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    Recurring DC who I'm married to (3)

    by LaCasati on 06-12-2015 at 07:50 PM
    This is the third dream in which the DC implied to be my dream-world husband appears. Note that in previous dreams, I had not felt repulsed by him. In this dream, and every one involving him since, his age has changed from in his 30s to in his 50s.

    I am walking through the gardens of a mental institution with my mother. The day is pleasant and sunny, the flowers are more realistic-looking and less overblown and lurid than they usually are in my dreams. We walk through a tunnel of trees towards the entrance of the institution, talking about my marriage. My mother outright condemns my choice of partner, in particular the age gap between us (I am 20, he is in his late 30s). I, thinking about my marriage, am more concerned about the difficult relationship between my husband and I, than I am about the age difference.

    We come to the entrance, there are two cars with chauffeurs waiting outside. The double doors open, and my husband runs out. I am startled by how he has aged, he is now in his early 50s although I am still 20, and haven’t aged. He runs over to me, making a fuss of me, bowing repeatedly and kissing my hand. I am disgusted by his behaviour: embarrassed because he’s making a scene in front of my mother and all the orderlies and I have to stand there and take it to be polite, and anxious because I know he’s only pretending to be respectful towards me and I’m wondering what he’ll do when we’re alone.

    My mother is driven away in the first car. The institution staff go back inside, and I watch the doors close as my 50-something husband kisses and bites my neck and whispers threats in my ear. I let him get into the car first (it’s a red car). I take my time about getting into the car with him, watching him watching me through the window. The dream ends shortly after I get in the car.

    This is the forum post in which I mentioned this series of dreams: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...m-married.html
    lucid , memorable

    Recurring DC who I'm married to (2)

    by LaCasati on 06-12-2015 at 07:43 PM
    This is the second dream in which this recurring DC, who is implied to be my dream-world husband, appeared.

    I am living in an apartment block, very modern, futuristic architecture. It’s implied the place was built by aliens, who happen to coexist with humans in my dream world. The apartment block is one I often find to be my ‘home’ in lucid dreams, in a tropical climate, very hot, the plants massive, waxy and exotic-looking.

    I can’t quite remember what I did during this dream, except the part just before I awoke.

    I’m on the balcony of my apartment. I’m just enjoying watching the people running around the pool below, some all jumping in at once to flood part of the side of the pool. It looks like a pool party, but I ’m content to just watch them rather than join in.

    All the apartments seem to be empty, except one a few balconies along from mine. There’s a figure in the window, but whoever it is isn’t coming out. I’m curious as I haven’t actually seen the owner of this apartment before; I’ve met most DCs who inhabit the block.

    I go through my apartment and into the corridor; I see the figure from the window come out of his room, then stop to look at me. I approach him and recognise him from my other dream; as he made a profound impact on me when I saw him in the first dream.

    He smiles at me and invites me into his room as if he knows me. I find it odd he doesn’t introduce himself or ask for my name. He’s very attractive, so of course I go into his apartment. I keep thinking it’s odd that he talks to me like he’s known me for a while, when I don’t even know his name.

    He pulls me to him and we make out. In between kissing when I look up at him, his face keeps changing. My vision blurs, and his features fuzz over, then come back to clarity, and again go blurry. The dream fades out, and I wake up.

    This is the forum post in which I mentioned this series of dreams http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...m-married.html
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    Recurring DC who I'm married to (1)

    by LaCasati on 06-12-2015 at 07:39 PM
    This is the dream in which a recurring DC, implied to be my husband, first appeared. He’s been haunting my dreams ever since. There seems to be a chronological order to this series of dreams.

    I am attending a wedding in the yard of my old elementary school. The day is overcast and threatening to rain. I am surrounded by excited people clamouring to see the wedding take place, I recognise some of the faces in the crowd as current and former classmates. I can’t see the couple at the front of the yard, or the priest, and I’m not tall enough to peer over the crowd. I notice the sky above, the clouds a mixture of grey and black and churning too fast for real life, like someone pressed the fast forward button. However, everything on the ground is taking place at a normal pace.
    I weave my way to the edge of the crowd to try and get a better view. I stand apart from the main body of people, but still my view of the wedding is blocked.

    I notice a man in a powder blue suit, it’s the colour that catches my eye. He stands out in the scene, as most people, oddly for a wedding, are wearing black, and the sky and the concrete yard are grey. My POV kind of zooms in on him and I realise I find him very attractive. He doesn’t notice me looking at him, and he eventually gets swallowed into the crowd.
    He will go on to appear in my dreams.

    This is the forum post I mentioned this series of dreams in http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...m-married.html
    lucid , memorable

    A Hostile Winter's Night (12/08/2014)

    by LaCasati on 08-13-2014 at 08:58 PM
    The city, night.

    I wander the streets, which are narrow, cobbled and somewhat Dickensian. The buildings are tall and lean inwards over the streets, which are dimly lit, the alleyways branching off from these are not lit at all and stretch into darkness. It's snowing, and bitterly cold.

    The streets are busy and people rush past me, their faces blurred. I walk at a slower pace, reacquainting myself with the city after my absence. There are many street vendors, often at alleyway entrances. People crowd around their stalls but hardly buying anything. I notice one stall in particular, run by two little girls in shabby hooded cloaks. The smaller of the girls interests me, for her eyes glow icy blue in the darkness, she has been watching me for a while, I realise.

    I weave my way through the crowd to their stall, the girl's eyes draw me in. She and her companion are selling little clay figurines. I buy several. I don't really want them. As I walk away, the smaller girl continues to stare at me, I can hear the other one thanking me as I go.