ball in front of me, then hurl it back twice as strong.

    I can't remember anything more. My memory of the dream is bad since this was like 15 hours ago.

    2 Vivid dreams.

    by jmanjohn on 07-17-2014 at 04:32 PM
    I've been trying to get back into lucid dreaming again. I keep trying but usually I get distracted. This time it seems to have paid off somewhat though.

    Lucidity 9
    Vividness- 9
    Control - 6ish

    I woke up from my bed. As I always do I did a RC. This time it worked though and as I pinched my nose I could still breath. For some reason it was so realistic I thought I was just deluded and kept trying. The dreams was so vivid I thought I was awake. So I tried testing it in another way. I went to read a book I knew about but never read myself called Pendragon. I opened it up and saw pictures and not too much writing. I knew the books had no or very little pictures. That was enough for me to realize I was dreaming. I just looked around the room for a minute. Just kind of taking in how real it all looked. I thought outside the dream to see if I understood what day it was and where I was sleeping. I understood where I was sleeping, but my mind was blank on the date. I walked over to my computer desk and saw a bottle of coke. Now I've always liked testing food and drinks in dreams so I downed it. It was spot on in terms of flavor. Then I shoved an oatmeal cream pie in my face. Delicious as well, but I felt slightly sick but I generally do after oatmeal cream pies. After that I got kind of bored and started walking outside but my dad saw me and asked what I was doing. The way he talked and what he said were so realistic I did another RC. I was dreaming but still treated as if it were real life saying I'm just walking out for a minute. Outside I just thought about the absurdity of how realistic the dream was and how I would like dreams to be slightly less realistic in the future. Then I started brutally murdering everyone I could find. The end.

    Lucidity- 2
    Vividness- 8
    Control - 4

    Me and 2 buddies are riding in large trucks down a road in a forest. A small clearing comes up on our left and a smaller one on the right. The truck in front of us with 1 of our friends pulls of on left. Me and my other friend drive left a little ways into the clearing. I guess we were gathering food of some kind. Probably berries fruit. Anyway at this time I realize aliens have invaded earth at an earlier point and we are on the run. Cause you know, you can just forget things like that. My friend and I hear a noise and look towards the road we can come from to see this large orange glowing energy moving along the ground. Our other friend across the way didn't see him until it was too late and was absorbed into it. I hit the deck and pull my friend down whos screaming at the alien for killing his friend. I try to muffle him but to no avail. They see us and send strange looking dogs to chase us down. My friend hands me his gun and I run off into the woods nearby. My friend either dies or gets absorbed, but I never see anything. I only hear him screaming. I ran deeper and deeper into the woods but the dogs were catching up. I try to shoot the gun but the trigger is difficult. I have to pull it all the way back and it gets difficult. I shoot 3 of the 4 dogs after me while I'm running and as the last one catches up to me the dream fades. So it was kinda cool.

    Lucid Practice

    by jmanjohn on 01-12-2013 at 06:56 AM
    When I went back to sleep this morning I had a decent lucid.

    Lucidity- 8
    Vividness- 8
    Control - 7

    My friends and I are at a store. We go in and end up stealing something to drink.
    Dream skip
    I realize I'm dreaming, and also realize I'm at my grandmas house. My friend is there. By this point I know I can use certain powers and remember that I've been practicing on control over powers in dreams. My friend asks me to go outside to practice fighting. I say ok and we walk outside. On the way out he zaps me with one of those buzzer things people have in the middle of their hands when they shake someones hand. I keep walking out, but then turn around. For fun I use my control to summon a massive amount of lightening in the sky. The day was entirely clear skys with a few clouds, then the next second it got dark and lightening showed across the sky. This lasted for a few seconds before it faded.
    My friend then says he no longer wants to fight outside, because I showed off too much power. I Disagree and use my w telekinetic power to throw him against the floor and roof inside the house. He reluctantly agrees and comes outside. We head down to a good area to fight, and he starts flying. I try to fly but am unable to do so.
    Then the dream scene changes to my dads house.
    I'm still trying to fly but can't figure out how to more than just glide slightly. In one try I land on some wooden pallets about 10ft by 10ft. I get an idea to lift the pallet with me up, but then even better I should just use my powers to lift myself up. I focus control onto myself. It takes a second, but then something clicks in my head, and i realize how to do it. I mess up some at first, by flipping accidentally and dropping myself. But I soon get the hang of it. The dream ends shortly after that

    One of my better lucids recently. Haven't had too many lately and it seems like I'm getting back into lucid dreaming. Can't wait till I'm back to 4-5 a week.

    Another Lucid

    by jmanjohn on 01-10-2013 at 07:07 AM
    Lucidity - 9
    Vividness - 8
    Control - 4

    Well I can't remember the dream all that well now, and not much happened other than me trying to practice using powers in dreams. I barely was able to do anything. As the dream progressed I continuously got better, which is good because that is the reason I was trying to lucid dream is to work on my powers.