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    1. View Conversation
      oh hey there, friend. I see you haven't logged on since 2011 so you probably won't see this message. Just wanted to say hi! lol! I'm the only one who still goes on here -_-
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      hello hello hello hi
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      YO! wats up? i can see you havent been on here in awhile... i still go on often but am usually too lazy to post any dreams :/
    4. oh just kinda busy w/things
    5. View Conversation
      Hey Brittneh! Long time no post on here, eh? What you up to?
    6. nothing and yup at the lake! i love urs!! its pretty
    7. View Conversation
      sup foooool? nice profile pic, i remember that.. do u like mine? i took it today
    8. haha i sure am!! and thanks!
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      You little foul monster, you. ............uhhhhmmm... dont ask lol. pirty picture btw.
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    About Middy

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    About Middy
    Im Brittany, im 17 and finally on my senior year of high school. My favorite color is blue, well more like sapphire but thats still a type of blue. I love the night because the sun tends to blind me. I also love the moon, and the stars, there all so beautiful!! My dream is to travel the world because i want my life to be an adventure and i cant do that sitting at home!! I find dreams to be very interesting and i want to unravel the mystery behind some of them.
    Boredom, Wisconsin
    Dreaming, watching movies, hanging out with friends, playing games, etc
    hahaha job....
    How you found us:
    A friend told me about it


    Closing your eyes to disappear,
    You pray your dreams will leave you here;
    But still you wake and know the truth


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    08-29-2011 05:03 AM
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    Recent Entries

    Four Sword Adventures...er...Three Sword Adventures

    by Middy on 08-30-2010 at 08:23 PM
    I began in this old, creepy shack that was near the edge of a cliff. Not thinking much of it, I went around exploring until I came to this certain room. Inside were three Flaredancers: a red one, a blue, and a green one (enemy on Zelda). They were doing there usual actions such as dancing but they didn't laugh. The three of them quickly grabbed each others hands to form a row. They started to come closer to me and I then realized that I couldn't move. Suddenly a firey barrier of red, green, and blue appeared in front of them and shot at me. I tried to shield myself with my arms since for whatever reason I didn't have a shield. When I reopened my eyes the Flaredancers were gone and the shack seemed to be more depressing, dark, and worn down.

    I hear a door creak open so I go to investigate. I find that my partner, Red, had just entered. I start to ramble on about the Flaredancers and how I was attacked but Red walks right past me like I'm a ghost. So I yell out and wave my arms trying to get his attention but again no reply. It was then that I realized I was in the Dark World while Red was in the Light World. Being my usual smart self, I come up with a plan of using the dust on the floor board to write him a message (this is weird though because I believe Red was carrying it around...).

    The first few words I write out are: help, trapped, etc. I guess the Dark World was draining my energy or something because all I could write was one word at a time. That or I was just lazy XP. Red notices the words but thinks that a ghost is doing it so he says, "whos doing that?" and "whos there?" I faceplam and write down "Purple" (which is odd because his name is Vio not Purple and also, yes I'm Vio in this dream). Finally stupid Red realizes that it's me, the only problem is that he doesn't know how to help me. Coming up with another idea, I tell him to rip up one of the floor boards (now this I so don't get...I guess I thought I could walk up it or something but uh how would that get me out of the Dark World? Not to mention I'm standing on the floor already so...?). Red does as his told. I'm assuming after that I got out of the Dark World but I don't know because my dream skipped on to something else.

    Now onto the other half. This time I'm Green who just so happens to be at the exact same location as Vio and Red were, only they aren't there now or if they are then they must still be inside the shack (Blue was never shown in my dreams for whatever reason). So I'm walking around near the shack with my sword drawn for some reason. Without warning a ugly cyclops rising from the depths of the cliff. I believe that the cliff somehow turned into a lava pit at this point.. Moving on, this thing HUGE!! Probably bigger than a giant goron...

