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    About Lucidbunny
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    I am 24 years old. I'm studying Opticianry, which is the knowledge of making, repairing, and tweaking glasses and contact lenses. We even sell them, but we don't do eye exams and such. Onward. I plan to use the money I get from this degree to further my education in psychology, hoping to be a psychotherapist. I hope to apply my knowledge of mysticism, shamanism, meditation in my practice. I believe that knowledge of Biofeedback and Lucid dreaming will come very handy.

    I also feel like I can use Lucid dreaming as a tool to explore parts of my psyche I'm not able to during the times I'm awake. And could also serve as Shamanic journeys too.

    Other than that, I really don't know what to share about myself. So just ask any questions you might have and I will answer:-)
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    Tampa, Florida
    Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Trek, music, meditation/yoga, psychology,mysticism/shamanism, biofeedback
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    1. gab
      gab liked post by Lucidbunny On thread : Hopping in.
      Hello y'all, I'm Mit. I've been wanting to acquire more control over my dreams in the past, but have been too lazy to, or felt like I didn't have much to go on with. I'm glad I've found this...
      Liked On: 12-29-2013, 07:27 PM
    View Lucidbunny's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dec 30, 2013.

    by Lucidbunny on 12-31-2013 at 04:14 PM
    This is all I can actually remember from last night's dream. I will try to go in order. The dream was very lucid, but I had no control over it, save in one instance:

    Scene 1:

    Is a party scene. My girlfriend and I are staying at a resort sort of thing. And it's night time, and all the guests have gathered for a party. There's food, alcohol, music, the works. The entire room is light up in yellow/gold. Apart from certain furniture, the chairs, dinner table, dishes, cutlery, etc, are all gold. There's a fire going. Everyone's boisterous. At some time, I get tired, and decide I want to leave. But my girlfriend refuses to leave, as it's pitch black outside. There's no lights on the pathways to our room, and she's terrified. She's never been like this, and I try to calm her down as best as I can, while trying to find out why she's terrified of the dark. She gets near to hysterical and tells me that if I continue to inquire further, it's over between us. Well, we go back inside, and she gets more comfortable. Then I try again, but to no avail, and she says it's over.

    Scene 2:

    I'm holding a thick, black snake as big as my body. It's segmented, and has red glowy eyes. It's supposed to be extremely venomous. Since I'm the one who caught it, I'm tasked with removing it from wherever we are right now. I don't really remember. I'm taking it outside, and i'm conscious of the knowledge that I've had previous snake dreams before, and am torn by 2 choices: I could either let the snake go, or I could let it bite me and see what happens. I'm staring at the snake, taking a good look at it while I'm thinking it out. Eventually, I let it go into the night by throwing it away, and the dream ends right there.
    lucid , nightmare , dream fragment

    Post Apocalypse - First Journal entry

    by Lucidbunny on 12-29-2013 at 04:50 PM
    This is a dream I had roughly 2-4 weeks ago, and it went like this:

    My character was a girl, and I was within her, sort of like an unconscious fragment of her being. She was quite young, and lived in a settlement of sorts some ways away from an abandoned city. It had been abandoned for years now, and it was just a skeleton of it's former self: You could see the metallic frames of the skyscrapers and other buildings against the horizon, and it gave a creepy feeling. Nobody went into the city because no one who went, returned.

    Now, for the settlement itself: It was divided into an underground section, and an aboveground section. Both the sections had residential, and industrial sections. Most of the tech in this society was medieval looking, but equipment were salvaged from the city. There was no electricity. The whole quirky thing about this settlement was that no one believed in spirituality, or a god, or a soul. The security guards existed to reinforce this and the general rules of the settlement.

    So, the story itself is short: My character starts questioning about the existence of a spirit, and god, and spirituality. My parents try dissuading her from the subject, but I persist. Eventually the guards get involved, and after failing to stop my character as well, try to kill her multiple times. Sometimes she escapes by herself, sometimes I take over and help her. In the final altercation, the head of the guard tries to ambush her. I take over, kill every single one, and kill the head of the guard with his own weapon. After this, the girl packs her things up, and leaves the settlement, and heads for the abandoned city.

    Addition: Except for one instance, the sky is usually red, dark, and dreary. Especially over the abandoned skeleton city.
    lucid , memorable