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    vivid dream no true lucidity.

    by Noved on 11-27-2014 at 04:50 PM
    vivid dream no true lucidity. in fact i found it incredibly hard to realize i was dreaming. its usual due to the fact that even in dream where i don't take the time to actually say to myself i am dreaming but most of i do realize it. I can generally feel it and usually attempt power without taking the time to focus on my dream. I feel at the time it can be easier to just flow with the dream knowing and using power it seems to make dream last longer.i tend to lose control of my dream if i focus on the dream itself.
    but last night my dream was interesting i suppose.i recall being in another giant city. It seems when ever i dream of a city its always in dusk. But it seem i was actually here in a hotel for some kind of festival. i remember vividly walking down the hallways, taking the elevators.time like this i wish i was artist. The streets were full
    of people due to the fair. I find it interesting when i discuss situation like this with justin he tend to never have people in his cities. But regardless of the matter its hard to recall a theme. I remember walking through the crowds of people. Its seem in this dream i power of fire which is unusual to me cause i always have hard time with fire. But i did play some skyrim the previous day so the way i use fire kinda similar. I would focus on my hand and a small flame would appear would become slightly bigger then i could use it as you would use flame in skyrim. As i was, i went to somebody i guess i knew and had a quick discussion. I looked up and in a tree was some kinda flying squirrel monkey hell i don't know it kept changing on me. The main point it was trying to move to another tree and some asshole thought it was funny to jump up and smack it on the ground. Now don't usually give a shit about animals but this made me incredibly mad. so i jumped at the man and started having a almost realistic fist fight.It was shorter than most of my fights, before 1 giant man held me back then i guess my sub-conscience knew i hated this guy and other people in my dream rushed
    the man and detained him. i remember leaving trying to find my way back
    to my room. what made this dream impressive was the massive scaling of the city
    and the beauty of the buildings. I eventually found my way back to my room
    spent a small time in there an left to go back to the fair. i recall thinking
    there is so many people in this city the chances of seeing that guy again
    was unlikely as well it seem i was forgetting what he looked liked.
    now there was not much else to this dream just a few more things i recall
    i recall fighting my friend. i don't remember why but i remember grabbing him
    and being able to jump and do almost a full flip and slam him into the ground
    needless to say he wasn't getting back up. This is a lot different from
    other dreams ive had where i have fought people.


    by Noved on 09-27-2010 at 08:46 PM
    Girl is having issues with something im not quite sure but she was at war with somebody who was out to get her.i remember her fighting with a lot of people before I showed up. I killed her father I believe who was this fat man who was living in my house but I was different big, like mixed with a school. I remember after killing him his daughter came home or who I thought to be. I had hidden myself in one of the two bathrooms that resembled a high school bathrooms. Girl runs in she finds me I grab her and hug her and try ti be the “good guy” well rather not be the man that killed her father. We head back to kitchen which resembles my kitchen, for some reason my fathers pistol was in the freezer of the fridge. Her real father comes home with a women, young, her apparently the fat man was not her father but an impostor, her father was rather fit actually. Me and the women were outside by this point, I had my fathers pistol, me and the women were getting along by this point, I kept explaining to her, her father was not dead. And was inside and that the other man was an impostor. Women kept bugging me about holding the pistol, but I let for a only moment, a mistake. She shot one round off of my dad 357 magnum, then handed back to me. The women and the man who I believed to be her father walk outside, I thought they would talk with us so I tried to keep the pistol down. Man and women walked out calmly till she was almost point blank women pulls out what I believe to be a rifle and shot it at my face. It barely missed but I felt it scratch my face I had fallen backwards the same moment she fired, so it had seemed she hit me. Once I hit the ground I had cocked the pistol, once the women had gotten close enough I put the pistol to her chest and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. I remember there being 5 shots left after I put down the horse, dream logic told me there would of only been three and apparently all had already been used , I panicked and ran for it she shot at me multiple times with the rifle until she ran out of ammo, by the point I was outside my house I ran around jump over the gate and ran towards my woods. I believe while I was running I heard them say did that guy just get shot and stand Back up? After making it to the woods they no longer were trying to shoot me I do not know what happened to the women who I was getting along with , after this I showed up at glenns mothers place, wanna to tell him the story but I had to go to school, and he had friends who I dint want to let hear so I was gonna take him home so I could tell him, ended up at my house, everyone had noticed the missing pistol, by this point I dint know where it was, looking for it a women who I believed to by either my sister or a very close family friend told me she had found it and cleaned it, grind ed it down , telling me in need to be clean.at least I got to brag to her about my close escape from death. Funny thing I remember while running thinking this is gonna give me nightmares, because when I was little I was have dreams of my brother chasing me, ironic. Very vivid dream. I remember my father pistol resembling the 357 Magnum mixed with German style pistol.
    non-lucid , memorable