• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between melanieb and Linkzelda

    54 Visitor Messages

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    1. You have awkward dreams lol.
    2. I ate rice and cheese in my dream the other night and I was able to control the weather.
    3. Thank you for the Pony kiss!

      RD...my favorite!
    4. Thanks melanieb, but usually they can fix it with no questions asked, because as long as I didn't intentionally set out to make it leak, they have to.
    5. If you are having plumbing leaks that might affect your bill you can get a copy of the work order or any receipts and submit them to the utility company. They will review your usage and the work order and give you a proper credit.

      You have this as a right, and the landlord cannot deny you the information if you need it.
    6. You said you were admin/moderator in a previous forum, you can handle it.
    7. Yes, it was very unexpected.

      I'm honored.
    8. You don't have to apologize, it's perfectly fine.

    9. Sorry I had to go the other night. It's been a busy time lately and my kiddos have demanded quite a bit of attention.

      May is always a difficult month. Tons of activities, left and right, all clamoring for my time.

      I'm always around...and will be around a lot more soon! *hug*
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 54
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