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    blogger. metalhead. guitarist. geek... not necessarily in order.
    Megadeth, Photography, Coding,..
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    current goal : have a lucid dream []


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    First dose of Lucidity?

    by mantiz on 08-17-2010 at 12:21 PM
    after about a week of trying, I had my first dose of lucidity yesterday night
    But still got a long way to go to perfect it!

    I was having this long and vivid non-lucid dream. There was this huge function at my old school, sort of looked like a graduation ceremony. I saw a few of my friends there, and some friends from college, who hadnt studied at my school.. but nothing struck as unusual.

    I was in this lobby, and suddenly I saw my ex-girlfriend walkin in the front door.
    Our relationship had ended somewhat tumultously, so I didn't wanna run into her.. So I walked on in the lobby and see an elevator and walk into it. But dammit she also manages to get in and we see each other, and we both smile.
    and at that moment I notice how beautiful she looked. Trust me, she looked more heavenly than ever, and the dream was so vivid I can still recall that face.

    Anyway, at this moment I became lucid, dont exactly remember how.. I was looking into her beautiful face and I was thinking "God! I'm dreaming!"
    Soon, the dream started to fade as the realization set in.. I didnt want it to end, I tried to stabilize the dream but it didnt seem to be working.. I guess I got scared that I would lose my girl if I thought about it as a dream, and i let my mind go and soon slipped into a non-lucid dream... which involved me having feelings for her again, just like old days, even stronger, and eventually the two of us hugging and kissing,,
    and when I woke up in the morning after the dream I was like "God! I LOVE her!!"

    I'm happy I got to experience some amount of lucidity, but also sad after seeing my ex-gf.. I'm hoping the dream doesn't mean anything, cause our relationship had gotten so complicated before we finally broke up, and going back to it would only worsen things..
    lucid , memorable

    First entry: Dogs, Darkness, and Sleep Paralysis... :(

    by mantiz on 08-11-2010 at 03:48 PM
    not much to report since my Dream Recall still sucks...

    Well, I was stuck at home all day today, so I did some petty work around the house which had made me tired by the evening. By 4 pm I was on my bed, and decided to take a short nap..

    I had downloaded this application for my mobile phone, LucidWeaver, and I decided this was a good time to try it out.. I set the alarm to ring after 90 mins and went to sleep..

    I remember having this non-lucid dream, still can't recollect much of it, though I remember it involved dogs.. yeah I know, I REALLY gotta work on my Dream Recall Skills

    So I was with the dogs (for some reason there were three of them), when the alarm went off and and instantly woke me up.. I thought "Oh shit!.." and thought I had blown it. the dream had ended, dogs were no more..
    But then I realised my eyes were still closed and I could feel a little numbness in my legs, so I decided to remain still..
    I remained that way for a few minutes and slowly began to feel the sleep paralysis set in. The numbness spread from my legs upwards, freezing my mouth and the truckload of saliva I'd accumulated in it by this time ()

    anyway, I was feeling these cool tingly sensations all over and thought I began to see something strangely cool when...,
    ..for no reason I can remember..!!

    The sensations stopped, and before I knew it, I was back to square one..

    I tried achieving SP once again but after three minutes the alarm sounded again, knocking me off-guard!

    So I decided to call it quits for the evening and try again tonight..

    The issue with the alarm application, it turns out, is that I had tinkered around abit with the settings earlier and accidentally set two extra alarms, which were meant for 'lucidity training'.. I'm usually a deep sleeper, but somehow I woke up at the first alarm itself that had ruined the plan.. gonna try again tonight with the older settings.

    I'm still new to lucid dreaming, this is only my second day of actually trying, and I know SP isn't that great an achievement, but still, it felt uber-cool.. can't wait for the night to set in, I think I'll have difficulty falling asleep (my body feels totally rested from the nap), but anyway.. eyes on the prize baby!