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    About Jvail
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    I'm 31 y.o. married with a daughter (15 months). Working and preparing for last 2 years of undergrad degree. I was a raging insomniac during my childhood and adolescence, and usually only have dreams that are odd, negative, sad, or scary.
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    Fitness (esp running), Djing, reading
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    3 weeks of my brain farting...

    by Jvail on 03-13-2011 at 02:34 AM
    Daytime responsibilities override nighttime research. Have had a bit less to recall lately, but still some from about mic-February on:

    2/17/11-In the Mountains' house again (these are recurring REAL dream characters and their house is a recurring setting. At first, Brad (one of their sons) is the only one home. The place is a mess. Barry (their youngest son) is toilet training and sitting right front of me...in another fragment, I walk in on my brother in bed with some random woman. Embarrassed, I take off. Whatever outdoors I run out into is hilly and forested. I jump in my sportage (which actually looks close to real life) and drive down what looks like a tank trail. The car rolls over, and I get out without remembering crawling out. I have the car righted by a towtruck...

    2/18/11-I'm at Clyde's again,this time the place looks nothing like the actual building. B and Amelia must be there, because when I find Raegan in the kitchen I ask if she's seen Amelia yet. She hasn't...
    Then I'm at home, but it looks a little different. I'm keeping an eye on the front door, laying on the bed (which is now in the living room) and rolling a cigarette in heavy paper. A man comes to the house. I don't know who he is, but he's friendly and leaves quickly. B comes in the room, slimmer, wearing something sexy, and trying to seduce me. I'm not sure why, but I have to take a rain check and leave.

    2/24/11-I'm in some warm climate, urban and coastal-it looks like I'm on vacation. I think I'm traveling with my aunt. I have a handgun and I carry it everywhere, and a scoped air rifle-this has to be checked into some sort of storage area. No sure what has happened, but I have retrieved it and I'm running around with it, working the bolt action...

    2/25/11- I'm in the southeast area of my high school, and there's some sort of gathering. A fire and barbecued meat. Jason is there (a good friend from those days), and we're hanging out. I buy a bag of weed from somebody, it looks to be about a dime...

    3/2/11-In a work-related tenement/hostel type house in a swampy area. It's somehow connected to my mother-in-law and her job. A small puffer fish is kept underneath the floor. It gets eaten by a black crab...

    3/3/11-DJing again. My equipment looks funny-I can carry the mixer around and use it while I spin. The dance floor is lit by red and blue light People are dancing. There's a drug circulating around the place, it's green powder in a capsule. Someone offers it to me, and I decline, but they put it in my food later. I begin to panic, ditch the party and run outside. It's daylight now. I don't feel intoxicated, but I'm aware of the drug in my system. I come across 4-5 state policemen arresting a suspect. With a capsule clenched in each hand, I try to walk past the scene, but one of them stops me. He has a northeast/new york accent and is a pain. He pries my hands open, finds the pills and arrests me. I'm out on bail and trying to explain this to my parents...

    3/4/11-My house. St. Patrick's day, I'm convinced. Eli (a close college friend) is over at our place. B has run out on some errand, and we assemble a small, "Pull-wagon" train (think bulky plastic, like a little tykes toy). I think we load Amelia into it, and pull it around the corner to a store (which really isn't there) to get booze. We're in line and I'm drinking a pint of stout from a glass. Beer is for sale by unknown brands in containers of various sizes-one has a landscape picture on it and looks like a dairy product. I'm waiting in line too long and get frustrated. As soon as it's my turn to pay, I turn around, dumping my beer on the floor as I go. The train is waiting for me outside.

