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    About JoeGuy12

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    Date of Birth
    March 11
    About JoeGuy12
    LD Count:
    About 5
    A guy who has way too many dreams that make no sense at all.
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    Video games, reading books, using computers
    Secondary School Education!
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    Got sent an email asking me to come back, made a new account here again.


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    07-30-2012 08:02 AM
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    1. JoeGuy12
      JoeGuy12 liked post by Ekyu On thread : My first lucid - Newbies must read!
      Congratulations! all of the techniques here are backed up by experience, Common sense or science. It's sad that a lot of people give up so fast, but people need to realise that lucid dreaming takes...
      Liked On: 07-07-2012, 09:47 PM
    2. JoeGuy12
      JoeGuy12 liked post by dbee On thread : My first lucid - Newbies must read!
      Hi. I'm writing this just after I had my first lucid and it's 11:30 am. I get up late :lol: I'll try to keep it structured but I really wanna pass on my experience to new people like mysef. I...
      Liked On: 07-07-2012, 09:46 PM
    3. JoeGuy12
      JoeGuy12 liked post by melanieb On thread : How did my reality check fail?
      Any reality check can fail. The finger/hand check and the nose-pinch are suggested RCs that are designed to give people a start at reality checks. They are by no means a rule that works for...
      Liked On: 07-07-2012, 09:42 PM
    View JoeGuy12's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Desert War (long dream!)

    by JoeGuy12 on 07-07-2012 at 11:03 AM
    After I tried to have a WILD, I just gave up, and fell asleep normally. Suddenly, I was in a huge ruined temple. The detail on it was amazing. Stepping up the steps, and into the huge doors reveals a modern shopping centre. Next to me was a girl from school who I dislike. We walked through looking around, and then we reached the checkout till. After, I head off home, where I live in a small wooden hut/shed. It's dark, and I figure out the power's out. I instantly realise that robots created by an evil army were sent to destroy my house. I get into an army helicopter, and we set off.

    Suddenly, gunfire is everywhere. I run like crazy as bullets are being fired from every angle. I noticed that everyone of the soldiers were actually my friends, in camouflage. I ran for my life, inside a ruined sandy hut. I look around. It's a vast desert, with strange sandy structures and buildings all around, though they seem like they've been bombed. Inside the ruined hut was a pen shaped device. Finding a button, I fire it, and it seems to be some sort of knocking out dart. I see two people I know in real life. Let's call them 'Friend R' and 'Friend J' okay? Anyway, they come running towards me. I use my pathetic gun to try shooting them through the window, but the bullet's so weak, it doesn't even smash the glass. They kick down the door, and knock me out.

    Next minute, I wake up inside their car. Friend J is driving, with Friend R in the passenger seat. Friend R has a careful eye on me. I slowly pull out a pistol from my pocket, and aim carefully and begin shooting like crazy at Friend J. He turned around, smiling creepily at me. Most of my shots completely missed him, but one hit the side of his head, but missed his brain. With blood running down his head, he laughs, and tells Friend R to take me somewhere else, where he is going to drop me off.

    I woke up to bright sunlight, and tapped this up on my mobile phone.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Kangaroo Dream

    by JoeGuy12 on 07-05-2012 at 08:33 AM
    I was having trouble waking up for school today (no surprise there), and had a strange dream. A kangaroo was in a boxing ring with a cheering crowd, and he jumps right into the air, and kicks his opponent, some Chinese man. Bang, bang, bang, bang with both of his feet, and the guy is knocked onto the floor. Everyone cheers louder, and an announcer starts yelling things in gibberish. Then, the kangaroo pulls out a flame thrower and points it at the Chinese guy, who is begging for mercy, as the kangaroo burns him to death. Then, my mother shouts me and I'm awake.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    French Bread and The Zombie Cooking Game

    by JoeGuy12 on 07-04-2012 at 09:01 PM
    Dream 1

    Some guy was sitting at a concert, I think a rock festival. Another guy walked towards this man, and pulled a long slice of French Bread, and told the guy with a very serious voice "It's the safest place to go in the morning" and suddenly the scene changed to me climbing up a mountain from the game Minecraft.

    Dream 2

    My mother and step-dad was playing a zombie game downstairs in our living room, I think it was on Nintendo Wii, but it might have been an Xbox 360. I looked at the screen, which was kind of blocked by an ironing board, it showed a first-person shooter where you shoot zombies using only machine guns. Once the game was finished, it popped up on the screen claiming my mother had unlocked 'cooking mode' for her game. I asked her what the hell it meant, and she told me that it was because the characters were told they couldn't cook, and instead she was going to unlock golfing mode instead.

    (This made no sense at all, what the hell?)