• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Milotic and WDr

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    1. Part 2. The "difficult" thing about DEILD is to wake up between your dreams. Once you've mastered that/found the perfect alarm time, youve done 80% of the work. When you find youselft awake in bed, just lay still, think abut the dream that you were in ( or make a new, if you can't remember. I'll recommend that you vizualize the previous dream if you remember it, though) you don't need to think "very hard" just imagine it the best you can, and hold that image. Just hold it. Suddenly, you'll pop into the image, fully lucid. Best feeling ever!
    2. Ahhh! My dream recall is not so great at the moment, as I'm our of the habit of writing them down in the morning... It's just so hard to do when you're tired and not motivated! actually, I haven't fille out one yet, partly because I first started on another, and then shifted when I was halfway through (so you could say I've filled one ) but also because 1) I sometimes "get out of the habit" and stop writing dream for days, even weeks and 2) when I first started lucid dreaming, I didn't write in a DJ at all. I actually had some LDs before I got myself a journal haha, I actually got lucid tonight, on pure will I felt motivated when I got to bed and stuff, so I just got a good ol' DILD. I had no control, almost, it was just like real life, except some wierdness I have to admit, though, that the last Lucids I've had was just because of normal RC, suggestion, motivation, desire and DJing
    3. Yepp, it's done! But that also means that summer break is coming to an end ;(
      So how good is your dream recall and do you write your dreams in a journal? If so, how many journals have you gone through ever since you started? Oh wow, you really have a hang on lucid dreaming! I'm so jealous! I need to get back at it. Okay tonight, I am going to try it your way, since I usually prefer the WILD method, but as of late, it's been difficult trying to stay consciously alert while tricking my body to sleep.

      Do you have any personal tips on how to have a successful DEILD?
    4. Yeah, if things get busy enough, the dream recall usually goes down but you're done with the student exchange now, right? Summer has been great! I noticed that in the morning (from around 6 am to 10 am) it's really easy to become lucid my best lucid was a DEILD, it was so long that I almost forgot some parts of it I think I want to train DEILD combined with DILD/MILD to get the most effect
    5. That's good! The more you practise, the better your dreams will get you pro oneironaut you! ;P Haha, no time to lucid dream in French speaking Québec unfortunately...I found that the first few days there, my dream recall was really strong but the few weeks in, I started to remember less and less. I guess it was due to stress/hectic schedule. I mean, my bike ride to work which was at a boat canal, took 45 minutes! I don't usually bike so this was new for me.

      So how's your summer been? And what have your favourite lucid dreams been about?
    6. Haha, your welcome! My lucid dreaming is going quite good, actually I have had some lucids, but none of them were good enough. I'm doing better, though and what about you? Did you get time to lucid dreamin Québec? (is that where everybody speaks French? )
      You had me giggling like a school girl I 'was'... I can't believe this was the last year of my high school...

      I am truly sorry I haven't responded earlier because I was on a six week student exchange in Québec where I had to work at a boat canal and boy I was extremely busy! My crush drifted from Thor to his little brother

      but after seeing your beautiful post, my love for Thor has come back! So how have you been? Have your lucid dream goals been successful?
    8. Hey, I see you haven't been online for a while. How is it going with Thor?

      Here's some inspiration:

    9. Yeah, getting lucid's a pain sometimes. As for Motivation...hmm... I suggest going on YouTube and searching for Chris on this Australian show called, "Home and Away." It's bound to give you more motivation.
    10. Nah... The problem is to get a prober lucid... But I'm going to see a movie where Chris is starring (can't remember the name), so maybe that will give me the motivation needed
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