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    1. katemorrigan
      katemorrigan liked post by Elucive On thread : Am I doing it right?
      Sounds like it. But I guess we'll never know, lol.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View katemorrigan's Dream Journal

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    Terrifying guilt trip

    by katemorrigan on 10-15-2010 at 03:24 PM
    I went to a school where some random preacher was giving a sermon even though he wasn't supposed to be there. As he was getting kicked out, I was walking out of the building with an older couple (50s-60s) who had been part of his group but were seriously beginning to question what the hell is wrong with him. The preacher came up and started getting really mad, so I provoked him more. This is about when part of my brain caught on that I was dreaming, but not enough for a full on lucid dream or any control. The preacher absolutely lost his mind and started screaming and yelling, got into a car and crashed it into another one in a fit of rage. I told the older couple to stay with me and not to take their eyes off of the preacher, just slowly walk away. The woman didn't listen and wound up behind the preachers car and I yelled at her to get out of there but she got run over. Her grief-stricken husband flew into a rage and dragged the preacher out of the car and snapped his neck, while I ran the hell away. I got up to the top of a cliff where I could see that the car the preacher had been driving was still moving and was going to run them both over and turned away so I wouldn't have to watch. Something in the back of my brain thought "you know, the guy could have made it out of there okay, he might just have lost an arm or something." So naturally I turn back and the old man has lost an arm and is climbing up the cliff face towards me. He had this absolutely crazy look in his eyes and was screaming "WHAT DO I DO NOW? TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" and I knew it was all my fault that all this terrible shit happened to him, because it was my dream and I should have been able to stop it.

    Sorry I haven't been around much, school year got way more in the way than I was expecting.

    Note to self: get a physical DJ already

    by katemorrigan on 08-28-2010 at 08:31 PM
    Woke up at 4 am from the first dream, was too tired to get up and type out what happened. I need to get a real journal to keep by the bed from now on.

    I was walking down a path in a dark, swampy area. There were five or six people with me and my boyfriend. On the ground in front of us were some small dead alien things, maybe two or three inches long and tan colored. They looked kinda like tiny round facehuggers. The whole place was very alien looking, and there was one plant we had to pass under on the path. It had a single leaf/thing about a foot long dangling out over the path that lit up in different colors and was some sort of sensor we had to sneak past. It was supposed to send out this spray of something periodically and we just had to time our passage right, but it started going way too fast. It was going off about every breath, and it made a noise like someone blowing a little dust or something. Eventually we gave up and walked through while it was going off and I was holding on to my boyfriend as we went under. I'm sure no one is surprised that I woke up to him snoring.

    The next dream was at my parent's house. Our neighbors grew some crazy flowers that were about 4 or 5 feet tall with six inch wide petals kinda like a poppy flower. They were reddish orange and edible (tasted like tomato-basil). I asked my parents for some to take home, expecting a bulb to plant, but they just gave us a couple of petals.

    Split second of recall

    by katemorrigan on 08-27-2010 at 07:32 PM
    I was at the House of Blues and my boyfriend and I were supposed to be going upstairs to a VIP thing. The room was dark and fairly crowded, but there wasn't anyone watching the VIP entrance.
    dream fragment

    Alternate Realities

    by katemorrigan on 08-25-2010 at 06:04 PM
    I wish this one was lucid, it was pretty awesome.

    I was in one of those "architecture doesn't work that way" houses. I don't remember seeing the outside ever, but the inside was all twisted around itself and very old and wooden. I did some design work for someone and we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of certain types of toys for young children. I explained to her how glued on felt eyes and stitched on eyes are better for dolls and stuffed animals than the hard plastic kind if you're planning on giving them to small children. Kids like to eat eyes off of things. The mother had black, wavy hair in a loose ponytail.

    I mislabeled my nephew in the dream as Max. I have no idea why that happened, but he was running around generally being three on the ground floor.

    When I got upstairs, there was an open area looking down on what probably used to be a stable or something, now it was just more house. I could see through the layers of cracking paint that there were a lot of old doorways into places that really shouldn't be able to have doorways. I pointed this out to my grandmother, who was complaining that she was too hot. She was wearing a seafoam green parka thing, but insisted that it wasn't very heavy. Then I started seeing what this room was like at another time, with the doors all functional and a fireplace on one of the walls in the room. I tried explaining it to people by showing them the remnants of things, but they didn't get it.

    Over by the wall where the fireplace used to be, there were a couple of pennies on the floor that spontaneously combusted. It was pretty easy putting them out, and I tried to explain to everyone that this was where the fireplace was and that was why they were bursting into flames, but then I turned around and saw there was an open door on the second floor over the open area, and through it I could see all the people and things that used to be in the house, like a portal. Some narrator explained that it wasn't time travel, it was another dimension where the house had been taken care of better. I wanted to go through, but I don't remember anything after that point in the dream.

    *Interesting note: While the "portal to another time/dimension" is already fairly supernatural on it's own, the paranormal levels skyrocket when you take into account that my grandmother is also dead. This is the first dream with her since she passed away that wasn't entirely focused on "you're dead, you can't be walking around/talking/rolling over in your coffin/etc." and her being very confused about the whole thing. My last lucid before joining this forum was just me at a bbq with the family and her being there. I realized I was dreaming and I yelled that she's dead and she needs to go away, so of course she "was never there in the first place" and my whole family was looking at me like I was a nut.

    Not much

    by katemorrigan on 08-23-2010 at 07:48 PM
    Had a bad dream about a haunted television set. Woke up and tried to go back to change it but even in that fuzzy half-dream state the narrative of the dream had way more control than I did. Bothered me enough that I lost the rest of the night.