    So it snatches me up by grabbing my sword arm which was my left arm just as Link's would be (though I'm right handed..). The monster says something to me but I can't remember what. I swiftly whip out my hookshot that appearantly was in my pocket just as every other item should be... I target his right eye and fire away, latching on tightly. However instead of flying at the cyclops, (it really had two eyes but it still looked like a cyclops monster to me) I was pulling my hookshot so I could rip his eye out. Which is also weird because hookshots don't work that way but whatever. There was also a strange "clank" noise when I shot his eye so it seemed to be metal? Anyway, I finally managed to pull his eye out but then remember that I'm way up in the air and would probably die if I fell. But of course I woke up just as I was falling so I'll never know if I survived or not...

    Bug Alien Thingy

    by Middy on 07-30-2010 at 08:04 AM
    I found myself in some strange world with only a metal buliding. Now I wasnt really myself because I was a bug alien thingy, sorta like a praying mantis or something close to that. Anyway, I recall all of my dream but somehow my friends were all captured by our enemies, the humans. Only I was able to escape from their evil clutches. Im pretty sure that they did manage to capture me once but somehow I freed myself, but this I hardly remember. So Im sneaking my way through this buliding until i come across a room. Without thinking, I open the door and go inside. The room is half cafeteria and half arcade so I stay low to the floor to avoid any unwanted eyes on me and make my way to the arcade side. Suddenly a kids appears but instead of screaming and alarming everyone else, he asks me if I want to play an arcade game with him. Since I happen to love video games, I agree with though Im playing the game with the enemy, though that doesnt seem to cross my mind at all. Also I dont know how I was supposed to play considering I had praying mantis arms...but somehow I did. The kid challenged me to a race, whoever could beat the game first wins. I remember one of the arcade games being Mortal Kombat (old one) but I cant remember what the other one was but I have played the game before. Anyway, we go through the entire game but just as one of us is about to win a lady enters through the door that I came in from. She looked like one of those scientist people from an anime that have purple hair and keep it up in a bun, also she was wearing glasses. I immeditately duck under the table (I have no idea where that came from since the huge arcade machines were there...) and hide from her. I believe that this person was the one who had captured me before and now I was freaking out. She starts to walk over where the kid and I were, then I believe that she asked the kid something. The kid responds by saying something about magic, though he was talking to the lady it was actually aimed towards me. Out of nowhere, I pull out some strange device just as the lady begins to duck down and almost see me. Using my magic, i was able to speak through the device, though I really dont see how that was supposed to help me in any way. The lady was so focused on the device that she failed to notice me at all until my magic was slowing draining and I had nothing left. The device shut off and then the lady demanded that it speak again. I tried hard to use my magic but I was bone dry. Just then, she says that she knows Im there but doesnt try to grab me. Either the kid or the lady then say a word that begins with an "S." Ive never heard of the word before and so without thinking I hop out. I look at the kid questionly and he simply states what the "S" word means, that the humans were going to come and get me but they couldnt enter the room. However, that means that I would be trapped in the room forever if I didnt leave. I couldnt deal with the fact of being stuck in the room so I crawled across the room to another door, looked at the kid and he looked back at me, though I could tell he wanted to help me but couldnt. I opened the door and glanced around the halls for humans, the coast was clear. So I slithered across the shiny steel floor until I came across something. It appeared to be a book. Determined to figure out what it was, I went over there. It was then that I noticed that the book had a picture of one of my friends on it! (My friends were all animals by the way, not alien thingys like I was) Now the book was one of those slightly bigger ones with an almost sqiushy touch to it. I knew that it had to be the real deal and attempted to use my magic but it was still gone from the stupid device. I cant remember this part but somehow I was able to get my magic back, I think that the kid had somehow helped me but Im not entirely sure. But I was able to free my animal friend, so I continued to free all of them since there was a trail of them leading me all the way to a book store. Once I finished saving all of my friends I woke up.