    Kawasaki brand DJ equipment

    by Jvail on 02-14-2011 at 01:51 PM
    I have a DJ gig to work, so I get my stuff together and go to this apartment building. The equipment is all in one matching green color (think Kawasaki's racing color), and uses alot of digital technology that I have yet to learn how to use. I have to break the rig down and set it up in another location. This place is not dangerous, but it is unfriendly. My brother is there to help me move some of this stuff. I leave a speaker and a stack of records sitting outside on the curb and go inside. Of course, it's not a friendly neighborhood, so the stuff is gone when I get back outside. I'm pissed. I go to complain to the building superintendent about the theft, and he does not really care...

    A couple more weeks...

    by Jvail on 02-13-2011 at 02:54 PM
    Only a few dreams lately, my rest has not been as good:

    2/3/11-Raving and drug use again. I'm taking X, but can't really feel the effects of it, but I know I'm messed up. Raegan is there-I'm trying to get her to come hang out. She is reluctant, but begins to offer occupational security. Again, she seems sort of stingy, and offers to call her mom if I really need help. I put the phone to my ear, and her mom sounds really positive. I buy a pack of Camel Wides and smoke one. B is around and does not seem bothered by cigarettes or drug use, but is not exactly thrilled about it either. I have become sweaty and changed my t-shirt.

    2/4/11-Fragments, but I think there was alot more to this dream than what I recall. I'm in a Hotel/Airport/Mall setting, shaped like the east hallway of Luther Jackson (my old middle school). The north end looks like a department store. I see empty clothing racks. My east view through the doors and windows shows a huge parking structure and access roads. I feel some sense of conflict going on around me, but nothing frightening. There's an issue with the way some of the sliding glass doors function here...,

    2/9/11-I'm traveling, leaving from an airport. Which one is not indicated. B and I are scheduled to fly out on the concorde. I become convinced that the plane will be hijacked, and I start looking for some sort of small blade to defend myself with. I don't make it on the aircraft with her. The plane begins to taxi out, and I'm running after it, slapping part of the tail as it slips away. This behavior gets me incarcerated. I'm given a navy colored sweatshirt with a concorde logo on it. B comes to see me, and says that 9 hijackers were arrested on the plane.

    2/11/11-Another weird one, but then most of my dreams are weird. For some reason I'm hanging out with a pleasant, older Japanese man, Mr. Hokkaido. He likes the fact that I'm into Zen and my fondness for the Japanese. We're tasked to enter a coded program into and old, room size computer. We're in a city, and to get to this computer we have to sneak down and across a few side streets. Linda Szyhowski is there, and she let's us in with a few directions to the treminal. We enter the program, then I drive Mr. Hokkaido to the airport for his flight back to Japan. He gives me a gift, a combination meditation/dinner place setting, which I begin to use.

    2/12/11-Odd fragments again. B and I are walking on a dirt road-it looks like Holmes Run Drive. I go into a ruined house and find a bunch of zildjian cymbals. I take one. We leave, and people are shooting paintballs at us.
    Next, I'm wondering around a shopping mall. I've been drinking and end up at a drug store, looking for some kind of straight shaving aid, like lotion or some sort of soap. Ronnie Calvert (My ex's mom) is there and recognizes me. On the outside, I play it cool, but on the inside I freak. I grab some junk food and leave, trying to soak up the alcohol ( I don't really feel drunk). I think Adriean (the ex) might have shown up as well...
    Last fragment, I'm parking my car in west Annandale, near the smaller intersection with gallows. I'm hanging around a rented house with a bunch of college students. Donna Foreman (Employee at work) is with them, she gives me a small kiss for some reason. My friend Shafat is also there, but I have no idea why.

    Plodding along and recording my dreams...I'm really trying to remember to do reality checks. I know this is a slow process.

    Up to this point from ritten journal

    by Jvail on 01-30-2011 at 04:59 PM
    I finally have some time to transcribe entries from my handwritten journal. This contains my recalls and notes from the tutorials. The written journal is more convenient for me, now I can post and share this stuff. These entries go back to the middle of January.

