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    About Katos

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    October 20, 1994 (29)
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    07-18-2012 07:10 PM
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    1. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by Katos On thread : Rates/Chances of getting sleep paralysis.
      I've tried inducing a WILD. I have heard some binaural beats that I have added on my mobile and I didn't move at all. After a while, I felt a shake, something like an earthquake but in a small...
      Liked On: 07-18-2012, 11:43 AM
    2. Jdeadevil
      Jdeadevil liked post by Katos On thread : If you remember all of your dreams will it be bad for your mind?
      Many thanks my friends, I will still try doing it, hoping to induce a LD. As I mentioned, I just have started keeping notes of my dreams. I know that it would be useless and disappointing LDing...
      Liked On: 07-18-2012, 08:01 AM
    3. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by Katos On thread : Rates/Chances of getting sleep paralysis.
      Oh god at last something encouraging. You sir have made my day. :woohoo:
      Liked On: 07-17-2012, 07:49 PM
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    School in the Summer?

    by Katos on 07-17-2012 at 04:19 PM
    17 July 2012

    In my dream for some reason I was drinking water, very much water. Was I thirsty (in reality) but I didn't know that? I was going at home from my high school when the day was over, the road though had been changed, it wasn't the same road, I have just realized (in my dream) that I have changed school but I forgot about it. But still, why would I go to school in the Summer?

    On the return, I was with my classmate, I was holding a plate with 4-5 pieces of beef. Which I've got them from a house somewhere on the mountain where the people there had a BBQ time. (I was actually there yesterday with my dad although the place wasn't the same.) Did I've just got teleported from there to school?

    Anyway, after that incident, we came across a road that was blocked, we crossed down from the chain that were holding a warning sign that the road is blocked and we reached to a mini market. From there, as I remember, in my purse I had only 1 euro so I bought some chocolate. As I bought them I opened the packing and I started eating them (before paying). My classmate had decided what to buy so he left without waiting for me to pay. I got stressed searching for my 1 euro that I was sure that I had. Suddenly, the cashier asks: "Will you pay me?" I replied: "Just wait for a moment to find my money." "Ok." he said.

    I left from the mini market. I don't remember though whether I have paid him or not, maybe I didn't. My friend had already did a distance so I have decided that I will go home without him. Suddenly, I have seen a perfect scenery, it was a village that had houses made out of wood left and right. The ground, was made out of wood too. That place was pretty much the same as a mod that I had on Skyrim called "Sexy Whiterun" (Whiterun is a city at Skyrim). As I was walking I saw a place like a street market, it was almost the same as the one that I have where I live. Suddenly, between the crowd I saw in the depth my mother coming, I saw her and I waved at her. She replied: "I came here to take you back home because I thought you got lost.". I then replied: "Its ok mom I could go back home on my own.". As the market was, it was surrounded by water, on the water there was the Statue of Liberty (or something similar), my mother approached it in order to touch it with her hands of course but she fell into the water. I gave her my hand so that I would help her but I grabbed her foot, I let it go and she managed to get out of it on her own. I thought that we would leave from there and get to the house, but we didn't. We went around to eat some food. We have found a random shop where we sit. My mom ordered a dish of french fries without asking me, the portion was petty though.. Since she didn't know where to put them because she didn't ask for a dish, using a fork, placed them on a random dish. I asked her: "Is that dish our own or someone elses?", she replied: "Someone elses.". That moment I got mad and left. Suddenly, I see myself inside my house I was in my bedroom and I was going to shut my PC down. I saw it shutting and I went to the kitchen (probably to get some water). After that I realized that I wanted to use my PC, I ran back to my bedroom, I saw the screen that opens when you choose to shut down your PC but it didn't have the options "Force Shut Down" and "Cancel" so I couldn't cancel it. I tried once more and I went back to my login screen this time though the login screen was completely different.

    This is how my dream ends. I know its kinda fast and unexpected but I somehow liked that dream.

    Two rape/sex dreams.

    by Katos on 07-16-2012 at 02:24 PM
    Like 5-7 months ago I had two dreams of the same content but in a different day.

    The first one will sound hell of funny but I have to keep a note of it since I wanna start Lucid Dreaming.
    So all that I remember of that dream was me having an erection, I've found a poster with a hot woman, a hole magically opened (or did I do open it?) inside it and started f*cking it. After 5 mins or so the scenery changed, I don't know how but it changed just like that. I found another poster and I f*cked that too.

    This dream I think it was partly lucid. Me and my friend were in a car riding (I don't know where, but we were riding). He suddenly introduces me with a hot chick that he found at the road (she just appeared). Then we had a threesome, I'm not sure but for a few seconds I could partly feel controlling myself and noticing that I am in a dream some how lucid dream. The morning I woke up with some sperm spilled around.

    Updated 07-17-2012 at 01:22 PM by Katos


    Remote controlling ghosts...

    by Katos on 07-16-2012 at 02:16 PM
    I once remember when I was a child, I had a dream of me having a remote control and I was able to move the ghosts around. I don't remember any feelings. Although today I find it hilarious.

    Updated 07-17-2012 at 01:22 PM by Katos


    Two weird dreams in a night.

    by Katos on 07-16-2012 at 02:14 PM
    Monday 16th of July 2012

    The first dream was kinda weird, I have seen two decapitated in the head, minecraft like people. Before going to sleep I was playing minecraft. It wasn't scary at all, besides I think that I was the one murdering them. The place was a little bit weird, I think I saw something like a volcano crater where those two persons were siting even with their heads chopped off.

    The second one is about music, I remember listening to the song Disturbed - A Welcome Burden. Nothing else.

    Updated 07-17-2012 at 01:22 PM by Katos


    Star wars me? (non-lucid dream)

    by Katos on 07-16-2012 at 02:06 PM
    This dream has been occurred like 1-2 years ago, it was strange but awesome. I dreamed myself waking up in the morning from the bed. I was in my house. I don't remember how, but I could move objects around with my mind (not sure but I knew I could move them). I felt really powerful, but sometimes I felt really weak trying to lift stones and huge rocks. It was like a challenge to me.

    This one is of my favorite dreams, I wish I could relive it again but in a lucid state. ^_^

    Updated 07-17-2012 at 01:23 PM by Katos

    non-lucid , memorable