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    Best stability yet

    by LiamDreamer on 06-13-2013 at 05:27 PM
    I began the WILD process this morning, but couldn't be bothered finishing it off. Basically I instead went to sleep to try have a normal DILD, at one point I see myself in hypnagogic state and can tell a dream is forming around me. I simply let it form using my mind to pull me in, like for a WILD and ended up in a very realistic dream in my Dad's living room. The touch, feel and general presence were that I was actually there, knew I was dreaming and in a way that was way ahead of any lucid dream I have ever had. I start doing things - masturbation, invited friends around who invited girls around.

    Upon waking I originally thought it was an accidental WILD but I then remembered being in a previous dream (or maybe an earlier part of the dream) where I was showing off magic without realising I was dreaming. I'm unsure if it was a different dream (in which case the lucid was a DEILD) or if the magic was part of same dream and the hypnagogic state was then an opportunity given to not escape a dream, which I then took.

    obe within dream

    by LiamDreamer on 06-09-2013 at 06:02 PM
    Been attempting WILDs on a daily basis, still experimenting. On Wed morning I felt like I was about to either OBE or go into WILD after having gone through much of the process, but again didn't quite make it. I decided then to move to plan B and go to sleep and try for a DILD.

    Next thing I'm in a classroom and the vibrating noise I had in my ears when I tried to do a WILD was there and Iet it grow until I OBEd. At that point I became lucid, albeit mildly, and used it to fly. I became more lucid as I went on albeit my memory wasn't great even immediately afterwards. Last thing I remember was landing in a bedroom where a lady was reading a book on iPad and upon my mental suggestion when she gently swiped it a paperback copy materialised out of the device.

    WILD attempt

    by LiamDreamer on 06-02-2013 at 11:41 AM
    To cut a long story short I have been trying WILDs lately. I can see it will be useful to learn and that I have an idea of how to do it, as I would like to get more routine LDs and practice more.

    Today I did get quite far. I started with counting breaths to 300, then went into a mantra meditation known as John Main meditation. I got to a point where I was getting moving images. Didn't quite make it to sleep paralysis and then decided to go to sleep normally. I dreamt one of my sisters gave me a surprise visit in my flat. After waking up I was thinking about asking her by text if it really happened or was it a figment of my imagination, then I lay down on my other side. I could hear a ringing in my ears and let it get stronger - it sounded like motorbike humming. Next thing I had some moving imagery of a motorbike and it going out of control. Next thing I was in a dream, but didn't realise it (my penis was in front of me, but in 2D and flat). Had I realised it would have been actually a DILD, induced because of the WILD process. Early days, but I can see this progressing with practice.

    Updated 06-03-2013 at 03:32 AM by LiamDreamer


    2 lucids this week

    by LiamDreamer on 03-30-2013 at 05:58 PM
    I'm trying to keep my dream journal together but little time to do meditation and got other things on my mind. Nevertheless keeping the detail in when I can and ensuring my phone is available and charged for me to write stuff down.

    Most interesting non-lucids were yesterday when I had a weird one where I am teaching kids in a strange building. At one point I remember weird things happening like spaghetti spontaneously moving from my plate to a plastic bag. I'm at the top of stairs running after a lady that helped me in teaching.
    Next one I'm discussing the film Chinatown with a friend and we've missed an art house film showing - I could have spotted I was dreaming if I had noticed how difficult it was for me to recall details of the film, but it didn't.

    Anyway - had lucid on Wed where I'm walking through my home town and I'm 16 again. I'm reenacting my teen years as I wanted to live them. I kept stability without trying but as fears my Mum would realise I was lucid dreaming kicked in I gradually lost stability.
    Next lucid was today when I had a dream of snogging some girl, who then starts to choke me, next thing I'm snogging Nicholas Hoult after which I wake up. I am a little bi, so enjoyed that too.

    Considering I have a heavy project I'm working on and not doing lucid practices all the time it's quite encouraging, hopefully I can get back to controlling dreams as I feel like what I'm doing is random stuff from a disoriented mind rather than like being in charge. Only thing lucid I'm doing is reality checks, where I try and think of doing a different one each time in the hope these checks become natural and more about thinking than automatic mindlessness. The crux is going to be getting back to full lucid practice without overdoing it - e.g. a girl in my meetup group once said that the worst thing she ever did was thinking too much about lucidity when joining the group, as it reduced her lucidity and she didn't become lucid until she relaxed again. Her lucidity is overall better since joining the meetup group, but initially there was a drop.
    non-lucid , lucid

    Menthol - full bag of sweets and lucid sex dream

    by LiamDreamer on 03-17-2013 at 04:05 PM
    On Fri night I gobbled down a 37g box of lozenges with menthol in them (Cherry Tunes).

    I had one vivid dream during the night - where I'm teaching and I was reading a question - instead of realising it was gibberish I thought it was in German.

    Nevertheless after waking up and getting back into bed I had another dream. I can't remember how I became lucid, but I remember as the dream went a bit crazy I had decided it was a dream. I also took control and decided to change the dream completely - ended up in a hotel room about to have sex with a lady. I found it difficult to control - never got to the deed and kept changing from one woman to another as my concentration wasn't 100%. Thinking I was about to wake up I did stabilise it at times mentally. It would have been better if I had gotten tactile, but I was lucid for a good while. After not completing sex I tried the TV which just had static - I remember it having 50 channels, then saw a report of Sam Allardyce bitching about opposition soccer players having AIDS (the idea that he would speak like that is completely mad) as I was losing control and then woke.