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    1. thephilosofie
      thephilosofie liked blog post by Moon On : Redecorating at my practice school + Amazing skies and lucidity during a beautiful summer evening
      Non-lucid Half lucid Lucid Other notes Redecorating at my practice school For the hundredth time or so, I am at the school were I have just had some teacher practice. I am in our working...
      Liked On: 02-03-2014, 10:58 PM
    2. Matte87
      Matte87 liked post by Moon On thread : Increase of blood pressure?
      I've noticed that I can make my hands warmer too, even though I don't use this "ability" very often. It always happens when I relax and get into a slightly meditative state (doesn't have to be...
      Liked On: 12-11-2012, 07:19 PM
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    Recent Entries

    The new guy turns into a demon

    by Moon on 05-16-2013 at 10:32 PM
    Today, I had another nightmare. However, just like last night's dream, I did not wake up with a start or a scream.

    I was waiting for the other three members in my study group in a room, which apparently belonged to the university. I was soon accompanied by the new guy F, who I have only met once for real. I did not really like the atmosphere he created in the room in this dream. It felt calm in an eerie way. Shortly, A also showed up, but she turned around again, saying she had to take care of something first. A few minutes later, J appeared and I felt small and delicate next to F. I immediately explained to J that A would be back soon. J acted a bit weird, though. He did not even look at me and turned around at my comment, apparently to search for A instead. I felt a bit abandoned by the other two.

    When J had left and shut the only door, which was now on the top of a slope, I noticed how much the room had grown. When F and I were alone, the room grew even more and the walls turned into a dark red. F felt even creepier now and at the same time he seemed amused to have me all for himself. His body started growing, turned pitch-black with white eyes and he grew horns. He soon melted into the wall above me. His body became fully merged with the red wall and disappeared, but the devilish features of his head could still be seen. He started talking in an evil and menacing voice. I cannot recall what he said, but he repeated a few sentences several times and I felt uneasy by his words. Then I woke up.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Hard to run, hard to scream

    by Moon on 05-15-2013 at 12:01 AM
    I was walking along a street in the neighborhood when two guys between 25-30 years old stopped me. They were threatening and I could feel that they wanted to attack me. And what was worse, I knew they wanted to do it just to be "popular" among others and to have something to brag about. This made me frustrated and when the shorter of the guys, who was italian- or spanish looking with short dark hair and a red shirt, grabbed my arms I had this feeling of unreality and felt a numb kind of shock instead of being frightened. When I fully realized what he was doing, I tried to break free, but he was very strong. I tried to scream, but my voice remained low and hoarse no matter how much energy I put behind it. The other guy just stood there watching and was very calm about all of this.

    I soon managed to break free, but found myself caught in the same kind of scene several times again, with the same guys at the same place, even though I had left it. The dream then jumps a lot between different places and although I cannot see anyone, I have a strong feeling of danger and of being pursued. I can feel that someone I know is close by and I try to call out to this person, but my voice still fails me and when I try to run, it is very hard. It is as if the air has grabbed me and prevents me from advancing. Eventually, after some more struggling, I wake up.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Jumping down the waterfall

    by Moon on 12-09-2012 at 12:19 AM
    I was at a large indoor pool, which was partially owned by a school. The ceiling was very high above the surface of the water and from the wall, rather close to the ceiling, a waterfall poured down into the pool. I stood up there, looking across the enormous room. People jumped down the waterfall, into the pool and I felt kind of forced to do that too. However, I could easily back away from this. The thing was, I wanted to overcome my fear of jumping from this height and therefore felt that I had to jump for that sake.