    1/16/11-I'm talking to Brian Moore, an employee at work who recently died of cancer. I offer encouraging words as if he were just getting over a first part of his serious illness...I'm playing piano or some sort of keyed instrument.

    I was drinking before bed, so I'm surprised I was dreaming or recalling anything at all.

    1/16/11-Dreaming during a nap, which rarely happens. This was a "Clydesmare", a recurring theme where I;m back working a at Clyde's. This is s a restaurant I used to work at (I left there in 2002). The place is busy, and the room I'm working in is different than I remember. I get sat with 3 full tables, one with 6 people. I'm taking drink orders without writing them down, then having trouble remembering them. I get angry with Cam (one of my managers there) because I'm not fully trained for the job and yet doing it anyway to help out.
    I took Lorazepam (Ativan) and Clonidine (I am prescribed these by a doctor) a few hours before then nap. I just started going over the tutorials then, so I was repeating the mantra "I will dream" a few times before falling asleep.

    1/17/11-I was dreaming something, but I have no recall. Was barely aware that I was dreaming at all.

    1/20/11-Recall is improving somewhat. Here I recall what really characterizes my dreams: weird stuff. I sneak into a shed somewhere on the street behind my parent's house, stealing 2 items from Ron Howard: One I don't remember, the other is a padded jacket made for climbing over barbed wire. Howard Stern is helping me for some reason. We take off down the street to a park at the end and into some woods east of the entrance (the setting is pretty close to real life). I hide some distance from the road, staying low under some leaves. Stern continues into the woods, trying to divert the perusing Ron Howard away from me and finding his own hiding place. But Ron Howard has a dog with him and it sniffs me out easily. This chase was not particularly scary.

    1/21/11-This dream is set in some concrete industrial/skatepark area. I end up in a room loaded with DJ and music production equipment. Frank Adjei (a coworker) is there and I ask him for a cigarette. He gives me one. I start playing with the equipment, but Frank won't leave and I begin to get upset with him...

    1/22/11-Only a couple of fragments to recall. I'm at my parents house and I have taken ecstasy, but I'm not feeling high. Still trying to behave normally in front of my family...then I'm at work and my old boss who was fired is back. I hated this guy. He's rewriting the work schedule, but for some reason it all looks fair.

    1/27/11-More fragments, maybe 2 separate dreams or 2 separate blocks of sleep:
    In the first dream all I can remember is handling 2 large single-action pistols (think of an old west gun). The bullets are huge-they look like rifle rounds. I am loading and firing both of them.
    The second dream I recall better. It takes place in what looks like a garden apartment complex. Some sort of redneck gathering is going on there, there are towed trailers and furniture set outside. I'm flirting back and forth with a girl, but I can't remember what she looks like. Then some sort of specialized tactical training begins. I'm carrying a sniper rifle and trying to shoot a team of opponents. It looks like I win the exercise.

    1/29/11-Just fragments again. Something was crawling up my right leg...
    This animated me enough that I started shaking in my sleep and my wife woke me up to see if I was okay.

    1/30/11-2 dreams last night. In the first one, I have a motorcycle. It's burgundy colored, sporty, and has smaller wheels like a dualsport model. It can shift gears manually or automatically, and the transmission is controlled by 2 buttons on the side of the tank that look like turn signals. Im zipping back and forth at my high school between the front and rear parking lots. I'm conducting some sort of business with a couple of hispanic guys in the front lot-it appears to be about vehicles...
    I'm in some trouble in the second dream. I've applied for a job and was passed up on it. I go to my dad for support, but he's being really mean to me. It hurts my feelings enough to the point where I am breaking down and crying. My aunt finally gets across to my dad why I'm so upset. All this time I'm building a room in my parents' basement (have not lived there for 8 years). It has dividers like an office cubicle, but a bed and small appliances like an efficiency apartment...

    That's my block of dreams for the past 2 weeks. My recall is improving, and I'm going to try to post journals online more often.
    non-lucid , dream fragment