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    The Weird One Returns

    by Lividus on 10-08-2012 at 11:35 PM
    October 8th 2012

    3:00 AM to 9:00 PM; 9:10ish AM to 10:00 ish = ~6 hours and 50

    I found my old DJ format... Took me forever to work how to salvage it. Let's get the dreams rolling!

    The moment I really opened my eyes and took a look around... a man in an old samurai kimono stood before me. The sky was a blazing azure... and the ground before me nothing more than sparse clouds groomed into notable pathways.

    From the moment he spoke, the
    timbre of his voice sent me lucid.

    "Do you know how to fly?" He smiled at me.

    It was getting chilly, windy... Before I could answer I gave it thought. In theory I knew how to do everything. Noticing this he sighed, "then let's give you wings."

    With that the segment I stood upon vanished and I plummeted. I was ecstatic. I remembered briefly someone who used to say that dream entities could teach us things.

    I took control of the wind before, falling too far down into the endless blue, only to wake up as I hit the level of flight he wanted me to.

    Alarm went off...

    Adventure Time
    The world had taken a very strange turn. Essentially the world had taken a Steampunk-Adventure Time-Revolution feel to it. I was apart of the rebel group alongside my best friends, Jake, Fin, and a few other people.

    The government patriarch was against me. The others fled ahead to a safe house that had a very Eastern-Western fusion to it.

    Night had fallen and I had finally gotten a pack of men off my tail. I had a sword on me as I slid into the trap door of the house.

    Nothing had been very interesting, but for some reason my Wfiey had been edging me to talk to Jake... because he was supposedly very handsome and interested in me. Rule one about me--don't try to force me into things. I retaliate.

    Rather than approach him and at least be a good comrade--since we were on the same side afterall--I blatantly ignore him as I catch up with Fin and everyone else on what we should do next since I had unfortunately not left unnoticed. The government wanted me caught and brought to their leader.

    There then cuts to a random part where I'm tackling my old roommate to the ground and we're friends again. Rolling around, laughing and playing. All was well until we were sitting there calming down from laughing and I knew that this wasn't real... that there would never be a day where she would stop hating my guts and we'd be civil, maybe even friendly again...could we? I get up and walk away... a bit confounded by things.

    Eventually I was forced to interact with Jake, he knew a thing or two about guns and propulsion designs. We actually got along really well, and up until the soldiers came in and made the night a blood bath, all was at ease.

    Heavily influenced by my day... Lots of details unfortunately forgotten though. Didn't have my notebook on me. And my writing is stiff... ick

    Updated 10-09-2012 at 04:08 AM by Lividus

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes