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    Conversation Between littlezoe and Wolfwood

    18 Visitor Messages

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    1. Oh, i just noticed this last message of yours, weird >.>

      Well, they didn't really go to the Abyss to make friends Demons can't be trusted anyway
    2. Nicee... there's a ton of layers in the Abyss, so lots to explore. ^_^ Met any cool characters in that realm so far?
    3. Wolfie ^^

      Earlier you asked if they went to the Abyss yet in the WotSQ books, now they did in the 3rd book and plan to go back again in the 4th
    4. It's random for me as well... i'm not sure what causes it, but i didn't even play it today

      As for the avatar... i know i'm late with it... but it requires some real life resources
    5. I remember having similar FPS drops in some parts...though it was completely random. If I went to the same area where it dropped before, it may not drop the second time -- vice versa.

      And psh, you said you were changing your avatar.
    6. Yeah, i just forgot to report on it

      It looks way better than before, but sometimes it starts to FPS lag horribly. Like at random times, no matter what i do. It lasts like a minute or less then it's normal for a while but then it does that again... I set some settings, but couldn't really figure out what is the problem, so i'll be playing around with the settings more tomorrow.

      But i still like the game itself The updated graphics helps a lot, i especially liked how awesome the sky looks when it's sunny
    7. You like the game or?
    8. Ah good. Can get book (dissolution) for 1 pence + 2.80 pounds delivery on amazon. Bought.
    9. Well, as i mentioned in the "what are you reading" thread, i just started the War of the Spider Queen.

      I guess it would be better if you would start it instead of going with the Lady Penitent books first, since that story is after War of the Spider Queen. Since i read them the other way around, now it feels like i jumped back in time

      Here is a link to all 6 of the WoSQ books: http:.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Spider_Queen

      I'm only like 1/3 way into Dissolution (the first one) yet, but i enjoy it a lot already
    10. I was about to buy Sacrifice of the Widow.... but there's a series of books before them, right? War of the Spider Queen. You read those?

      So that'll be a book of yours, and a book of dutchraptors. Man, I read too much.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
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