    When looking in front of me again, I noticed a branch 1,5-2 meters out and then remembered that I had jumped from up here before, by first throwing myself towards the branch and grabbing it. Nonetheless, as I was looking at it now, I doubted that I would be able to jump far enough to reach it... Someone else ran past me over the edge and grabbed the branch, swinged himself from it and fell towards the water. This made me more determined and less worried. I knew I could do this. I threw myself towards the branch and easily grabbed it. I did not feel heavy or anything hanging there and I begun swinging back and forth, preparing to let go. After swinging back and forth a few times and was swinging forward again I let go of the branch, plunging forward through the air. I felt so free and alive! However, I realized I might have gained to much power when swinging forward and thought I would crash into the wall on the other side. Instead, as I flew closer to the wall, I begun losing altitude faster, splashing into the water close to the wall.

    Because of the incredible power that falling from high above had given me, my body continued very deeply down the water. It was an incredible feeling, but I began suspecting that I would have a hard time making it all the way to the surface without breathing. At the same time, I almost did not worry about this at all for some reason. Once my body had stopped being pushed deeper, I began swimming upwards. I had only done a few strokes, though, when I accidentally inhaled. The strange thing was, I felt myself breathing normal air. I got a bit confused about this and was on the verge of becoming lucid!

    Cell phone issues and a thunderstorm

    by Moon on 12-24-2010 at 01:53 AM
    Non-lucid Half lucid Lucid Other notes

    I am walking homewards from somewhere (do not really know where). A boy who is about ten years old is walking nearby and has apparently just finished school. We mostly walk through grey alleys and corridors. The boy is doing something on his cell phone as he is walking. Suddenly I hear my own cell phone ringing. Or so I thought, but when I take it out of my bag it does not indicate in any way that someone has just called. I feel a bit confused and check if I have any missed calls registered. I do not. Then I hear the signal again and realize that it must be the boy who has the same melody as me on his phone. He notices me looking at him and walks towards me. He then asks me if I can help him find Florida on my cell phone and I know that he means on a map or something. However, I am not sure how I would be able to do that since I do not have Internet access on my phone. I try to carefully explain that I do not know how to find it and I hope to be able to talk myself out of this without revealing that I cannot use Internet on the phone, since that would feel a bit embarrassing. Apparently he has tried to find it himself for a while now on his cell phone without any success. Then the boy drops the Florida hunt, at least for now.

    Either the boy now walks away and my friend P shows up, or the boy transforms into him (not completely sure which). P and I are walking together and are happily talking about this and that. Suddenly it starts raining a lot. Fortunately, I have an umbrella with me which I now open. It is a bit broken and at least two metallic sticks are sticking out of it. However, it gives a good protection from the rain anyway. P seems to think that umbrellas are weird inventions that is not needed. He puts his hood on and is perfectly happy with that. It now also starts thundering from the rain clouds. We continue walking, but I am a little afraid that the lightning will hit the umbrella, especially because its skeleton is made of metal. I am therefore crouching as I am walking. Suddenly, P tells me that the top of the umbrella is on fire and points above my head. At first I do not really understand. But then I look at the other side of the umbrella and see that it is on fire. At first, I become a little shocked, especially if you consider that I had not noticed or felt any lightning on the umbrella. Then I throw the umbrella into a puddle and roll it around, making it thinner. In the end it looks like a black stick. I make sure to put out the fire well, because I know that fire safety means a lot to P and his family. He watches my actions carefully and thoughtfully and when I am done with the umbrella he seems satisfied.

    We are now almost at home and only have a long, steep slope to climb. We know that we should keep ourselves as low as we can and hurry because of the thunderstorm. Therefore we begin to crawl incredibly quickly up the slope which is wet. P, who now appears to have transformed into his little sister L or someone else, is falling behind. I feel that it is my duty to stay and wait for him/her and therefore I do so a couple of times during our crawling. However, when I stay to wait I stand up in my full height which feels a bit risky. But soon we have both made it up the slope.

