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    Dream #010 11-Sep-2015 Non-Lucid, First Dreamawarness in Dream

    by korak on 09-11-2015 at 01:05 AM
    This dream is mostly non-lucid only at the end I got the awareness that I am dreaming.

    I go to a place where my friend left me in a car and gone somewhere. I wait in the car. It is dark outside, feel like It is 9pm. Suddenly the car move it self. I was little bit agitated about the guy left me in the car, but no time to think further. I hold the driving wheel and turn around in the empty space along side the road. No traffic on the road, but still it looks there may be. I turn right U and drove to the left side and the car didn't stop, so I turn the driving wheel and manuver to the right and finally stop by apply break, even though I sit at the back side of the car. How my leg reached front of the car? { I should have realised how I got my leg there? I should have doubted. But didn't.].

    Then I got out of the car, I am in a home at the drawing hall. Two of my friends are there. One guy I see say, asking me why I am here. I just tell him, i got out of the car just now, and tell the other guy left the car with me and gone without attending me.

    Then another friend come front of me and start sleeping on the floor. I ask him What. He said he has to sleep as look at me as if why I am asking him the obvious question.

    I go out of the home, and female friend go there. Just in front of the building I left, on the road there is another lady come and ask the female who came with me, why she is here. She reply look to her as if saying it is none of her business. Then the new lady, says she is on business here. I was wondering what ? Then the new lady do walk like a military walk with taping her lady shoe on the floor. I can here the small finger length knifes come out of the shoes in both legs. I realize she is going to harm my femal friend. I push the femal friend and stand between the lady and female friend. The lady asks what I am doing? She got knives attached to her shoes. She can scratch me with that. blocking her? She gives a look at me. I am not afraid.
    DREAMING! I AM DREAMING!!. I push the lady in front of me. It looks real. Just I feel the texture of her office coat, my dream dissovles.
    [ I am awake. I waited for a few minutes. and realized I got the first dream awarness in my dream. I lasted a few seconds. Hope this will continue in future. I was wondering is these dream characters played with me? Perhaps they are! They might be even my own subconsiouce manifestations. I am feeling happy! I just type this immediately I got out of the bed.
    In my previous dreams also same thing might have happened. I didn't get much to do. So, I still keep this in non-lucid category. I went to bed at 10:30pm and wake from dream 5:00am. I guess noting this time may help me in future. So, joining in Dreamviews.com I reached the purpose and got a glimpse.

    In future, I will be ready to talk to dream characters and find my dream awareness. Since they are helping me I have to accept their help.]

    Dream #009 29-Aug-2015 Non-lucid

    by korak on 09-11-2015 at 12:35 AM

    I stand in an ally with my friends. One guy push me. My friend on the left talk something. I feel I don't care. My friend go few steps ahead and start talking which I can't understand.

    Me, my friend are surrounded my other guys in a half moon form. Somebody in that crowd think I am in danger. I think What? and look at the row of guys in front of me. And all these guys have scissors and they are ready to point at me; not yet.
    I move to the opposite direction and climb on the top of houses, and running away from the scissor guys. I also think they or someone can figure out to reachme and chase.
    [ I wake up]

    Updated 09-11-2015 at 01:45 AM by korak


    Dream #008 - 20-Aug-2015 - Non-Lucid

    by korak on 08-20-2015 at 05:54 PM
    Around 3:00am.

    I am hiding outside of a ellipse shaped compound wall which is knee high. Somebody from the inside of the ellipse shape wall structure, at the other side of the wall where I am hiding. So, I feel I was found and I have to move and hide at a different location but near the ellipse compound. I was found out, So I move again, I was found out.

    Feeling: Something I want to hide? which is not possible or not necessary ? Perhaps in the dreamworld it is not necessary.

    Dream #007 - 14-Aug-2015 - Non-Lucid

    by korak on 08-17-2015 at 06:19 PM
    14-Aug-2015 Time:1:15am.

    There is a shirt we were talking around it (few people surround the shirt).
    Then my cousin brother R comes and fear that the shirt packet is having a patch like heart in the pocket. I don't know what to do, I am angry and quarrel with him. I ask him why he tear the shirt as I was using it. He dodges and a fight of pushing by me ensued.
    [ i wake up ]

    Dream #006 13-Aug-2015 Non-Lucid

    by korak on 08-13-2015 at 01:48 AM
    There was a shed which is locked inside and I am inside. Around ten people are outside the long shed door. Even if there is the door, I can feel see them they are standing there with some weapons. One guy in the centre, want to break the door.
    Somebody with me afraid. I just think what he(outside centre guy) wants. Let me let him in.
    I open the door in the middle by tearing apart by hand. He open further and steps in side. He is wielding an axe, which he could have used to break the door. But once he is in, he is not aggressive, just see around. I feel to the somebody who feared that "see he is not at all harmful".


    This also short dream.