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    What could my dream mean?

    by JoyRide on 11-11-2013 at 06:05 PM
    last night before going to sleep, I asked the Universe for a vivid dream of my soul mate. Now there is a man I have in mind who could fit that possibility but I am not sure because I actually have no contact with him. I know that if he is the one, I have to trust that we will come together at the right time. Well, my dream last night wasn't very vivid or detailed but I do remember this-I saw his name twice in the dream. One was his full name written in black marker in very large letters on a piece of cardboard. The other was his first name only on like a name placard you would find on a desk but it was mounted on a wall. I did fall asleep thinking about him last night so I don't know if it was simply my subconscious that showed me his name or if it was a sign.

    What could my dream mean?

    by JoyRide on 11-11-2013 at 06:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by LucasPotter View Post
    Hello, JoyRide! Welcome to DV!

    I can't say for sure, since I don't know you, but I'll throw some ideas around and hopefully they'll help you, even if I'm wrong.

    I have no idea how your marriage was nor how it ended, but you said "(eeks)" about being in bed with your ex-husband. Then, you cut his penis off. I'm going to assume that, in real life, you're not too fond of him and, in one way or another, you'd like to do something against him? I know that there are a few things I'd like to do to some of my exes. But later, you end up offering the money to him, so maybe you know that, deep down, you'd feel bad about taking action against him, even though you wish you could.

    About the cops... not so sure. In my country, there have been some heated discussions about whether or not the people here trust the police, so that's what I first thought... that there's some figure of authority in your life (police? boss? someone/something else?) that have two sides, a good and a bad one, and you can see both of those sides.

    Anyway, as I said, just throwing some ideas around.

    *Moved to Dream Interpretation*
    Thank you for your response. My ex husband was a serial cheater who had several affairs. I divorced him two and a half years ago. I am now wanting to find my true match. I have recently started to try to use the Universal laws of Attraction to draw him in. I have met a man whom I think holds that possibility. The things is though we don't talk, we have no contact at all. We had a one night stand with the understanding between us both that was all it was. However, now I have this deep down I cant explain it feeling that this man will be back, there is more, and he is a cop and he fit the general description of the nice one in my dream. The hard part for me is I don't know how to decipher between what the Universe is telling me and what I simply want to see.

    What could my dream mean?

    by JoyRide on 11-11-2013 at 06:04 PM
    Hello, I am a new member and I searched for dream meanings after having a vivid dream last night. I found this forum, and I am hoping someone may be able to offer a possible meaning to this dream. It went in different scenes. It starts off that I had agreed to let someone borrow my cell phone. I do not know who I was letting borrow my phone or for what reason but I had to take my phone to them. I pulled up in a short gravel driveway and walked to the back of the house and walked up steps to a back door (a possible second story apartment of a converted house) the man who answered the door was a cop. He had on his uniform, the brown kind. He must have been in the middle of getting ready for work because he looked rather shabby. His shirt was only half tucked in, his belt not done; he still needed to shave his face. I gave him my phone, and he walked me down to my car. He put his arm around me and grabbed my butt. He had a big douchebag personality about him, and I really didn’t get a good feeling from him.
    Now in the next scene I am in bed with my ex-husband (eeks). Not because I have any feelings for him but because I lured him there to do something evil to him. I took a knife and I cut his dick off. There was no blood though; it was kind of like cutting a potato in half.
    The next scene has me getting my mail. I open a letter which has a check in for the amount of $51,063 and some odd cents. I can’t remember the cents. I remember in the dream that I was expecting this check, it was not a surprise. I do not know where it came from though. And then I’m back to the scene where I cut off my ex’s pecker. I feel bad for doing it and I offer to pay for the surgery to have it reattached.
    The next scene has me in a small town mom and pop type restaurant. I just had dinner with another cop. This one was different. He was wearing tan khakis, a polo shirt (it was either salmon or peach colored) and he had either strawberry blonde or red hair. He walked me to my car, and we kissed very passionately. There was a group of 3 other officers who saw us and one walked over, it was the douchebag one from the first scene of my dream. He was very arrogant and started to make fun of the nice one for being out with a girl. The arrogant one saw women as only being good to have sex with; he did not want a true relationship with one. The nice one in my dream did want to find a relationship and I got the feeling he really liked me.
    From here I woke up. If anyone can offer me any possible meaning to this please, I would appreciate it. Thank you.