    Redecorating at my practice school + Amazing skies and lucidity during a beautiful summer evening

    by Moon on 12-18-2010 at 06:48 PM
    Non-lucid Half lucid Lucid Other notes

    Redecorating at my practice school

    For the hundredth time or so, I am at the school were I have just had some teacher practice. I am in our working party's room with my supervisor and a student I have had. Apparently, my supervisor wants to redecorate the wall and make a large sign there, which will be the main sign at the school for people to see from outside. It feels like he is in charge over the school now, because he wants his own name to be written in large letters on the sign. The student is there to paint those letters. Above them a neon sign with the school's name or something will also be placed. My supervisor is sitting at a table, looking through some papers as the student starts painting the first letter of his last name. I feel a little annoyed, because the student is not very good at painting and the letter turns out really ugly... But when I turn around and then look again everything on the wall looks perfect and very well made! I feel rather surprised, but thinks "Okey... then that won't be a problem..." and start feeling relieved. However, the sign does not have either my supervisor's or the school's name on it. Despite this, I feel that it looks perfect to my supervisor. Then I turn around again for some reason and when I look again there is a pink neon sign on the top of the wall saying "Madame". The rest of the wall is painted dark purple and my supervisor's last name is below "Madame", but as a white neon sign. I feel a bit uneasy about this result and wonder if this does not make my supervisor feel gay... However, after having looked at the wall he says that this is perfect, as long as his name is moved a bit to the left...

    Amazing skies and lucidity during a beautiful summer evening

    I am walking around the houses in my neighborhood and so do rather many other people. I recognize several of them - for example neighbors and my grandparents. Even though some of them look rather different from in reality I still know that it is them. There is a beautiful, orange glow everywhere and in the sky I can see many beautiful phenomena. For instance, glowing things are rushing by up there and there are several rainbows in very strong colors. Me and everyone else look at those and are amazed. I talk a bit to my grandparents and we notice an unusually thick rainbow whose lenght we try to follow with our eyes as long as we can. However, the rainbow continues down behind a house and into fog.

    A short while later, I for some reason am with a weird and rather boring guy in a green jacket, who is maybe in his fourties. The two of us walk into a restaurant and sit down at a table. I do not feel very amused but feel that I must endure this.

    However, when I look at the menu, which is standing in a plastic holder on the table and see outside the restaurant behind it, I suddenly become lucid. I arise and do the nose check to become fully lucid as I walk towards the glass doors. Of course, I can breathe through my nose and I feel a little rush of joy as I walk through the doors, out into the summer evening. The place I see before me feels really nice and cosy. There are some small houses and pubs there and there are gentle, beautiful lights around those. I walk forward and feel calm and happy. Then I start running forward a short distance. Some people are there, serenely and happily standing here and there. Some of them have drinks in their hands. Some of them talk to each other, while some others stand on their own, calmly observing the night around them. I move towards a guy in about my age with jeans, a white and blue checked shirt and blond, a bit dishevelled hair. I give him a quick kiss on his mouth. Then I turn to look around some more at the environment.

    However, everything I see soon begins to fade and become black. But then I focus on feeling my dream body move and at the same time I spontaneously let sexual emotions arouse within me. Those things bring the dream back. I can now see the same place and people again as the emotion begins to fade. The emotion I had just felt had affected the dream a bit, by making some of the people in it more intimate. For example, a girl and a guy standing five meters away are now making out.

    I look to my right and see rather many different objects on shelves behind a desk (in a stand or something like that). I see a mug (in a color which is a mix between light brown and a red purple) that I want to reach, but it is too far away behind the desk... But then I quickly realize something: "Wait!" I excitedly think. "I can just use telekinesis!". So I hold out my right hand and spread the fingers a bit. At the same time I relax, focus my mind and hand on the mug. It is gently lifted from the shelf and I make it soar towards me and into my hand. "Yes, it worked", I think and feel the mug, which is rather big, in my hand. I then put it down and decide to try lifting something bigger. I find a wooden chair a short distance away. I focus just like the last time and I easily manage to make it levitate. I then let it sink to the ground again and turn my attention to the sky, to see if it still looks cool. I see a rather large circle/oval (the shape is somewhere between, but not really symmetric) of shimmering dots in different colors. They are not very sharp, but looks cool anyway. After having looked at this, the dream begins to fade away and I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable