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    1. Unbound
      Unbound liked blog comment by moonlit On : 6-1-13
      Yeah, the online obituary said that he died from suicide. The pictures of him on his blog were really grainy, like from a super old webcam, maybe you know the type. And the photos, you know when you...
      Liked On: 06-08-2013, 07:54 AM
    2. Unbound
      Unbound liked blog comment by moonlit On : Sleep Paralysis
      I don't think they follow everybody but they're around everybody even if they see them or not. Negative people attract all sorts of things, and open themselves up to bad experiences, because of their...
      Liked On: 06-08-2013, 07:51 AM
    3. Unbound
      Unbound liked blog post by moonlit On : My beginning
      Hi, welcome to my dream journal. This journal might be unusual to some of you, because my dream world is very complex and complicated. I will try my best to be as factual and accurate as possible,...
      Liked On: 05-31-2013, 08:42 AM
    4. Unbound
      Unbound liked blog comment by moonlit On : My beginning
      Haha, that is to say the least. :P Yes, I hope to enter lucidity soon, I have some odd things that I need to figure out. Thank you, I will update it regularly as I feel I'll have some interesting...
      Liked On: 05-30-2013, 11:55 AM
    View moonlit's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Past few weeks

    by moonlit on 10-14-2014 at 12:25 PM
    Well, I went to the concert in real life of this band I dream about a lot for some reason. I actually did stand outside for the soundcheck, like I dreamt, and my friends & I got to smoke a cigarette with them and chat with them a bit. Pretty cool. Nothing else came true though.

    I dreamt after the concert that I was talking to the nicest one (he was so nice! the other guys weren't as nice) on Facebook chat, and he told me "well, it seems that you're becoming quite popular." Later on in the dream, I was with someone who was disguising themselves as my aunt who was trying to throw a bottle of drool she has collected from dead dogs onto me. I overcame her and sprayed her with the water hose. This is interesting because my childhood dogs who lived with her had recently passed away. I rarely have dreams with such symbolism.

    Few nights ago, I dreamt that I was in the mall I dream about, playing a bass guitar and I got everyone singing along with me and cheering.

    Last night, I had gotten arrested for smoking a joint. I was behind a bush, thinking I was hidden. I had to stay in jail for a week. This was a great opportunity to understand time in dreams, because I had lived through an entire day in this dream, and this rarely happens to me. It felt as long as an entire day. I ended up being able to hang out doing things and nobody made me stay in the jail. I went and got my nails done, which I never do, and the woman was completely confused and doing a terrible job.

    Anyway, later on, I went to the store, and David Bowie had covered the band's song that I really like. I remember searching it on the internet on my cellphone to see if they had actually written the song, since artists used to do that a lot, play different versions of the same song. I don't even like David Bowie.

    Interesting side note, I had two visions of fleeting images, and within four days, both of them appeared to me as scenes in two series I watch. One was slightly different, but the first one was nearly exactly the same. Very cool!

    Also, I find it funny how the guy I dream about, when I met him, his personality was extremely similar. Very quiet and pensive. Total opposite of me. Lol.

    A couple of dreams

    by moonlit on 08-22-2014 at 09:25 PM
    I made a drawing about a month ago, of a man holding a guitar, sitting on a big blanket laid out on the grass under a big tree, blowing petals everywhere. It was titled Under The Great Tree. I had a dream about two nights after that of lying under this big beautiful tree, with cherry blossoms on it, and it was shining all around, while I was looking up. I thought, "it is real...". It was so peaceful and lovely.

    A few nights ago, I dreamt that I was in our local store here. My town is quite small. I was going through the books and CDs and I found a book that had a recently popular band name on it. I opened the book, to reveal a picture of the lead singer, but the writing above it was talking about another singer that had been dead for a while. He looked exactly like the dead singer! It was very strange. I didn't have enough to pay for the book so I ended up stealing it. I walked outside to catch the bus, in real life I have a car, so that was also strange...
    The scene outside didn't look like the store here, or anything here at all.

    My friend T, I dreamt of him once before, where he took me in a corner and kissed me and I felt a very strong love feeling in my chest... we have exchanged maybe 10 words in person to each other!!! I know that he is a psychic too, and probably a lucid dreamer. I was hanging out at this big beautiful house with him, sitting on the floor, it felt like we had been talking for ages. It wasn't a light-hearted conversation but it wasn't entirely serious, either. I remember the feeling of him holding me, lying down with me on his stomach. He was really sweet. His girlfriend IRL came home in the dream and I got off of him just in time. She didn't suspect that we were cuddling at all. She is really crazy in real life and it was strange that she trusted me in the dream, I thought.

    A really really vivid dream I had a few nights ago- I was with those two guys I dream about a lot, and I went to their show. I was holding my guitar and you could hear them playing sound check from where I was standing outside. Eventually, the show started. After the show, we ended up going to their hotel room and one of them had marijuana he was keeping in the fridge. He was smoking it with us and drinking with us. I wanted to steal his weed but I remember thinking that since he is so psychic he can read my motivations and intentions and he would have known, no matter how I tried to hide it. The other guy was really quiet, not his usual self, but we ended up having sex or something. The rest of it was pretty disturbing, but nothing really horrifying, so I'll leave the rest out. I feel like it was just a dream character this time and not actually him... the other guy was far more conscious and engaging, I really think it was him coming to me with the dream this time. I was not lucid, so what a strange dream.

    I have a very faint memory of one of them rolling a cigarette and giving it to me. Felt like a premonition.
    I dreamt of J for the first time in a very long time. I just remember his brown eyes, nothing else.

    I had a waking vision the other day of a wooden dinner table type chair, up to the seat in water, facing north-west, out in a field... no idea what that means, maybe my "seat" of consciousness?

    I wish that I could remember the rest of my dreams but I have been sleeping a lot lately and very deeply. I almost had a wild, but that feeling of drifting into blackness without my body freaks me out, and I kept trying to wake myself up, to just go to sleep normally. Sigh, hopefully it happens again.

    Speaking of my premonition a few weeks ago, I did go and perform and the stage looked exactly as it did in my dream then. Cool!

    Past few nights

    by moonlit on 08-14-2014 at 06:24 AM
    I am updating with the past few nights, not in order, just as I remember them. Some are detailed, some are snippets.

    One of the most vivid dreams that I've had lately was a few nights ago, after asking to be shown anyone who loves me. It felt like a past-life flashback, not too in the past, maybe the 60s or 70s. I was riding a bus, and I was a Japanese girl. There were two Japanese boys who liked me, and they were both trying to find me on the bus. I remember going to one of their houses and eating some kind of rice dish. They were both in love with me. It felt very pure and calming, not like my life at all.

    Someone took down my Marc Bolan poster and took it away and I was so upset and sad! I really do love that poster. I have no idea why I'd dream this.

    I was reading a newspaper and it had said the US Government is about to start putting bleach in our tap water to remove the pharmaceuticals and chemicals. I was so shocked, I couldn't believe that they would be doing something like that! Then I reread it, and it said that they already had started to do it.

    I had dreamed about that guy again. He was there with his friends, in my house. I asked him something I cannot recall, and he looked to the left (and I thought- he's lying!) A portal appeared in my living room and I fell in. I was with one of his friends who had been there, naked, squirming around on a hill with a bunch of other men and woman doing the same thing. We kept falling towards the water like it was a sinkhole. He almost fell in the water, falling in love with his reflection. I pulled and fought so hard for him not to fall in the water below us. If you looked into it, you would be pulled towards it. I saved him, and we managed to get back. I opened the fridge and told everyone- see that cake in the fridge? (It had two slices missing). That's what did that to us...
    What a strange dream!!

    I did have a lucid dream, a few nights ago, but it was so blurry and hazy and uncomfortable I made myself wake up since I couldn't stabilize it.

    Someone else

    by moonlit on 08-02-2014 at 10:14 PM

    Updated 03-01-2015 at 03:14 AM by moonlit


    Long overdue post...

    by moonlit on 08-02-2014 at 09:02 PM
    Hello! Wow, it has been a long time. I will continue to update this journal because I type a lot faster than I write, and I have lost many of my dreams due to laziness of not wanting to write them out.
    Well, in the past year, I have had a few crazy dream and psychic experiences! I mean, absolutely uncanny stuff!!! I will update with a few posts updating them and explaining them.

    In the past year, a lot has happened to me. My worldview has completely changed due to my insistence on trying to develop my psychic abilities, and dreaming recall and abilities. I am a completely different person now. I have actually met someone from my dreams that I had been dreaming about for about two years beforehand, involving a spiritual connection I would assume. I know it sounds hard to believe, but I didn't believe it til it happened! More on this later. It is amazing how our world truly is when you peel away your biases and just let things happen to you- and believe them when they do. ^_^
    side notes